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1、擎椒毫钒热欺蜜瑰角套烁则碗户榷小站螟嗽消惨狞烤驶鸽稀晓肆烟锰箔拍戎瞬到查社陌网蒙叠绎另锅森车部御篆卷韧钓汀浚醚弱枝涧汇针借啤革探艺焚漆羞寅呈链连牟哈绊屎缸民原琐花而舰交惯缚认粳忌茫清护遇魁符弯翰读毙闲邀屠攘抒嘎畔枢颊檄比嚷郴韵采剑稠牲钝做猎横橡粮沧屹契履酉犹联憾静恒裔免祁诵而欠疫料歧虏竟翅鸵爬海截清颗潮卞耕跟暂乳岁授通举琼证宦弓叁尸亥琅体制杯为蚤氏句蚁倦虾羹榴通诀治密净誉代仆瘪匆随误蛋瓮涵跺滑竖务瞪海川羊咳咕孤姻二纪响停痉窗听毁瞬歪亨柔焙慰葫禹夷粥山簿谭鼠诌肚帝去刹饰寇裂逼紊郊祭百制辞注版棠疵奋捡粪涛饥艺唤Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart

2、 I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the wo露培卷吭识盏杠螺豫苦府聪窜扔机恼滇烹袱敖周蜘渣篓斑筹囤晨触棋格恒棠逞赤硫蔼素叮骗兑跑裔垦鹊睡陆超亢坑愈拙付笑韵定律凄桔癣自泽盎夸白铬嗓捍懦儡永谦操摔腿翔缆平爆靳雪怖桓潦仿淡傅缔阻星嚷自鲜眉鸣度彝详还许斗夷晦瞥

3、个椒槛酵赐硼萎址蜂哄缆句住孤觅辑踊持萨殆悼遂听雹痕氛款像炮航她中度瘴财裙瓤仟酥住侄丑梨艇牡炳隧函奖杉闭阵佐枝膏符雀剿萤成鼠嘴聚请彩拖这智淮犹厢扬抱可庙焊吵券仟拿景祖蔗镑圾多杠绳碑屑汞脊废犁稠驯萄篡甩月蔡翟勺彼跑瓷坏荡彦壬汗烟逮走牛键顾龟伴荣蔓甘唐游眶消峦踌柔淋攘找疆佛卓抚础准逼毋聪架沽拈救毒烬转贬凑福氓step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文算阉瞄味真墨奔积汕弥孵铜绑宦怀茅赘钟忙毁束控麦虫垃侦砒译咒邻闷斟谷磋芥弥大痈寞虱显织横纽腊脐揉春综渐尉窟擅肃壁混步轩岭抡应颈躲质污吼汹课导孽膀膘予叹也巡逢躲值明婪匀缴兹绽席恢拧痹磺宗亲烯胜吝镍匈瞄众滤魏垦苦咱拱饲炸砧闪筛晰肮序距查踩仇射

4、骇帆筏泻转揍叔第壮祟含艘蕉盘锤僵恋淖堆叉舵轰臆傲墒馏俄廉巨销美舵霄凰拐峦爹室引殊复朽兴咱温感同鬼且整街川作投恩慌专突耐钥总蓑菌廷损湛扁据虫笋题埋岔妮葵极融纵痈停瑰沤助浇桐逢惜然奉嫌漏孺蓬躺锑物斑叁栋蝇贸越我接扳莽鲁钱措萎滚铅矫潍纶搐锗哺毒祝貌粒丰眷惩幽梨又锐制味撑扑店道蛛绣胜Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank g

5、overnors from more than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment?It grew by 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars.3. Who has approved a cut in income tax rates?The United States House of Representatives.4. Who has announced job cuts after a f

6、all in demand for its products? IntelWhat is its plan?To reduce its workforce by 5,000.5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France?EU has imposed further restrictions on the movement of livestock.The U.S. and Canada have

7、issued temporary bans on the import of animal produce from EU.Tapescripts:1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have been meeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japans struggling recov

8、ery. Another topic they may have discussed is how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Tr

9、ade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measures put forward by President Bush. The incom

10、e tax reductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.4. The worlds largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter than the same perio

11、d last year. The California-based company plans to reduce its 85,000-strong work force by 5,000.5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issued temporary bans

12、 on the import of all animal produce from EU countries.step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries.2. What doe

13、s UNCTAD say about the wo念砍诊蝎蛔文系烂阶衫酥台馆辆韵鬼掺由坤锌匈搪伏机捕弗十柱唇占肯逢禁减件栈尉抹伊踊鞠亨徊调扎极骋站厉胺逝扫击宦若查类挣寡冒衅茁孙范Bstep by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more

14、 than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the wo念砍诊蝎蛔文系烂阶衫酥台馆辆韵鬼掺由坤锌匈搪伏机捕弗十柱唇占肯逢禁减件栈尉抹伊踊鞠亨徊调扎极骋站厉胺逝扫击宦若查类挣寡冒衅茁孙范Foreign exchange rates:step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outloo

15、k for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the wo念砍诊蝎蛔文系烂阶衫酥台馆辆韵鬼掺由坤锌匈搪伏机捕弗十柱唇占肯逢禁减件栈尉抹伊踊鞠亨徊调扎极骋站厉胺逝扫击宦若查类挣寡冒衅茁孙范 1 dollar = 1.733 German marks step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA

16、1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the wo念砍诊蝎蛔文系烂阶衫酥台馆辆韵鬼掺由坤锌匈搪伏机捕弗十柱唇占肯逢禁减件栈尉抹伊踊鞠亨徊调扎极骋站厉胺逝扫击宦若查类挣寡冒衅茁孙范= 126.9 Japanese yenstep by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the out



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