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1、09月宁波市高三“十校联考”英语试题卷第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每题25分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的、B、和四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。A.aking atopac schdle n advce B.Gttigth job done ffectely d punctuallyC.Working aun te clock ver da .sablishing armoniou eahip wih coagues. 22.Wichof thellophrases hs tosest meeting t the unelndwor

2、d “prcrastinate”i aragaph ? Aamuse oneself B.hang out drag onsft Dhold p .hich cn bcocluded fom the text?.Time trie all. B.ime work wnders. C.imesffectiveness. D.Tim is money. BAGftof God Onfie summer oning-t was th beinning of havest,I rememberMr.Earshw cmedoairs,dssed fo ajurny; he trne to inleyan

3、d Cathy, and nd spoeohis on, Nw, I goin oLiverpo ayWat sall I brng yu? indey named afidl (akind of vii),nthe he aed Cathy Sheahardlysix yeasold,utshe old rie any horse in the stbl She coseahip(鞭子).did nt forgt me; He romisd tobrng ea pockefuof ples nd pers. Thensff.The hre days o i benceseemed a lng

4、 wil o us llMrs.Earnepct hi buer-time n thehievenig. Se pu off the mel hourate hur. rewerenosg ofhscming, howeer. bout ele olk te door opene and nseppd the master.He hrehief into a chr, augin and roaing, n todtm ato tadof, for heas neal killeHe ould nevragain a nhr suh walk for ateer easons. Oeing h

5、is great cat, whhhe hed budled p in hi ars, he sai: Seehr, feI snev so batenwith nyting in my life.But you stak t as a giftof od though ts as darkalst as f itcme fromthe devl.We croed round hm.ndoverMissCathshea, I ad a look at dirty, ge, blak-ared chd-big enghbothto wal andtalk-t,whenit ws sitfet,

6、tonly stardround, anrepeat ve andove again som trn wordsthat noody coud nderstand. Iwas frighteed,an Mrs. Ershawwas reytothro it ou of door. did et ary, askingwhy h shl have bought tat ipsy hildnt the huse wen eyhadthir ow kids to feed and l afte? hat ent to witit?The master trieto explaine matte to

7、ge was relly half ddwth tiedess lthat Icould mke ot, among e soin, was atoryof hi seig itarving, anomeless, and almos dum (哑的) i th strees oLierpowhr h ickedt and inqire for ts owne.Bu oa ersonne o om t belonged. He saidhtasoth hi money and time was imit, he hought it bettr to taei hoe wih hmt oetha

8、n ito vin expnss tre. Anywy e w determnedhewd ot eaeit as he foundit Wel, fnaly Mr. Ernshaw cm dow,and M Earswoldm towash it,eit clen things, and eit sleepwh te chdn.indley and Cahy t bgan sachi the fthes pockts for th preents hehad prmisedthm. But wen Hidleyrew outwhathad een fddle, cshed(压坏)o pece

9、s integre coat,e idlouy. And Cay, when sh learned hr fathr hloshr wip itteding on he stange,show her felng by spitting a tegipsycld, earninghelf soundblow fom Mr.Earnsha otech hr ceaner mnnrs(Adted from WhringHeights y mily Brnte)4. Whn didMr.Earnshaw ern ome from Lverpol?A. yue tm.B. No uil i was n

10、earl midit.C. Whe it asgetting da.D. An hur after the eal ime.25.Wat o A ft of od refr o ? A. A iidle an w . Aoketfulof appls anpearsC is experenc in he jourey. D.Thegpsy hild.D. hcoldnt leae he starvin child ihout nyonecarng r.26.Itcn eiferedrmthe asge that A Mr.EasawfelsogiltytordsCathy athe offer

11、ed r other carner giftB Hndleys gomanere evnifhe didt et is prsent.CMr. Earnsha isitedon bringng thechil backregardls of s iancl budnD.Ms. Earshw diagredto kepth gps chid initof eeryhin.CWhat theaturefthe etfic attue,th tttud othman or woman ho tdisdappleshysics, ioly, chmtry,eogy, engineeing, medicie or any othe sciec? Weal kow a scienceplas niotant rleinouroces. Her, many peopebeievethat our ores dpend twodffrnt aspetf scienc. The firt ct is tppction o t achns, prodctan sytm koledg ha sceniss and chnologistsdevelop. Tsecond ish aplcatio ofthepecial metods of thought


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