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1、. . . . 分类号:TD32密级: 公 开UDC: 单位代码: 10424工 程 硕 士 学 位 论 文 井田煤炭资源开发综合效益评价研究王兴泉申请学位级别:工程硕士领域名称:工业工程指导教师:吴 士 良职称: 教 授副指导教师:王 慎 义职称:高级工程师山 东 科 技 大 学二零零九年五月 / 论文题目:井田煤炭资源开发综合效益评价研究王兴泉 入学时间:2007年3月 领域名称: 工业工程 研究方向:资源开发与评价指导教师: 吴士良 职 称:教 授副指导教师:王慎义 职 称:高级工程师论文提交日期:2009年5月论文答辩日期:2009年5月授予学位日期:STUDY ON COAL RES

2、OURCE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE BENEFIT OF A CHENG COAL FILEDA Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree ofMASTER OF ENGINEERINGfromShandongUniversity of Science and TechnologybyWangXingquanSupervisor: Professor WuShiliangCollege of Natural Resources and Environmenta

3、l EngineeringMay2009声明本人呈交给科技大学的这篇工程硕士学位论文,除了所列参考文献和世所公认的文献外,全部是本人在导师指导下的研究成果。该论文资料尚没有呈交于其它任何学术机关作鉴定。工程硕士生签名: 日 期:AFFIRMATIONI declare that this dissertation, submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of Engineering in Shandong University of Science and Technology, is whol

4、ly my own work unless referenced of acknowledge. The document has not been submitted for qualification at any other academic institute.Signature: Date:摘 要煤炭资源开发项目具有一次性投资大、建设周期长、资金回收慢、环境污染严重、资源利用率低下、涉与面广泛等特点,同时,煤炭资源开发利用与相关产业,是我国重要的经济和社会支柱产业。煤炭资源开发项目投资前的综合评价,可以确保项目在经济上的可行性和合理性,避免决策失误而造成重大经济损失。因此,本课题的研


6、井田煤炭资源开发模糊综合评价模型,建立了综合评价指标体系,利用模糊综合评价方法对井田进行评价,得出井田煤炭资源开发项目综合效益属于较好级别,并分析其中存在的一些问题,针对这些问题提出了改进建议。关键词:井田,煤炭资源开发,综合效益,模糊综合评价法AbstractSince the coal resource developing project is a one-time investment, lasing long constructive period, belonging to the slow recovery of funds, making serious environment

7、al pollution, and low resource utilization, involving a wide range. At the same time, the development and utilization of coal resources and related industries, will serve as an important economic and social one of the pillar industries. Comprehensive evaluation of coal resource developing project be

8、fore developing may ensure that the project economically viable and rationality of decision-making to avoid mistakes caused heavy economic losses. As a result, the subject of this research has important theoretical and practical significance.The comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness about Ac

9、heng coal mine resource developing projects before development can weigh the pros and cons of project, make Co have correct grasp in the future business investment activities. As a result, the subject of this research has important practical significance.This paper utilized the method which the theo

10、ry and the practice unifies. First, introduced the basic theory of economic evaluation, environmental assessment and social assessment; following analyzed the characteristics of coal resource development projects, defined the connotation of comprehensive effectiveness evaluation of the coal resource

11、s development; and then builded a comprehensive evaluation index system and applyed the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to coal resource developing project evaluation, builded the establishment of coal resource development projects fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model. Finally, carried the abo

12、ve theory to practice, introduced overview of Acheng coal mine, mine construction of the external conditions for cooperation, development of the mine resources condition , technology condition; analyzed economic development, environmental impact, social benefits of Acheng coal mine, proposed coal mi

13、ne resource development fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model about Acheng coal mine, established a comprehensive evaluation index system, used fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in evaluating ACheng coal resource development, then came to that the coal resource development project belongs to a be

14、tter level of overall efficiency, and analyzed these problems, proposed some improving issue for these questions.Keywords:Acheng coal mine , coal resource development , Comprehensive benefit , Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation目 录1 绪论.11.1 课题的提出与研究意义.11.2 国外研究现状.21.3 研究容.41.4 研究方法与技术路线.42 项目评价理论基础.62.1 项目经济评价基本理论.62.2 项目环境评价基本理论.92.3 项目社会评价基本理论.102.4 本章小结.123 煤炭资源开发项目综合效益评价模型研究133.1 煤炭资源开发项目综合效益评价涵分析.133.2 煤炭资源开发项目综合效益评价体



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