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1、答案与详解-2010级第四期大学英语六级(CET-6) 2011年6月大学英语六级真题答案详解Part I WritingCertificate crazeRecently the phenomenon of certificate craze has become a big concern of the public. It is also a new craze in the university, which seems like a routine activity on campus, for certificates do play a vital role when stude

2、nts look for a decent job.Admittedly, there are different purposes behind this phenomenon. Some people aim at certificates because of the employment pressure. With the admission expansion of colleges, a great many graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. So it is the certific

3、ates that can make them more competitive. However, some others consider all the diploma and certificates important standards by which a persons ability can be measured. They spare no effort to get the certificates for the sole purpose of proving that they are qualified in a certain field. Moreover,

4、there are those who just want to enrich their life by preparing for the certificates because they really enjoy their progress.From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove ones ability. Being crazy in getting certificatio

5、ns blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not merely getting a certificate.文章点评:本次六级作文探讨的是考生比较熟悉的话题高校考证书热;本次试题延续了以往的考试风格,关注点仍然放在与学生息息相关的话题上;从选题角度来说,考生还是比较好把握的。需要注意的是由于第二部分可能需要列出多点原因,考生在该部分需要注意论述的条理性;此外,在保证句法通顺的前提下,尽可能做到表达的多样化。首先,在考生拿到题目的时候,应该先认


7、点明确,思路清晰;在第二段给出的例证具有代表性;此外,文章中有用到不少的亮点词汇;唯一比较遗憾的是,由于时间和篇幅的限制,论证的展开还未完全挖掘出来,但在如此有限的条件下,可以称得上佳作了。外教版The job market today is increasingly sophisticated, requiring workers to have specialized knowledge in their fields. As a result, becoming certified is a trend among todays job seeking youth. More and m

8、ore people, students especially, look at obtaining certification as a means to getting a better job and, therefore, enjoying brighter future.There are as many certificates as there are fields of study. Lawyers will take the LSAT, business majors will take the GMAT to further their study in the US, a

9、nd those who study a foreign language, like English, might take the TOEFL, TOEIC, or any number of English certification exams.Is this necessary? Or, is the “certification craze” just a trend that will eventually pass? I myself have obtained two different certifications: one in Japanese (N2) and ano

10、ther in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). Both of these certifications have been beneficial in getting good jobs. Therefore, it is my opinion that, trend or not, the results of becoming certified are real and can be invaluable in opening up future opportunities.文章点评:1. 逻辑结构上,本文大体也是按照“提出

11、问题(考证热的现象)”“分析问题(背后的动力)”和“解决问题(个人的观点)”的结构展开。2. 本文的亮点非常多,用语非常地道,用英语思维催动出来的英语文章,才是真正的极品。相比用中式思维催动出来的英语文章,这篇文章是很美味的,强烈建议大家背诵下来。大家记得天龙八部吗?鸠摩智用小无相功催动出的招式是敌不过藏经阁里的扫地和尚的。总之,我们大可不必刻意使用难词难句,其实表意明确,用语地道的文章,就肯定可以拿到高分。Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1. B. The low graduation rates of minorit

12、y students解析: 全文讲的是少数民族学生的毕业率变低的问题,这也是作者对于美国高等教育所担心的一个问题,关键词在low graduation rate,其他的proportion,conflict,和academic performance都没有涉及,故选B。2. D. its increased enrollment of minority students解析:答案在整篇文章第一句话,Bowdoin College的校长引以为豪的是扩招了很多少数民族学生。而不是学校排名,文化遗产继承,C选项高毕业率与原文不符,故选D。3. B. The rising generation wil

13、l be less well educated than the previous one.解析:答案定位在第四段。原文内容是: , there is the risk that the rising generation will be less well educated than the previous one. 而D选项说美国将会失去其在高等教育方面的竞争优势,这一点原味并未提及,原文只是说美国的低毕业率问题。4. C. Fifiteen percent解析:答案在原文第四段最后一句话。only 15% of African-Americans did so as well.5. B

14、. they recruit the best students解析:尽管C选项和D选项是私立高校的措施,但哈佛,耶鲁等名校白种人和黑种人毕业率没有差别的原因却在于他们在选拨方面做的出色。根据原文But may have more to do with their ability to select the best students.可知本题答案选B。6. A. Universities are to blame.解析:根据原文第6段some critics blame affirmative action, But a bigger problem may be that 定位到本段最后A

15、my Wilkins的话,可知答案选A。某些高校只是为了追求金钱,不顾学生毕业,应该受到批评。7. B. They cannot afford the high tuition.解析:根据原文第八段最后一句,可知学生入学后退学,原因在于交不起学费。8. that they are less qualified解析:定位到原文第九段中间部分,破折号之后,and also to help minority students overcome the stereotype that they are less qualified.9. some preparatory courses解析:定位到原文

16、第十段第三行, bringing minority onto campus in the summer before freshman year to give them some preparatory courses.10.be closed解析:定位到原文最后一段第一句。With effort and money, the graduation gap can be closed.Part III Listening ComprehensionSection A11. M: I left 20 pages here to copy. Here is the receipt.W: Im sorry, sir. But were a little behind. Could you come back in a few minutes?Q: What does the



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