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1、Unit One1. Those who believed their religious leaders prophecy that the end of the world would come soon went into a panic.A. announcementB. forecastC. predictionD. declaration2. It became obvious when the boy floundered through the recitation in class today that he had not taken the trouble to do h

2、is homework.A. meditatedB. falteredC. contemplatedD. staggered3. The teacher told the students that they should avoid using clichs in their composition.A. popular proverbsB. well-known storiesC. famous quotationsD. trite expressions4. After listening to the same old moral lesson all these years, the

3、 villagers became almost immune to it. A. insensitive toB. fed up withC. familiar withD. accustomed to5. I cant claim credit for her English proficiency; after all, she only came to my class this semester.A. ask for moneyB. expect paymentC. say that I deserve praiseD. declare that I am grateful6. Be

4、lieve it or not, this popular novel now you see on every shelf was censored only a few years ago.A. officially examined and bannedB. despised by the general publicC. sold out soon after its publicationD. condemned by the critics7. The party leader regards the result of the election as a personal tri

5、umph.A. victoryB. celebrationC. satisfactionD. propaganda8. The immigration officer scrutinized his passport before he was allowed to leave.A. stampedB. examinedC. returnedD. issued9. He suffered a long period of depression before his first suicide attempt.A. InoculationB. hypertensionC. ailmentsD.

6、dejection10. He was never able to enjoy the metropolitan delights of cinemas and theatres.A. artisticB. modernC. urbanD. VariousUnit Two1. After his father died, Bill took on the management of the factory. A. gotB. undertookC. organizedD. held2. Those students who have access to his esoteric discuss

7、ions were impressed by the scope of his thinking. A. known by fewB. known to allC. very livelyD. quite popular3. The music of the radio distracted me from my reading. A. engrossedB. confusedC. refrainD. diverted4. Abraham Lincoln was quintessential American patriot. A. greatB. famousC. typicalD. rev

8、ered5. Every now and then, the speaker interjected some witty remark. A. rejectedB. criticizedC. insertedD. jeered6. Why do you get angry over such trivial matters? A. of great worthB. of great benefitC. of little worthD. of little help7. The youngest boy was laughed at for his naive remarks. A. inn

9、ocentB. wittyC. amusingD. foolish8. The lady rumpled her skirt by sitting on the seat while flying.A. disorderedB. disarrangedC. creasedD. crashed9. Thousands of people are needlessly slaughtered in road accidents in his country each year.A. woundedB. killedC. injuredD. crushed10. I bought this clot

10、h cheap because there is a small defect in it.A. spotB. dotC. flawD. pointUnit Three1. High rate of unemployment and violence are deplored by many people. A. condemnedB. convincedC. declaredD. perpetuated2. They are planning to embark on a new business undertaking. A. go forB. go withC. go intoD. go

11、 on3. In the Middle Ages, many people in Europe suffered persecution for their religious beliefs. A. treatmentB. punishmentC. disillusionD. execution4. We couldnt induce the old lady to travel by air. A. driveB. convinceC. forceD. suggest5. He went into a coma because of serious loss of blood. A. ba

12、d coughB. whitenessC. tremblingD. state of profound insensibility6. The ethics of his decision are doubtful.A. raceB. aestheticsC. moralsD. cause7. The patients tax the doctors patience by asking him so many silly questions.A. pestB. are a strain onC. injureD. destroy8. They broke up the alliance.A.

13、 brought to an endB. dispersedC. stopped to enter intoD. changed for the worse9. The boys were summoned in turn to see the examiner.A. separatelyB. occasionallyC. allD. in succession10.They traveled all over the country, regardless of expense.A. unkind toB. paying no attention toC. forgettingD. conc

14、erned withUnit Four1. She was in anguish until she knew that her husbands life was saved.A. great sufferingB. great regretC. great despairD. great disappointment2. I have nothing but disdain for such a person.A. respectB. hatredC. dislikeD.contempt3. The grass was interspersed with beds of flowers.A

15、. scatteredB. spreadC. diversifiedD. set here and there4. I am sure disease must propagate in such unsanitary and crowded areas.A. releaseB. spreadC. promoteD. generate5. There was a meager attendance at the council meeting.A. smallB. enoughC. ampleD. haughty6. The end of 1921 found the capitalist offensive against the workers in full swing.A. negotiationB. punishmentC. struggleD. attack7. We cant rule out the possibility


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