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1、 小学英语教案 主备人:丁雪审核人: Unit 1 My classroom 第1课时【课 型】新授【学习目标】1. 能够听、说、认读本课时主要单词:classroom、window、door、picture、light、blackboard。2听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作,如:Open the door,【教学重点】 本课时需要重点掌握有关教室设施的单词:classroom、window、door、picture、light、blackboard针对本课时的难点“听指令,做动作”,要求教师在正确示范的基础上引导学生最终自主地做出相应的动作【教学难点】能够熟练运用句型Whats in

2、the classroom? One blackboard来回答教室中的各种物品【教学过程】一、预习检测1.单词classroom、window、door、picture、light、blackboard。2.重点句型Open the door,3.对话表演等。二、导入新课T: Hello,A!Welcome back to school!A: Hello, Mr. Yang. Nice to see you again.T: Nice to see you, too.三、自主探究,合作交流运用教室图片,以看图讨论的方式展开单词教学。教学单词picture和句子Put up the pictu

3、re. 教师将教室的图片裁剪成四份,出示其中一份提问:Whats this? 引导学生回答: Its a picture. 并板书picture. 教师接下来说:Let me put up the picture.并将图片贴到黑板上,再请几个学生说: Let me put up the picture. 并贴图片。师生做拼图游戏,教学单词classroom. 教师指着黑板上的四张图片提问:How many pictures do you see? Whats in the picture? 之后将图片拼完整,说:I see a classroom in the picture. 教学单词cla

4、ssroom.教师指着教室图片问:Whats in the classroom? 手指着其中的window, light, door与学生问答:Whats this? How many? 适时板书新单词并形成话轮:-Whats in the classroom?-Two doors, four windows, seven lights, many desks and chair.4利用door,floor和board共同的元音音素,引导学生拼读单词door和board。教师引导学生拼读door,在字母组合oor下面划线,引导学生感知其发音,并在下一行写出新单词floor,鼓励学生拼读这个单词

5、。教师继续写出单词board,并在oar下面划线,告诉学生其发音与oor相同,请学生尝试拼读board。教师指着黑板说:This is a board. What colour is the board? 教学单词blackboard, 并向学生解释blackboard由两个单词black和board合成。5所有单词呈现完后,根据单词加入动作,进行Lets do的部分。通过学生上学进入教室所要进行的一系列动作展开,在黑板上写出相应的动作:Open the door,Turn on the light,Close the window,Put up the picture,Clean the b

6、lackboard。所有动作呈现完后请学生到指定的位置,听地下同学的指令,做相应的动作。四、检测反馈(包括单词拼写、适当形式填空、单项选择、句型转换、对话改编等)闪卡游戏,教师出示图片,学生快速的根据图片的内容说出相对应的单词。随后只出示单词,让学生说出其中文意思。借助课件出示部分字母镂空的单词,同事呈现图片提示其意义。教师读出单词的完整读音,学生根据单词的读音填出所缺的字母。3)教师说:Whats in Zoom and Zips classroom? Lets go and see. 学生看课文,听录音,并根据听到的顺序为单词标序号。随后教师请两名同学分别扮演Zoom和Zip进行对话练习。

7、【板书设计】Unit 1 My classroomclassroom door Open the door.window Close the window. light Turn on the light. picture Put up the picture. blackboard Clean the blackboard.【教学后记】审核签阅: Unit 1 My classroom 第2课时【课 型】新授【学习目标】 1.学生能够理解对话大意,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。2.能够在情景中恰当运用句型Where is? Its in / on /under /near询问并回答物品的位置3

8、.能够在情景中恰当运用句型:Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see.能够在语境中理解新词classroom, really, picture, near, window的意思,并能正确发音。【教学重点】Whats in the classroom? 和 Lets go and see. 的正确使用。【教学难点】Where is ? Its near .的正确使用【教学过程】一、预习检测1.单词classroom, really, picture, near, window2.重点句型Whats in the classroom? Lets go and

9、see.3.对话表演等。二、导入新课创设教师欢迎同学们返校的情景。T:After this summer vacation, we all have something different. Can you say something different or something new for you?Ss: (教师引导学生用We have a new的句式表达。)2、每当学生说出一样新物品的时候,教师马上说:“Really?”“Where is it?”并引导学生用从前学过的介词near, under, in等进行回答,期间教师还可以让学生根据实际情况围绕这一物品进行简单的交流。如:Wha

10、t colour is it? Do you like it?等等。三、自主探究,合作交流1.导入Lets talkT: In this new term, there is also something new for Zhang Peng and Sarah. Lets listen to the tape to know what they are talking about. And then answer the following questions according to the dialogue.(教师利用课间出示下列问题,带领学生读问题)A、What do they hav

11、e? B、Whats in their classroom? C、Where is it?播放录音两遍,要求学生以小组形式讨论,并选择学生用书中原句回答问题。随后,教师指导学生以小组形式逐句回答问题,并将答案用课件显示。2.学习Lets talk1)教师将classroom,picture和window的图片逐一显示在幻灯片中,要求学生读出单词,知道学生按发音说出相应的字母拼读单词,并将拼出的单词写在黑板上,带领学生反复拼读单词。2)在确定学生能准确认读单词后,引导学生用着三个新单词造句。教师在学生造句后将下面六个句子写在黑板上,让学生逐句翻译,朗读。We have a newclassroo

12、m. Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see. My picture is so big. Its near the window. Where is it?3)再次播放录音,让学生跟着录音逐句读对话,最后让学生分角色表演对话。四、检测反馈(包括单词拼写、适当形式填空、单项选择、句型转换、对话改编等)3.我们来配音利用课件出示Main Scene中的教学图片,让学生仔细观察。组织学生以小组的形式为图片的人物配上合适的英语句子。Lets play教师利用课件出示chant A for apple B for boy C for cat and D for

13、dog E for egg and F for fish G for girl and H for hand I for ice-cream J for jet K foe kite and L for lamp M for man and N for nose O for orange and P for pen Q for queen and R for rain S for sugar and T for train U for umbrella and V for van W for water X for X-mas Y for yellow Z for zoo2)在学生读过chan

14、t之后,说明游戏规则:在看到课件中出现的字母后,迅速说出由该字母打头的单词。3)i将学生分为四个或六个一组,以小组为单位用英语总结教师中出现的物品,由一名学生将提到的物品写在纸上,并用英语注明其所在的位置,如desk, on the floor。4)小组提问,以小组为单位向其他小组发出提问的挑战。如:S1:I see a “P”.S2: Where is it?S1: Its near the window. What is it?S2: Its a picture.5)答对的小组将得到一个老师提供的相应的单词卡片。最后获得单词卡片最多的小组为获胜。【板书设计】Unit 1 My classroomWe have a new classroom.Whats in the classroom?Where is it? Its near the window. / Its a picture.【教学后记】审核签阅: Unit 1 My classroom第3课时【课 型】新授【学习目标】1. 能够按照字母a在开闭音节单词中的发音规律拼写单词cap, cake, map, face能够基本区分开闭音节,简单了解字母a在开闭音节单词中的发音规律。能够按照要求完成书上Lets spell部分练习【教学重



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