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1、中考英语作文题型模板阐述主题型 解决方法型 说明利弊型不同观点型 人物介绍型 开放型 一、阐述主题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述。 1阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义。 2分析并举例使其更充实。 模板:The good old proverb -(名言或谚语)reminds us that -(解释). First of all/,-(理由一). For example, -(举例说明). Secondly,-(理由二). Another case is that/for instance -(举例说明). Furthermore , -(理由三) In my opinion

2、, -(我的观点) 【例1】(2010重庆)在和谐社会里,人与人之间的互帮互助已构成我们生活中的重要组成部分。下周英国友好学校将来你校访问,你校英语俱乐部将举行一次以“Helping Each Other Makes the World Wonderful”为主题的英语演讲比赛。假如李智要参加演讲比赛,请你以“李智”的名义用英语写一篇讲稿。内容要点提示: ?帮助同学-友谊; ?帮助老人-幸福; ?帮助病人-快乐; ?帮助别人体会Helping Each Other Makes the World Wonderful Hello, everyone. Im Li Zhi. Its nice to

3、 speak about help here. _ Helping Each Other Makes the World WonderfulThe good old proverb “giving is receiving ”reminds us of that we should always try to help others . First of all ,helping others make us understand the meaning of friendship.For example ,we always feel good after helping our class

4、mates with their studies .Secondly ,we will gain pleasure when we give a hand to the old people .Furthermore , patients need help the most and happiness will come to us when we help them. In my opinion, helping others is especially important in our life and we can surely learn a lot when we help the

5、 people around us. 【例2】(2010昆明) _is/are beautiful time to_ 1请从所给的A,B两个题目中任选一个,把题目补充完整后做答,分值相同2注意紧扣题目,意思连贯,语言通畅,书写规范3不得使用真是姓名和校名,如需使用姓名,请用Mike,Gina等英文名字,校名统一使用Guangming Middle School 4字数不得少于60 School life is beautifulThe good old proverb “everything is beautiful” reminds us that there are many beauti

6、ful things around us. For me , I think my school life is beautiful. First of all, our school is very big, there are lots of trees and flowers in our school .When spring comes, we can enjoy the beautiful flowers.Secondly, our teachers are very friendly to us. And all of them will help you whenever yo

7、u have a question.Furthermore, our school has Maths ,Chinese ,Geography ,and many other subjects. My favorite is music.So, in my opinion , my school life is beautiful .二、解决问题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径1问题现状 2怎样解决 模板: In recent days, we have to face the problem-A which is becoming more and more serious. Confr

8、onted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, - (解决方法一), For another - (解决方法二). Finally, - (解决方法三). In a word. I believe that a bright future is awaiting us because-(带来的好处). 【例3】(2008青岛)暑假即将来临,某校学生会打算在假期期间为贫困地区和受灾地区(disaster area)的孩子奉献爱心的活动,请你

9、用英语写一封倡议书,号召同学们用力所能及的方式伸出援助之手,奉献自己的爱心。要求:文章应包括:至少两种帮助方法,这样做的目的和意义字数80-100,短文的开头已给,不计入总词数Dear schoolmates:While we are sitting in our bright classroom ,remember there are lots of children in the poor and disaster areas needing our help badly. Summer vacation is coming ,lets do something to help them

10、As students,_ As students ,we should take some serious effective measures to cope with the situation . For one thing , we can go to the disaster areas to be a volunteer teacher .Therefore, we can help those children with their studies .For another, we can mail our old clothes to the children in disa

11、ster areas to make them warm in winter. Finally ,we can also donate some money ,even it is just one Yuan. It means a lot for the people there . In a word ,I believe that a bright future is awaiting us, because the world will be a better place if we all give a helping hand . 【例4】(2010河北)回想起三年的英语学习历程,

12、丰富多彩的英语课堂活动一定给你留下了许多难忘的印象。请你以“what should we do in English class?”为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈在英语课堂上学生应该怎么做,才可以是英语学习最有效。提示:1listen to the teacher 2Take part in activities 3Be confident in ourselves 参考词汇:take notes,work in groups with ,not afraid of What should we do in English classIn English class ,we should take

13、a series of measures to learn English effectively . For one thing ,listen to the teacher carefully ,try to answer every question in English. For another, we should take part in activities and work in groups with our classmates to help each other and learn from each other.Finally ,be confident in our

14、selves. Everyone was once a beginner, so we dont need to be afraid of making mistakes. In a word. I believe we should take all the measures mentioned above . As a result , I am confident that a bright picture is awaiting us ,because all the hard work will pay off. 三、说明利弊型1说明事物现状 2事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3你对现状(或前景)的看法 模板: Nowadays many people prefer (A) ,but is it really necessary ? Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First - (优点一). Besides (优点二). But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important



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