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1、成师附小华润分校小学 英语 学科教案(北师大版小学英语4B)课题Unit 8 Mocky is late 授课人杨洋Lesson 3教学内容教学目标1 知识目标:1) 词汇:掌握时间的表达法。2) 句型:掌握what time is it?/Its Its time to do 的用法。2. 技能目标:能够听懂时间,询问及表达时间。能运用所学的语言知识在创设的情境中进行交际,并在此基础上将其运用于日常生活中。能阅读理解短文。3. 情感目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生的时间意识,能够珍惜时间、合理安排自己的日常活动能了解四川文化元素并且敢于、乐意与外国友人对话能在交流中使用礼貌用语。4. 学习策略

2、目标:通过小组活动学生能完成对话任务 重难点熟练运用What time is it?参与交际 Its Its time to 教学准备自制时钟,powerpoint,海报教学过程老师活动学生活动一、师生问候Good morning, boys and girls.Nice to meet you. Sit down, please.学生向老师问好。Good morning, Miss Yang.Nice to meet you, too.二、唱歌(活跃课堂氛围)1.调动课堂氛围 Today Im very happy and want to sing a song. Join me, plea

3、se. Lets sing together.请全班一起演唱歌曲。3.教师依小组评价学生表现。Good job! Each group can move one step.教师将评价的小蘑菇往前移一格。4.教师展示自己设计的三个时间,请学生举手选择图片来说该图片的时间。In unit 8, we learn about the time. Look at the screen, what time is it?教师示意学生举手回答。 教师请学生回答:Thats great. Sit down, please.教师及时出示答案及给小组加分。Ss sing a song with the teac

4、her.Students observe the time on the screen and try to answer the questions.三、复习课文中的重点句型。回顾故事:In the story, Mocky and Lulu visited Uncle Booky. But Mockys watch was broken.So he was very late.复习句型:Look at the picture. What time is it?Its time to ? 请全班一起回答。学生回答完毕后教师将写好的句子贴在黑板上。What time is it?Its 4 o

5、clock.Its time to visit Uncle Booky.教师展示第二幅图:教师问:What time is it? Its time for? Or its time to ?教师将5:45与eat dinner分别写在黑板相应位置。.Ss look at the screen and answer teachers questions together.四、Talk together1)熟悉图片You know time very well. And our new friends know time well, too Look, they are playing “tim

6、e game”. Lets listen what they are talking about.教师播放录音,让学生仔细听。教师请学生小组讨论1分钟再请小组代表回答。What does this boy in green jacket say?What does the boy in blue jeans say?教师将3 oclock.写在黑板上。How about this girl?教师将play with friends.板书在黑板上。教师在学生回答问题后及时在PPT呈现答案并且在黑板及时评价。Yes, very good.教师再次播放动画并且请学生跟读句子。Now please t

7、urn to page 30. Lets listen and follow.2)巩固句型教师拿出教具大钟问全班:What time is it?全班:Its 3 oclock.教师将钟贴在黑板上相应的位置。教师鼓励学生说出下一句:And its time to ?学生补充play with friends. 教师将小朋友玩耍的图片贴在相应位置。3)理解文本框中的内容Look at the diary. Lets get familiar with it. Ear, ear.教师发指令让学生听。教师播放日记的录音,请学生仔细聆听与观看PPT上的文字。教师播放第二遍录音,请学生跟读。Now le

8、ts read after the audio.教师展示PPT,给出短语的图片,请学生说出英语短语。Look at the picture. What time is it? Its time to?教师在PPT 上带领学生一起完成看图说句子。四人小组活动教师请三个同学帮忙一起示范Ss listen to the audio quietly.Ss talk in four.Ss listen to the audio again and read after the flash.Ss look at the teacher and say the time together.Ss listen

9、 to the diary audio and observe the diary quietly.Ss read the diary after the audio.Ss look at the powerpoint and say the sentences with the teacher.4)小组活动教师作示范:I want to play like them. Who can play with me?教师请三位同学上台,与教师一起表演对话。教师给全班3分钟时间进行小组活动,选择一至三项来练习对话。You have 3 minutes. If you can talk about o

10、ne time, you can get 1 point.If you can talk about two, you can get two points.If you can talk about three, you can get three points.教师给学生三分钟时间进行练习。教师请两组同学来表演。教师给出及时的学生小组评价并且在评价栏反馈。You have done a great job. Thank you.Ss try to be volunteers and play with the teacher.Others observe.Students choose t

11、he time and take out the clocks and practice within 4-student group.五、拓展教师通过展示PPT让学生明白情境任务。We can play well. And I think you can help people.Look, Global Fortune Forum will be in Chengdu. Many foreign friends will come here. Look at the men. They have a problem. Their watch is broken. Can you help t

12、hem?Now, work in four please. Two are Chengdu people and 2 are foreign friends. You can use “hello”,”excuse me”, “thank you”, “bye”。教师边说边将这些常用礼貌用语贴在黑板上。教师给学生三分钟时间进行练习。You have 3 minutes.教师请两组学生进行表演。Thats wonderfull!Ss listen to the teacher and watch the powerpoint. Students practise and perform.六、补充

13、知识Everybody has a lot of time, but we should value it. I have 2 sentences to share with you. You may like them.Time flies. 时间如逝。Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。Students enjoy the sentences.七、作业Write a diary for today.Ss write down the homework.板书设计123456789play with friends.Unit 8Mocky is late投影遮挡What time is it?3 oclock.Its time to visit Uncle Booky.Its 4 oclock.课后反思


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