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1、-上期12月月考七年级英语试题温馨提示: 本试卷总分值150分,考试时间为120分钟,请合理分配考试时间。答题时,冷静一点,细心一点,答案一律写在答题卡上。扬起自信的风帆,取得满意的成绩!A 卷分第一局部 听力测试 共25小题,25分一、 听录音,选择正确答语,每题念两遍。10分1、A Yes, they do. B Theyre on the desk. C No, they arent.2 A Its a jacket. B Its blue. C Yes, it is.3 A Salad and chicken B Theyre at home. C No, they dont.4 A

2、No, they cant. B No, they arent. C Yes, he can.5 A They are $20. B Its $30. C Theyre $50.6 A Shes 40. B Its Tuesday. C Its December 20.7 A Im OK B Thank you C OK8 A Shes my mother. B Yes, she is. C Hes my father.9 A Yes, it is. B Its on the desk. C Yes, it isnt.10 A OK B Its OK C Its Tuesday 二 听对话,根

3、据所提问题选择正确答案,每题念两遍10分11 A vegetables B fruit C food12 A 358-6689 B 358-6344 C 357-568913 A Shes the girls sister. B Shes the girls aunt. C Shes the girls cousin.14 A Its in the girls schoolbag. B Its in the boys bag. C Its in the desk.15 A two yuan a pair B three yuan a pair C four yuan a pair16 A $2

4、7 B $29 C $1917 A have a volleyball game B have a soccer game C have a school trip18 A Yes B I dont know. C No19 A history B English C Chinese20 A at 7:10 B at 7:20 C at 7:40二、 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案,短文念三遍。5分21 Whats the boys family name? - _A Miller B Peter C Mike22 They are in _ now.A Shanghai B Chengdu

5、 C Chongqing23 What time do they have breakfast? - _.A At 7:00 B At 7:10 C At 7:3024 Do they like Chinese food? - _A Yes, they do. B No, they dont. C I dont know.25 Why do they like Sichuan Opera川剧? - Because they think _.A its relaxing. B its interesting. C its boring.第二局部 根底知识运用 共45小题,45分五、单项选择 25

6、分:选择最正确答案。26. I like _ and _ .A .tomatoes , strawberries B. tomatos, strawberries C. tomato, strawberry, 27. -Lets _ ice-cream . -I dont like _, A have, it B. to have , them C. have, them 28. - _. - Yes, he does .A. Do you like bananas? B. I like bananas C. Does he like bananas ?29. Lets _ an orange

7、 and some milk .A. eat B. have C. has30.My daughters birthday is coming . Im thinking _ the food.Ato B. about C. over 31. _ Lucy your friend ? _ she like bananas ?A Is , Is B. Does, Does C . Is ,Does 32. _ does he like science ? Because its interesting.A. What B. Why C. When 33. Marys favorite _is F

8、riday.A. month B. day C. subject 34. -_ is that case ?Its white . A. What B. How much C. What color35. The _ of my sweater is $ 50 .A. price B. size C. color 36. You can buy it _ a good price .A. under B. at C. in 37. The black shorts _ 15 yuan .A. is on sale for B. are on sale for C. are on sale 38

9、 The man _red is my teacher .A. in B. at C. of 39. - When is _birthday?-Its April _.A.you,21st B. your ,twenty C. her,20th 40. -Happy birthday.-_ A. Thank you B. The same to you C. No . 41. December is _ month of a year.A. eleventh B. the tenth C. the twelfth 42. How old is Jack? - I think _ 14.A. s

10、hes B. hes C. his 43. Are those _ trousers? - No, they are _.A. your, my father B. your, my fathers C. yours, my fathers 44. The boy is _years old. Today is his _ birthday.A. twelfth; twelfth B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve 45. -_ his birthday March 6th? A. When B. Does C. Is 46. “When were yo

11、u born出生? “I was born on _.A. June 1st, 1997 B. 1997, June 1st C. June, 1997 1st 47. They_ go to school _Saturday. A. dont; on B. doesnt; on C. arent; in48. Tom cant play basketball very _ . A. much B. wellC. good49. I think English is _ useful subject. A. aB. anC. the50. When do you have your English lessons ? On_.A. the morning B. the Friday morning C. Friday morning 六.完形填空。(共20分)(A) I _51_ Dan and I have two _52_ ,



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