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1、1972 年国际海上避碰规则- # -1972年国际海上避碰规则INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS FORPREVENTING COLLISIONS AT SEA,1972(第1- 19条)第一章 总贝卩Part AGeneral第一条 Rule 1适用范围 Application1本规则条款适用于公海和连接于公海而可供海船航行的一切水域中的一切船舶。(a) These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters conn ected therewith n avigable by

2、seago ing vessels.2本规则条款不妨碍有关主管机关为连接于公海而可供海船航行的任何港外锚地、江河、湖泊或内陆水道所制订的特殊规定的实施。这种特殊规定,应尽可能符合本规则条款。(b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere in the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbors, rivers, lakes or inland waterways conn ected with the high seas and n

3、avigable by seago ing vessels. Such special rules shall conform as closely as possible to these Rules.3. 本规则条款不妨碍各国政府为军舰及护航下的船舶所制定的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号,或者为结队从事捕鱼的渔船所制定的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯或号型的任何特殊规定的实施。这些额 外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号,应尽可能不致被误认为本规则其他条文所规定的任何号灯、号型或 信号。(c) Nothi ng in these Rules shall in terfere with the o

4、perati on of any special rules made by the Government of any State with respect to additi onal stati on or sig nal lights or shapes or whistle sig nals for ships of war and vessels proceeding under convoy, or with respect to additional station or signal lights for fishing vessels fishing as a fleet.

5、 These additional station or signal lights or whistle signals shall, so far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistake n for any light, shape, or sig nal authorized elsewhere un der these Rules.4 为实施本规则,本组织可以采纳分道通航制。(d) Traffic separatio n schemes may be adopted by the Orga ni zati on for the

6、purpose of these Rules.5凡经有关政府确定,某种特殊构造或用途的船舶,如不能完全遵守本规则任何一条关于号灯或号型的数量、位置、能见距离或弧度以及声号设备的配置和特性的规定时,则应遵守其政府在号灯或号型的数量、 位置、能见距离或弧度以及声号设备的配置和特性方面为之另行确定的尽可能符合本规则条款要求的规 定。(e) Whenever the Government concerned shall have determined that a vessel of special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with th

7、e provisions of any of these Rules with respect to number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and characteristics of sound-signalling appliances, such vessel shall comply with such other provisions in regard to number, position, range or arc of vi

8、sibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and characteristics of sound-signalling appliances, as her Government shall have determined to be the closest possible compliance with these Rules in respect to that vessel.第 二 条 Rule 2责 任 Responsibility1本规则条款并不免除任何船舶或其所有人、船长或船员由于遵守本规则条款的任何

9、疏忽,或者按海员 通常做法或当时特殊情况所要求的任何戒备上的疏忽而产生的各种后果的责任。(a) Nothing in these Rules shall exonerate any vessel, or the owner, master, or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to comply with these Rules or of the neglect of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen, or b

10、y the special circumstances of the case.2在解释和遵行本规则条款时,应充分考虑一切航行和碰撞的危险以及包括当事船舶条件限制在内的任 何特殊情况,这些危险和特殊情况可能需要背离本规则条款以避免紧迫危险。(b) In construing and complying with these Rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances, including the limitations of t

11、he vessels involved, which may make a departure from these Rules necessary to avoid immediate danger.第 三 条 Rule 3一般定义General Definitions除条文另有解释外,在本规则中:For the purpose of these Rules, except where the context otherwise requires:1“船舶”一词,指用作或者能够用作水上运输工具的各类水上船筏,包括非排水船筏和水上飞机。(a) The word vessel includes

12、every description of watercraft, including non-displacement craft and seaplanes, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water.2“机动船”一词,指用机器推进的任何船舶。(b) The term power driven vessel means any vessel propelled by machinery.3“帆船”一词,指任何驶帆的船舶,如果装有推进器但不在使用。(c) The term sailing vessel

13、 means any vessel under sail provided that propelling machinery, if fitted, is not being used.4、“从事捕鱼的船舶”一词,指使用网具、绳钓、拖网或其他使其操纵性能受到限制的渔具捕鱼的任何 船舶,但不包括使用曳绳钓或其他并不使其操纵性能受到限制的渔具捕鱼的船舶。(d) The term vessel engaged in fishing means any vessel fishing with nets, lines, trawls, or other fishing apparatus which

14、restrict maneuverability, but does not include a vessel fishing with trolling lines or other fishing apparatus which do not restrict manageability.5“水上飞机”一词,包括为能在水面操纵而设计的任何航空器。(e) The term seaplane includes any aircraft designed to maneuver on the water.6“失去控制的船舶”一词,指由于某种异常情况,不能按本规则条款的要求进行操纵,因而不能给他船

15、 让路的船舶。(f) The term vessel not under command means a vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.7“操纵能力受到限制的船舶”一词,指由于工作性质,使其按本规则条款的要求进行操纵的能力受到限 制,因而不能给他船让路的船舶。(g) The term vessel

16、restricted in her ability to maneuver means a vessel which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to maneuver as required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.“操纵能力受到限制的船舶”一词应包括,但不限于下列船舶:The term vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver shall include but not be limited to:(1) 从事敷设。维修或起捞助航标志、


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