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1、第一部分 听力点睛0第一节 语 音1、音标:单元音12个 双元音8个i: i e a: : u: u : ai ei u i au i u清浊成对的辅音10对p t k f s t tr tsb d g v z dr dz单个辅音8个m n l r h w j第二节 词 汇价格计算 请注意以下词的读音:thirty-thirteen forty-fourteen fifty-fifteen sixty-sixteen seventy-seventeen eighty-eighteen ninety-nineteen 134 865 3,333 4,911 32,456 68,445 996,2

2、79 444,444 8,988,215 1,234,567 1,001,0011,358,972,034 =one billion three hundred and fifty-eight million nine hundred and seventy-two thousand and thirty-four与计算题有关的关键词和短语spend, cost 花费save, spare 节省buy, purchase 购买plus, add 加上,还有amount 数量dollar 美元cent 美分pound 英镑penny 便士change 零钱at most 至多at least 至

3、少dime 10美分nickel 5美分score 二十percentage 百分比triple 三倍daily 每天increase 增加dozen 一打,12个monthly 每月decrease 减少zero point five six0.56quarter四分之一,25美分one third 1/3zero point six 0.6a half1/2one and a half 1 1/2two thirds 2/3two and three quarters 2 3/4less than a half 不到一半No.1 middle school第一中学21st century

4、21世纪3 times as much as是的三倍knock 20% off the price降价20%20% discount 优惠了20%,打8折twice, couple, double, pair两次,一对,双,一副Lesson ten或 The tenth lesson 第十课take 3 pills a time,3 times a day(吃药)一日三次,一次三粒时间计算请熟悉以下时间的读法:7:45 seven forty-five或a quarter to eight5:30 five thirty或half past five 11:40 eleven forty或 t

5、wenty to twelve0:25 twenty-five past/after midnight the day before yesterday前天the day after tomorrow 后天 every每天every other day 每隔一天the other day或 a few days ago几天前this time next week 下星期这个时候 May.20th 5月20日a decade 10年 a century 100年a fortnight 两星期2003年3月25日 March(the)twenty-fifth two thousand and th

6、ree 公元前1003年 one thousand and three B.C. week days工作日(星期一至星期五) weekend周末(星期六与星期日)from eight a.m. to six p.m.从早上8点到下午6点 Oct.1st 或 The first of October 10月1日 时间与时间之间的关系:more, less多少early, late 早晚 fast, slow快慢ahead of time, earlier 提前 put off, delay, postpone延迟、推迟表示”前”意义的词: already, before, formerly, p

7、reviously, previous, prior, former表示”同时”意义的词: meanwhile, meantime, presently, now, contemporary, simultaneous表示”后”意义的词: after, immediately, later, next, subsequently, following, finally, last第三节 二十大场景特色词1) Restaurant 餐厅场景 Restaurant餐厅,饭馆cafeteria食堂pub, bar吧snack快餐部,小吃部cafe 咖啡馆waiter 男侍者 waitress女侍者m

8、enu菜单order点菜reserve订菜tip小费Chinese food中餐pay the bill买单,付账Its my treat我请客western food西餐go DutchAA制,各付一半账 apple pie苹果饼beef牛肉 treat sb. for sth.请某人吃special特色菜, 招牌菜, 特价菜 chicken鸡肉noodle面条fish鱼seafood海鲜coffee咖啡bacon烤肉cheese奶酪butter黄油sandwich三文治salad沙拉pizza比萨饼soup汤steak 牛排hamburger汉堡包fried rice炒饭shrimp 虾p

9、udding布丁egg鸡蛋snack 快餐dessert点心,甜品hot dog热狗toast吐司,烤面包片dish菜品 sauce调味dressing 配料tray托盘fork叉 serve 服务,端上(菜,饭) spoon勺orange juice桔子汁 knife 刀napkin餐巾taste味道soft drink 软饮料cold drink冷饮spirits 白酒hard drink 酒精饮料wine红酒,酒alcohol酒精,beer 啤酒beverage饮料whisky威士忌2) Hospital 医院场景 clinic 诊所doctor医生surgeon 外科医生 physic

10、ian 内科医生dentist 牙医nurse 护士 patient 病人ward 病房medicine 药品 pill 药丸tablet 药片capsule 胶囊 lotion 药水injection 针剂aspirin 阿斯匹林 pain-killer 止痛药operation 手术surgery 外科手术 treatment 治疗diagnosis 诊断test 化验 examine 体检first-aid 急救intensive care 特殊护理 symptom 症状hurt 痛headache 头痛 sore 疼vomit 呕吐sneeze 打喷嚏 cough 咳嗽fever 发烧

11、stomachache 胃疼 heart attack 心脏病flu 流感dizzy 头晕 faint 昏迷worn out 疲乏cancer 癌症 high blood pressure 高血压recover 恢复prescription 处方 emergency room急诊室visiting hours 探视时间 3) Post office 邮局场景postal clerk 邮局工作人员mail(send, post)a letter寄信fill out form 填表 postage 邮资telegram, cable电报urgent telegram加急电报 parcel 包裹ai

12、rmail 航空信express mail 特快信件 postcard 明信片regular/ordinary mail平信registered mail挂号邮件 remittance 汇款special delivery专递stamp 邮票 fee 费用insurance fee 保价费slot 投信postal code 邮政编码receiver收信人 overweight 超重 4) School 学校场景campus校园dorm(itory) 宿舍department 系gym(nasium)体育馆auditorium 大礼堂staff 教师群体faculty全体教师tutor 导师lecturer 讲师 professor教授associate professor 副教授assistant 助教 presentation口



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