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1、 可视对讲系统设计 摘 要 随着房地产业的发展,与之密切关联的楼宇对讲产业也得到了迅速地发展,并为之形成了安防行业,楼宇可视对讲系统就属于安防产品之一。楼宇可视对讲是一套现代化的小康住宅服务措施,它主要运用于住宅,可以是大面积的住宅小区,也可以是单栋的楼宇住宅。楼宇对讲系统是利用语音技术、视频技术、控制技术和计算机技术实现楼宇楼宇对讲系统,EDA技术,传感器 I沈阳工程学院毕业设计(论文) Abstract With the development of real estate, the building intercom industry has also been a rapid deve

2、lopment, and has formed a security industry. Building visual intercom system belongs to one of the security products.Building video intercom is a modern well-off residential service measures, it is mainly used in residential that can be a large area of the residential area and be a single building b

3、uildings housing. Building intercom system uses voice technology, video technology, control technology and computer technology to achieve owners and visitors of voice, video, intercom and calls. It can be achieved by extending the release of information, control of home appliances, security alarm, a

4、udio and video functions. The graduation project uses the knowledge of analog electronics, digital electronics and EDA technology, sensors to achieve the basic functions of the design of the building visual intercom system. These basic features include call features, visual function, intercom functi

5、on, the lock function and monitoring functions.This graduation design of the building intercom system finishes basic calls, video intercom, unlock the basic functions. What is more important, by extension it not only can manage center management machine calls, help functions and host of management,

6、but also by the expansion it gets other functions of the machine. It has better scalability and more extensive research space. Key Words building intercom system, EDA technology, sensors II可视对讲系统设计 目 录 摘 要 . I Abstract . II 1引言 . - 1 -1.1 课题背景 . - 1 -1.2 楼宇对讲系统的现状 . - 1 -1.2.1 产品现状与应用 . - 1 -1.2.2 技

7、术现状 . - 1 -1.3 楼宇对讲系统的发展趋势 . - 2 - 2 可视对讲系统总体设计 . - 3 -2.1 控制芯片的选择 . - 3 -2.2 音频功率放大器的选择 . - 4 - 3 硬件单元电路的设计 . - 5 -3.1 电源电路的设计 . - 5 -3.1.1 12V电源电路 . - 7 -3.1.2 5V电源电路 . - 8 -3.2呼叫及铃声电路的设计 . - 9 -3.2.1主机端铃声电路 . - 9 -3.2.2 分机端铃声电路 . - 10 -3.3 受送话电路的设计 . - 11 -3.4 监视电路的设计 . - 13 -3.5 开锁电路的设计 . - 13 - 4 软件电路的设计 . - 15 -4.1可编程逻辑器件 . - 15 -4.2 VHDL语言程序 .



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