A Project Designed to Improve Administrative Department Staff’s Professional Competence in Customer Service Through OJT (On-The-Job Training)

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A Project Designed to Improve Administrative Department Staff’s Professional Competence in Customer Service Through OJT (On-The-Job Training)_第1页
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《A Project Designed to Improve Administrative Department Staff’s Professional Competence in Customer Service Through OJT (On-The-Job Training)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《A Project Designed to Improve Administrative Department Staff’s Professional Competence in Customer Service Through OJT (On-The-Job Training)(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、A Project Designed to Improve Administrative Department Staffs Professional Competence in Customer Service Through OJT (On-The-Job Training)论文摘要美国国民油井华高有限公司是一家具有一百多年历史的,专门设计、制造、销售石油钻采设备,并为油气行业(上游)提供油田检测、服务及其他供应链整合服务解决方案的的专业公司。自1999年成立美国国民油井华高有限公司北京代表处以来,业务蓬勃发展,特别是在近一年中,其业务覆盖范围从单一领域扩展到五个领域,其本地雇员人数也由不



4、得了预期的效果。员工不仅在专业知识水平上有了提高,并且通过具体的实践加强了处理实际问题的能力和技巧,在一定程度上提高了客户的满意度。通过此次培训计划的事实,我们意识到,仅仅通过一次短期的在职培训并不能解决所有的问题。随着公司业务的不断扩展,行政工作要想满足不断增长的各种需要,长期、不间断的在职培训将是必不可少的。关键词:在职培训、客户服务Abstract This BA degree paper presents a detailed report of a project implemented by NOV Beijing Offices Administrative Department

5、 to solve the problem of how to provide efficient and professional services to customers. Base on the hypothesis that improved professional competence of our administrative department staff can better satisfied the customers need, a six-week OJT program was launched to improve our administrative sta

6、ffs performance in the area of professionalism and communication skills. As the office manager, I am in charge of the implementation of this project.Scientific research methods of customer survey, such as telephone and face to face interview, Employee Performance Appraisals, Questionnaires and SWOT

7、analysis were used in the identification and analysis of our problems. Methods of communicative teaching and on-the-job training for customer services were also adopted in the design, implementation and evaluation of the project. With the efforts of all project members, we achieved our goal successf

8、ully.Employees are satisfied with the training arrangement and the course design. They are not only well equipped with professional knowledge through field practice, but also improved the ability and skill in problem dealing. Our customers are also satisfied with our staffs improved performance. The

9、 results of the project prove that OJT is a useful approach for employees to get “performance-ready” faster in order to keep pace with the dynamic changes in their job. Key words: OTJ (On-The-Job training); customer serviceTable of Contents1Introduction12Summary of the Preliminary Research22.1.Probl

10、em Description22.2.Problem Analysis22.2.1.Companys current situation22.2.2.Needs and wants analysis32.2.3.SWOT analysis53Project Objective and Hypothesis73.1.Project Objective73.2.Project Hypothesis74Project Rationale75Project Design85.1.Planning of Activities85.1.1.Activities planned to take place8

11、5.1.2.A critical path and analysis of these activities105.1.3.People involved and responsibilities115.1.4.Time-scale of the activities125.2.Cost Analysis135.3.Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Project145.3.1.Monitoring the plan145.3.2.Evaluating the plan155.4.Risk Analysis156Project Implemen

12、tation and Monitoring166.1.Project Implementation166.1.1.General introduction of time, place of project implementation166.1.2.The working steps of implementation166.2.Monitoring Measures167Project Findings and Discussion177.1.Results of OJT Evaluation177.2.DATA (Results) Analysis187.2.1.The previous

13、 problem analysis187.2.2.Records of the implementation of project187.2.3.Trainees Feedback187.2.4.Survey of trainees work performance187.3.Results Discussion198Conclusion20Bibliography22Appendix I: The Project Framework23Appendix II: Activity Flow Chart with Time-scale25Appendix III: The Project Pro

14、gressive Checklist26Appendix IV: Trainers Diary27Appendix V: Trainees Daily Feedback Form28Appendix VI: Employee Performance Appraisal29Appendix VII: OJT Reaction Worksheets31Appendix VIII: Training Course Evaluation Report33Appendix IX: Comparison of Customers Satisfaction Percentage34Appendix X: P

15、erformance Satisfaction Percentage Appraisal35A Project Designed to Improve Administrative Department Staffs Professional Competence in Customer Service through OJT (On-The-Job Training)1 IntroductionNational Oilwell Varco (NOV), headquarter in Houston, Texas, is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and sales of equipment and components used in oil and gas drilling and production, the provision of oilfield inspection and other services and supply chain integration services to the upstream oil and gas industry. NOV Beijing



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