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1、胡壮麟语言学教程 (修订版)测试题(1-12 章,含答案)Chapter 1 Introductions to LinguisticsI. Choose the best answer. (20%)1.Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human?_ B_A. contact B. communicationC. relationD. community2.Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary A?A. treeB. typewriterC. cras

2、hD. bang3. The function of the sentence“ Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade?.” is_C_.A. interrogative B. directive C. informativeD. performative4. In Chinese when someone breaks a bowl or a plate the host or the people present are likely to say “碎碎(岁岁)平安 ” as a means of controlling the forces whi

3、ch they believes feel might affect their lives. Which functions does it perform C_5.Which of the following property of language enables language users to overcome the barriers caused by time and place, due to this feature of language, speakers of a language are free to talkabout anything in any situ

4、ation CA. TransferabilityB. DualityC. DisplacementD. Arbitrariness6.Study thefollowingdialogue. Whatfunctiondoes it play according tothe functionsoflanguageB A nice day, isn? t it Right! I really enjoy the sunlight.A. EmotiveB. PhaticC. PerformativeD. Interpersonal7._A_ refers to the actual realizat

5、ion of the ideal language user sknowledge of the ruof his language in utterances.A. PerformanceB. Competence C. LangueD. Parole8. When a dog is barking, you assume it is barking for something or at someone that exists hearand now. It couldn t be sorrowful for some lost love or lost bone. This indica

6、tes the design featureof _C_.A. cultural transmission B. productivity C. displacementD. duality9. _A_ answers such questions as how we as infants acquire our first language. A. Psycholinguistics linguistics10._C_ deals with language application to other fields, particularly education.A. Linguistic t

7、heoryB. Practical linguisticsC. Applied linguisticsD. Comparative linguisticsI. Choose the best answer. (20%)1. Pitch variation is known as _A_ when its patterns are imposed on sentences.2. Conventionally a _C_ is put in slashes (/ /).A. allophoneB. phoneC. phonemeD. morpheme3. An aspirated p, an un

8、aspirated p and an unreleased p are _D_ of the p phoneme.4. The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as_A_.5. The diphthongs that are made with a movement of the tongue towards the center areknown as _A_ diphthongs.A. wideB. closingC. narrowD. centering6. A phoneme is a group of

9、similar sounds called _D_.7. Which branch of phonetics concerns the production of speech sounds BA. Acoustic phoneticsB. Articulatory phoneticsC. Auditory phoneticsD. None of the above8. Which one is different from the others according to places of articulation A9. Which vowel is different from the

10、others according to the characteristics of vowels B10. What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibrating BI. Choose the best answer. (20%)1. Nouns, verbs and adjectives can be classified as _A_.A. lexical wordsB. grammatical wordsC. function wordsD. form words2. Morphemes that repre

11、sent tense, number, gender and case are called_A_ morpheme.3. There are _C_ morphemes in the word denationalization.4. In English ise and tion are called _B_.5. The three subtypes of affixes are: prefix, suffix and _B_.A. derivational affix B. inflectional affix C. infix D. back-formation6._B_ is a

12、way in which new words may be formed from already existingwords bysubtracting an affix which is thought to be part of the old word.A. affixationB. back-formation C. insertion D. addition7.The word TB is formed in the way of _C_.A. acronymyB. clippingC. initialismD. blending8. The words like comsat a

13、nd sitcom are formed by _A_.9. The stem of disagreements is _D_.10. All of them are meaningful except for _B_.A. lexeme B. phonemeC. morphemeD. allomorphI. Choose the best answer. (20%)1. The sentence structure is _D_.A. only linearB. only hierarchicalC. complexD. both linear and hierarchical2. The

14、syntactic rules of any language are _C_ in number.3. The _D_ rules are the rules that group words and phrases to form grammatical sentences.4. A sentence is considered _D_ when it does not conform to the grammatical knowledge in the mind of native speakers.5. A _D_ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause.6. Phrase structure rules have _A_ properties.7.


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