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1、人教新版四下Uit 单元测试卷一、朗读句子并找出涉及例词画线部分读音的单词。1dog, uo, lassroo, nine, om(1) hat hebahroom.(2)hres aclock nmy living rom.(3) Peas showm yo compter.(4)hersa keon hewall.() Whats n he desk?二、根据图片提示完毕句子。.There is a deand two _ h rom.2.hve anic _.here i a_in the kthen.-I tere a _nd a_inou stuy?-Yes,there is5Ter

2、eae two _and dsk inthebedrom.三、用i,re填空,补全句子。1Thr _ a clck nmstud.2Ther _fou armchirsin th iving rom.3.There _ a sof and aT.4Tere _ smeamburgers nd sndwichon th able5.Ther _ someilin he cu四、单选。1.Istere _armchair in yu eroo?A. aB. theC. an2.Thee _ irdan _ itsin the s.A a;two. two; aC. wo; two3.ht _ n

3、yourhom?A. isB.aC. e.I go toed_ th bedoom. B. onC.at. _ he livng om.A atB. oC in五、选择与图片相符的句子。1. Gointo m bedrom.B Loo at y kithen.2AHersbdrom.B.hathrmis clean and ice.3.hr is a bed in the broomB. Ther s able in h ithen.4.A.Te isa ite uner te tabeB. Tere is a l ne teable.5AG tohe livng rom. WatchV.B

4、Goto hst. ed a bo.六、读一读,找答语。1.A.Yes, it i.B. Anew Van o sofaC. It on he wl.D. Y, res.E. Than u.(1) Is ther a necompuerin yourtudy?()Weres te kie?(3)ur om isso nce(4) Is ths yourbedroom?(5) Wasi yo living roo?七、按规定完毕句子。1.he is a esk ad two chairs stud.(对画线部分提问)_ n the stuy?The r som picturesn hewall.

5、(改为单数句子)Thre _a _ on thwllTer is a bd in te bedrom.(改为一般疑问句)_ a bein the bedoo?4.a, hairs, thee, t, ad, are, abl (.)(连词成句)5.Whts n yu vinro?(根据实际回答)八、阅读短文,判断正()误()。Hello!lcoe o my home There are wobedroom, living oo, kithen, a studnd ahroom. In my droom, thre i a all bd.I the livng rom,there achai, a desk nd . In te study, trerewbooele(书架) d acompute I ead bok i hstudy. I ke my ome.() Thereare the edrm()heV s intheving oo.(3)Thre re six roms inyhme.()Thre is a bbin my bdr.(5)The ci inthe stu.



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