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1、云南省昆明市校际合作学校2018年中考英语统一考试试题 (本试卷分四个部分。满分120分,考试用时120分钟)1. 本卷为试题卷,考生必须在答题卡上作答。答案应写在答题卡的相应位置上,在试题卷,草稿纸上作答无效。2. 考试结束后,请将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共四节,满分30分)第一节 听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图画。听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A B. C. 第二节 根据所听到的句子,选出恰当的应答

2、语。听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)( )6. A. Yes, I do. B. I dont agree with you.C. Yes, Id love to.( )7. A. Im sorry to hear that.B. Congratulations!C. See you later!( )8. A. Thats right.B. Sorry, I dont.C. Thats a good idea!( )9. A. Wonderful! B. Thanks! C. You are welcome.( )10. A. She likes

3、dancing.B. She is kind and outgoing.C. She is tall and thin.第三节 听对话及问题,选择最佳答案。听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)( )11. A. Sports.B. Books. C. Music.( )12. A. Last week.B. Last month.C. Last year.( )13. A. At his office.B. At his friends office. C. At his friends home.( )14. A. Playing basketbal

4、l. B. Playing soccer. C. Playing volleyball.( )15. A. 5:30.B. 6:00. C. 6:30.第四节 听短文,根据短文内容回答问题。听音前你有15秒钟的读题时间,注意听三遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)( )16. Where is the new American cartoon movie on?A. At Shine Cinema. B. At Smile Cinema. C. At Sun Cinema.( )17. Do children and their parents love the cartoon?A.No,

5、 they dont. B. Yes, they do. C. We dont know.( )18. Which date is the time of the last cartoon show?A. August 15th. B. May 16th. C. May 6th.( )19. How much is the ticket for a child? A. 102 yuan. B. 18 yuan. C. 20 yuan.( )20. What is the phone number of the cinema?A. 6537 7678 B. 6537 6688 C. 6537 4

6、648第二部分 英语知识运用(共二节,满分25分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从题中所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处或替换划线部分的最佳选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。( )21.The _ CPC National Congress (中国共产党代表大会)took place _ October 18th, 2017.A.Nineteen ;in B. Nineteen ; on C. Nineteenth ;on D. Nineteenth; at( )22.Making my China stronger and stronger is o

7、ne of my_. A.idea B. dreams C. traditions D. suggestion ( )23.I know you look up to Xi Jinping. So you should know you cant be a person like him _ you work hard.A.if B. as soon as C. unless D. as long as( )24. Although she has stayed in Australia for a long time, she can _ speak English well.A. hard

8、 B. usually C. always D. hardly ( )25.-My mom always tells me_ the game Strikes of Kings.-I think so. Your grades get worse and worse because of the game.A.to play B. not play C. not to play D. play( )26.-Dad, I have a problem _ the TV show Readers. I cant see the picture clearly. Could you help me?

9、-No problem. A.watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching( )27.-I dont think Tiktok (抖音)_ children, because there are some bad videos in it.-I agree.A.is good with B. is good at C. is good for D. is bad for( )28. -Honey, I bought a robot pet for our daughter Betty. -_ .She wants it all the time.A.She

10、could be happy B. She cant be happy C. She must be happy D. She mustnt be happy ( )29.- _ that the price of houses will be lower than before.-I am not sure. Do you believe it?A. It says B. It is said C. It believe D. It is report( )30.Ready Player One is a great movie. I _ it twice.A. have seen B. s

11、aw C. see D. sees( )31.-Do you mind me smoking here?-_. Here is a baby.A.Not at all B.No way C. Youd better not D. It is my pleasure( )32. Never forget _ and your mission can be finished.( 不忘初心,方得始终).A.why did you start B.why you started C. why does you start D. why you stars( )33.-It seems that Jac

12、k isnt as careless as other boys. -You are right. Jack is _ boy in the class. A . careful B. careless C. the most careful D. the most careless( )34. -I am out of here. I must go to the kung fu class.-OK. Goodbye.A.I am not here. B. I am in. C. I have to go now. D. I want to come here. ( )35. Keep yo

13、ur shirt on! Listen to me and you will understand it.A. Put on your shirt. B. It is very cold. C. Your shirt is very nice. D. Keep your cool.第二节 完形填空(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选择中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。Speaking of wells (水井), perhaps many of us will think they mean little because _36_ of us drink water from wells now. However, in the eyes of Ryan, a Canadian boy, wells mean clean water and safe life. In fact, he has_37_ most of his time building wells for people in Africa. When Ryan was in Grade One, he learned f



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