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1、学校 滕州市北辛中学 年级 九年级 2013年3月11日 第 三周 星期一 第 一节课Unit11 Could you please lend me your pen? Reading Teaching Goals:Learn and use the vocabularies: lend, park, alright, direct, order, wonder, lead, trouble, offend, certain, structure, hand in. Express how to ask for information politely by using the Object

2、clausesCould you tell me where the restrooms are? Train the students reading skills. Train the students to use suitable language and behave well. (目标引领:用一段话表达了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标,一目了然。)Preview Look at P92-93, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.1)询问消息_ 2)听起来粗鲁_3

3、)提出请求_ 4)向某人寻求帮助_5)依赖,依靠_6)一个直接的命令_7)额外的语言_8)花费时间/金钱做某事_9)抱歉做_10)为了(不)做某事_ 11)学习关于的知识_12)希望做某事_(设计意图:课前对文本中的重点短语有所了解,并用简单工具书查找信息,遇到困难时有效地寻求帮助,强调学生要参与、体验、感知、实践和交流。长期坚持不仅能极大地提高学生的自学意识和能力,同时也能促使学生养成良好的学习习惯,变上课被动听讲为课前主动预习、主动学习,从而转变学生不良的学习习惯,为课上听讲做好充足的准备和铺垫。)Step1. Warming up and leading in: 1.Where is t

4、he post office? I dont know. The question which asks for help or information is called a _.His request sounds _.2Excuse me. Could you please tell me where to park my car?Sure. Park it right here. I will help you.His request sounds _.(设计意图:看图使学生更直观地判断说话者的语境和语言文字,为本课学习语言礼仪的重要性做好铺垫。)Finish the columnsR

5、equestSuitable situationMore polite request1“Where are the restrooms?”A team player asking another player.“Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?”2“I want to go to the library. Where is it?”3“How much did you pay for that soccer ball?”(设计意图:学生通过讨论:当你在请求别人帮助的情况下,怎样注意礼节并把握好分寸有多重要,试着比较所给的问题发

6、生的环境,能统一思想,给出更礼貌的说法。有利于学生的合作,形成良好的行为方式。)Step2. Fast reading. Read the whole passage quickly and silently, then choose the best main idea:What is the passage about?_A. Its important to learn language structure. B. How to ask for information.C. It is about language etiquette. (设计意图:要求学生快速浏览全文,找出本文主题,旨

7、在引导学生运用略读技巧,初步了解文章的主要内容训练学生集中精力快速阅读,敏锐捕获信息的能力跳读的能力,一般的中下等学生都能找出。此环节设计简单,目的让学生树立信心。)Step3. Careful reading.Task1 Read the passage carefully and silently, then match each paragraph with its main idea.Paragraph 1 a) Requests are made in any language.Paragraph 2 b) Using certain extra words helps to mak

8、e language more polite.Paragraph 3 c) Knowing how to make requests politely is important.Paragraph 4 d) To become good English speakers, we need to do more than just learn language structure.e) Requests in English are the same as in Chinese.f) Choice of language depends on the relationship and situa

9、tion. (设计意图:阅读是本节课的重点任务,本环节通过再次阅读文章帮助学生整理思路,形成清晰的概念,让学生进一步理解文章内容。在careful reading 中设计了三个阅读任务,而且设计从易到难,由浅入深,层层递进。先是让学生选出所给的每一段的段落大意;与此同时让学生针对文章判断对错。然后,针对每一段文章,回答出相关的问题,其目的让学生对文本内容有深入、透彻的的了解。阅读过程渗透学法指导,提醒学生根据不同的阅读任务使用不同的阅读策略,这样既可以帮助学生准确的找到所想要获得的信息,顺利完成阅读任务,更有利于学生形成良好的阅读习惯。)Task2 True or false( ) 1. We

10、 need to learn how to be polite when we make requests.( ) 2. We change the way we speak when talking with different people.( ) 3. Learning about language etiquette is not as important as learning grammar or vocabulary.Task 3 Read the passage carefully and answer the three questions. Paragraph 1 Why

11、to be polite when we ask for information or help ? Paragraph 2and 3 (1)What do the expressions that you use depend on? You are looking for your book, If you ask your brother about it, you should say_.If you ask your parents about it, you should say_.If you ask your teacher about it, you should say_.

12、1. your brother: Looking for a book 2. your parents: 3. your teacher: A. Can you tell me where my book is ?B. Where is my book?C .Excuse me, could you please tell me where my book is?(2). How to be polite when we make requests?Paragraph 4 What should we learn in order not to offend people? Step4. Po

13、st-reading activitiesTask1 Retell the passageWhy to be polite?common and necessaryimportantHow to be polite?changeexpressionslongerextra languageleading inConclusiontruedifficult, offendTask2 Fill in the blanks. Knowing how to ask for information _ is important. But we should_ the way we speak when

14、talking with _ people. The expressions(表达) we use might depend on _we are speaking to or_ we know them. A very direct order might sound _in English. learning about language etiquette is_ learning grammar or vocabulary. A longer question with extra language “Could you please?” usually sounds _.(设计意图:阅读后,就是一个知识输出的过程。由于他们对文章的具体内容和主旨大意都有一个清晰的了解。从而让学生通过对本文的高度概括来复述课文。) Task3 Role play :Think about the relationship between the speaker and the listener then make the suitable request



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