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1、中 考 备考 必 背 范 文旅游叙事类范文:Spial Hy假期旅行Duringte summer holay, I ent to Qngaoith my famy. I had e god tm thre and it w the mos nforettable old Ive ever ha. wilneve forette views re. The sunhie wsbrightand i semed that the sa as ny,to Tesky ws bu and so as h se. rewere noclous in he sy a th sea a lmht a be

2、auil picture it loked!Amst ll day ewlked o te each and I piedu ay colorful hells onthe sesi e satdown on ebehandwaced tsnet.“How eutful i is!” Tis trp i the ne ht Ill verforget. Altouh timegoesby, eswee mmorywil be caeully ept i my mind foreve.写事类范文:An UnorgtablDay难忘的一天Last ndy was my brthday ad a m

3、ainf &rttbl ay whic ve never ha.In he moin, gotup arlyand did evrythin ely fat. At :00 am, left frte Childen osial wi xcitement. oldn sal pesents n my hands, I aed no he ward o eetthe sic childrn Teywere rellyhpy whenI got ito th r. the were ig smils o h den aes. Wechatted nd joed, and sang ongs toe

4、her.Teflew,and it wstie to saygoodye. Th chidrewer a lttead, andIe saw teas itheires. Bttey weregad tha e ha a rlly hapy t.Ahouh I idnt got the park njoy my bird as usul, I h a realyforgetable ay.euse f yvsi, teidrenwere hapy, oIshappy.Helping others i big plesure. ow I Chge初中三年自己的变化 My lie has and

5、a l in h ast eas I wa thinand short hen I cameto e idd scoo. that time Iws intrted in omutr gam and sent mst of im on. pentsw worred aoume Nw, I likereadg, Iuly g t thelirary in y spretime. and Ils havema a greapogesin mstuy Afer c,I like pors nd I ofen pl aketb with mycasmes I becotallernd songe ha

6、n beore.God habs hlp me t stdy beter dp ealhr. My paren ar ve proudfme owhday lan 今年的假期筹划The ummer holiday omi soon; I hae decided to be voluner in the village near y townFirst o ll, Iging tae om school hngs thee. I knw t dont heeu moneyo buy ths stuf Wha or,m good aEnglishand computer; mbeI can hep

7、 themwiththesewo subjecs. sie, Ican also hep em do someam wrk.I thinit be vry intrestig. Ican not only elp thembt s get entertainmen.To les really od da. I ig forwrd o gongthre thssumer.为环境我们能做什么Wha nW D fr the Eviomn?l,everyIts nic t talkabou whawe a do fr the eiroent,andI hink eaof uscando llbt to

8、 p wth tis polem.God nvrom is imporat for everone.Th first thinw cado to use cloth basn se o lsticbags whenwe o hpping.hatsmore, wecan reus tedtextboks posible aswe n.W soul alo ever forget o urn o tlights when e leav he clasrooms in der to ave nergy. Bsies, itwould b er if we alk orrd bike tosool.W

9、ehod ry ou best toreduc polluton and waste.In fac,eve tsmplest ctviti a mae aeal differene to the environmnt.eve we cn make the wol a eter lace t i i写人范文: Mybest fiedThee aremny pole tatwemeeti ur lie, but only a fe willae astig impessio n our indn hert My best riend isJim. eplaysan iportntparti my

10、lif. e s kd anredly W sally gt on well with ehotr; eftenhelps e olveproblems my tudy ith ptiece.en Ifail inthe m, usually encor me and make m appy gain. Soe popl s, “Atue iend an iv y a hand a ochour hea,” So, Jims a trueien fo m.J smybstrien, I il neve forge m. Scesful Person in My Mnd最成功的人(我的楷模rem

11、odel) Jim, oneo myclasmae, cessfl erson i my inJi dewell i hs sudi ndsporse hs olotsof awrs in anydifernt comptitis. Whats moe, Heis fun ad armharted; He gives helpto a ot ofpeople, severybodyles hm e otenhs m olve roblms ith pience,wt is help; I mae much rogrssin mystudHe ses a oexamle foru. Frm hisexperee, I understand themeng f“opains, noan.” An I will try my bet to ralize my drem. he eson I want tthk我最想感谢的人Teerson wn o thankimy Egih echer.e s aout fort earsold. She s taland thi wtng blck har.As r a teace, shelove tehing ad tahe u withptenc


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