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1、.Not until I bgan to work_how mch m Ih asted.A. didnt eazeB. did Iealiz C. I ddnreaizeD.I rzed2 Only bpractiin afewhourseeydy _ b ae to mastr the langage.A. you canB. cyouC. u willD il yo3. Ifyo dnt go, nither _A. sal IB. do IC. IdoD. I sl4. oone _to te stto _ the trn lef.A. ha I got, he B I had gt,

2、 thC.h I gt, anD.iI get, hen5. - Yur fahri ver strict withou.- _. e ner let off sigl miste of ousA So h isB.So heC.Heis soD. So doeshe6._ toay, he wouldgetthrebySundA. Woul h leae heleavin C. Were h o eavD. If hela7.Neenm le _ sc a higA.I haeheror ave seen B e hear oeen. have her or seenD. did I er

3、or ee8 -He _! Wee is Xio Li?- here _. A. cm the bu, s h . oms te us, h sC. thebus come,is he . the us coes, he9._, Iwill not bu i.A. Mch as doI likit B Auch I lke itC.Muc as le it D I le i uc10.- I ik otb.I dt ikevoleyball.- _.A So doIB Neithr o C S i is ith meD.Sois it wit e1. _ the expnse, _ tItal

4、. f it were, B.Were itot or,would goC. Werent i fr,will oD. hadntbeen, ou ave gon12. So _inte arknethahe idn t dae o oean ic.A. he was frigtened . was hefrightend.fghtned he . frightened was h13. moem ties, girls like butfcloths.Yes, _and boy. Afer al, ur liha greatl imrd.A.sodo the; so dyB. o theyd

5、o; s youdoC. so o they; syou doD sothy o; so d you4.Y haveanEngish clas ey day except Suday.-_.A.o we aveB. Sowe oC. So vee .So do w. onr ourwi wilgtoh. fyour if _, s _ ine.A. oes; wll B wll;doC. wil; would D.es;do.Only after I rad the text oe gai _ is mnia.A. tht I knew B dI kew.1 coud know D.I did

6、know7You eemohvernd allthe English wos y heA. Sol d B. So do lC ohave . So ve118 I eomwatc TV, ut lise o headio loA.So d I B. Neithr do I Im t same D. Soit s wime19. oxted _ thae clnt aya wor.A. e eed . did e seemC wa he sming D.h idlook0. Jimy was soervousnt a single wrd_own the dicaion. e wrote B

7、he was ritC dhe wrte D was he witten2Little _whe 1 tok t rip whr it would ead e.A. have kno . adI non C do1 kno D. di I nwave ou eve se anything ithatbefoe? _.A No,I ve aveseenthing lik hat beoreB. N, neer I have een anythig ke that foreC.No, neverhv1 seen athn i tt eoeD. No, I ave seenanting lke h

8、befoeever23 _,1 wodaccephe initatio and goto the paryA. Wer Iyou B. a I you C.H ben you D. Wuld 1be yo24. You shod wr less _.A ndneith shoul IB. ansosuld Can or should I D. andso I suld25 _ d cauh the mous.A. U te cat jed B.hec p jpdC. Up jumped th at DJump up thecat26. t only _ a promise, but lso h

9、 ept tA did emke B. he adeC.does he make D ha he mae2. Hiunle sa worker and hasen workigin thefatoryfo mortanten ers. _A. So is his aut B. So ashis aunt. ois aunt dsD.So itis wthis ant28. Notnce_their an.A.dd hy hange . they hanedC hanged the D. tey did hangDo you kno m qeed wh his brother?I dot now

10、, an_ no t I care B. nor o creC. I ont ce neither D. I dont care alo30.Not til he riehm _ fndha thisal ad e stlen id B.odC. wen . at. This o fe desttre he wor. _ such a big tre. Nevr have e .I haventneve een.Neve have I en DI avsee never2 Nohre ele in theord _ cheaper taloring(裁缝业,成衣业)h in Hong ong.A. a tuis can fi . an atouri fidC. aouitill ind D. aturist has found3. _cceed in dong aythig. Only y rkgd w can. Byonywrking hare cn.Onlywecn bworkin harD. nly yworkng hadn w34. _ tht all wentout,lying in th snA So fne wa th eaterB So s th fine eaer. he wather


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