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1、 精品资料Unit 4 what did you de last weekend Section B(1a-1e)Period 3教学目标1.通过听说训练能够理解认读并默写出下列短语 play the guitar, go to the library, study for a test,fly a kite, have dinner with friends等。 2.通过听读练习能够通过对话表演方式,大胆张口,敢于用英语进行交际。3. 情感态度目标:通过描述过去的事情,使学生学会尊重和理解别人,学会了解他人的喜好,增进情谊。教学重 点就过去的事情进行询问并回答。教学难 点熟练掌握谈论过去事件

2、的方法学情分 析学生通过上一单元的学习已经掌握了较多的动词短语和一般过去式的用法,为本单元的学习打下了基础。本课时,学生将在已学动词短语的基础上,通过听说训练掌握一般动词过去时的构成时以及部分不规则动词的过去式,同时,谈论过去时间内所干的事情。教学准 备Recorder. Multimedium computer集体备课个人备课Step One: Show the preview works (text-books and note-paper). Teacher : 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard. 2. Listen to the repor

3、t from the winners. Try to find out how the students preview, and sum up . 3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the same time, students step into the second step slowly, some by some.)Step Two: Learn by themselves. Students: 1. Decide my own aims.2. Self-study: Task I. 利用多媒体将书中的图片展示出来,将1a中的词组

4、和图片对号。Task II. 根据自己的喜好在1a中的活动下画笑脸和哭脸儿。Iask III. 播放两次录音完成1c的表格。Task IV. 听录音,注意语音语调,请同学们一起模仿录音的发音。Task V. 根据1c的听力编对话,并进行角色表演。TaskVI. 和同学讨论自己的周末做了什么,并进行角色表演Step Three: Talk about the problems with the teacher together.复合不定代词只相当于名词,在句中作主语、宾语和表语,而不能作定语。这些代词都作单数看待,作主语时动词用单数形式。复合不定代词被定语所修饰时,定语则须在它们的后面.Step

5、 Four: Practice: 用过去式的句子描述你与家人或者同学在国庆七天长假中的活动Step Five: Summary and TestStep Six: Show students how to preview for next class. (2a-2b)小结: 学科知识构建与板书设计Unit 4 What did you do last weekend?Choose your aims :1. 完成1a并会读写1a中的短语2. 完成1b和1c听力并进行角色表演。3. 熟读表演1d对话4. 和同学讨论自己的周末做了什么,并进行角色表演反思与重建附:课前检测题:附:一.课前检测题:个

6、性预习作业同层对比 二课堂检测题:.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend.2. - _ she _ (practice) her guitar. - No, she _.3. What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening?4. She _ (not visit) her aunt weekend.5. -When _ you _ (write) this song? - I _ (write) it last year. 三、作业设置: 1.Review and master the new words and drills learnt in this class.2.Preview the contents on page 29.3.Workbook Exx in workbook.(选做)最新精品英语资料


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