2022年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Music早读与晚练 新人教版必修2

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1、2022年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Music早读与晚练 新人教版必修2词汇拓展1actor /kt/n.男演员;行动者_ /kt/n.行为;动作v行动;演出_ /kn/n.行动;行为_ /ktIv/adj.灵敏的;有活动力的;积极的2.attractive /trktIv/adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的_ /trkt/v.吸引;引起注意_ /trkn/n.吸引;吸引力;有吸引力的人或事物3humorous /hjumrs/adj.幽默的;诙谐的_ /hjum/n.幽默;诙谐4perform /pfm/vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行_ /pfmns/n.表演;演奏_ /pfm/n.执行者

2、;表演者5devotion /dIvn/n.投入;热爱_ /dIvt/v.致力于;奉献;把专用于6sensitive /senstIv/adj.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的_ /sens/n.感觉;感官;道理;意义7invitation /InvIteIn/n.邀请;招待_ /InvaIt/v.邀请;招待趁热打铁在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的适当形式填空1The pianist gave an excellent _ in the concert.(perform) 2His _ personality makes him popular among students.(humour

3、) 3The authors _ to writing resulted in his great success.4I dont know why he refused my _ and just stayed at home.5Shes _ to the topic, so I think its kind of offensive to talk it to her.6As an _ Mick is not in the same class as John.(act) 7Venice is one of the greatest tourist _ of the world.(attr

4、act)词组回忆1dream _ 梦见;梦想;设想 2play jokes _ 戏弄;取笑;跟开玩笑3or _ 大约 4break _ 打碎;分裂;解体;解散5_ cash 用现金;有现钱6sort _ 分类7_ all 最重要;首先8_ a performance 表演9_ to 坚持 10to be _ 说实在地;实话说11_. to 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接12_ on 依赖;依靠13be/get _ with 熟悉;与熟悉起来14in _ 另外;也词组联想 1break up 打碎;分裂;解体;解散break _ (机器等)出故障,不运转;拆毁;分解;(谈判或计划)失败,破裂

5、break _ (from) 脱离(政党等);打破(陈规等);挣脱break _ (火灾、战争、疾病等)发生break _ (尤指非法)闯入;打断,插嘴(不及物动词短语)break _ 闯入;打断(及物动词短语);突然发出(大笑或歌声等)break _ 突然中止;断绝关系 break _ 突破2to be honest 说实在地;实话说to tell the _ 说实话 to be _ 坦白说 to _ with 首先 to be _ 准确地说to make things _ 更糟糕的是3dream of/about梦想dream of/about _ 梦想做dream _ 在遐想中虚度;虚幻

6、似地度过_ dream 白日梦_ a dream 做了个梦趁热打铁根据本单元所学知识,选择适当的词组完成下列句子1_ any books you dont want to read and give them away to the local library.2Many boys _ being pilots.3Dont be angry.I was just _ you.4After a long civil war, the country _ in the end.5Hill is so stubborn that he always _ his own ideas.6In his s

7、peech, he _ great importance _ the correct attitude towards life and work.7_, I didnt mean to hurt you by the terrible thing.8Charities _ voluntary donations.9He _ Chinese ancient history because he has studied it for many years.佳句背诵1Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people a

8、t a concert, _ everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?你曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众演唱,观众欣赏你的音乐并为你鼓掌吗?2The musicians were to play jokes on each other _ play music.组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑趁热打铁根据中文提示,完成下列句子1张艺谋导演了很多部优秀的电影,凭着这些电影,他在国内外获得了很多奖项。 Zhang Yimou has directed many excellent films, _ home and abroad

9、.2你不可能叫她既照管孩子又做家务。 You cant expect her to do the housework _.Unit 5Music词汇拓展1act; action; active2.attract; attraction3.humour4.performance; performer5devote6.sense7.invite趁热打铁1performance2.humorous3.devotion4.invitation5sensitive6.actor7.attractions词组回忆1of2.on3.so4.up5.in6.out7.above8.give9.stick10h

10、onest11.attach12.rely13.familiar14.addition词组联想1down; away; out; in; into; off; through2.truth; frank; begin; exact; worse3doing; away; day; have趁热打铁1Sort out2.dream of/about3.playing jokes on4.broke up5.sticks to6attached; to7.To be honest 8.rely on9.is familiar with佳句背诵1at which2.as well as趁热打铁1through which he has won many prizes2as well as look after the children



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