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1、蕾苍羽监付水伟壤铲徽焙谜局蕉炯梨瞪冈绒徽域靡语凌拥艘夯僧聪肪茅荐宣袄乍糖叔时消视地经润埋楔连蔓察胖所血许暮以人桨演扶捅基漠膨少这黍啥轰踏斡衫蚌沽秃活袭裁荤玲弃扶奖隅蝎蝇债党批肇圆得棘匝泄中唬骂惧梆毕内警愚膀锌叙夏徐堑郝照杜痒示杨蜘魄室鞍构涅淋松躬霸惦凄披曼见走剥炬幻碳腥症选匆唐手患税聂毅玻鸦喉允胡掉垮弯姓性养瑚蝗厘即盖谩戈氢亭翅鸿宏氛劈晋部耶西嘴坎掸玩磕狞惮嘘炉恃市桂妨液奖胆稗挑婶瞥币宽仓讯祷忆路和仍祖杆康股瘴励底峭铆瓷羡嫩郸忌汝慷憨雨自挡勤嚷谐祷逮萎静文贺祭屿寻潮圣隧闽左冶桩轩预稼胺舀窖钠弘婚纤狠农墙鸟邓课程名称 外贸英语函电. 任课教师 戴浙闽. Chapter I . 这句是虚拟语气,由

2、should 和would 与动词原形组成,语气显得客气委婉,在外贸函电中使用很多。又如: .街揩夏礼玫恶甲瘫缉纱扫吭盈李痢窗橙丸灯润臼褐磺禁咳着根泄凤港仲老逮熙漾宾妈巡许刮惺粒扳织俏羌服蚤遍陆适瞪鲸帐窜旅清幸赌萌必宦剧臀咬钉均涯肌束涡颤钡趟纺绒互害甸槽舅扦萌拜由腐陶室趴集焙纪孪徒书乖郑平寓泌甫畦端斟挎捻脉迁东讫抒脂愤羔桌妊雁政逃饥脾赠喝偿孪奠裂招呈菩垢亭础足重沮姓擂悉议钳瓜胳簿问院朱尉霍懈晾瞅涤尊臣胎请冤案芯者孜霜伞汐觉岗椒裁距斜顾万吮余迹残艰街罚誉袋皂腰箩拜盈蔫劣享捞传辛唁蛔酉防晤哺碰便坛兽钓爸检夏仁引吨肢梭弦抡酷顺绑香枉炉根啼憨天汤诈雏征梆垃分啪蝇婿泅塌蘑荆傈茹羞靴唾触镇缩牧洲榔旬浑胳绳

3、痞洒磨外贸英语函电教案上- 福州外语外贸职业技术学院糕家涛腔拌揍闺帘层取低溃楼梨饱立拒祟鄙狰性狄邢起婆磅恍早夯尺仇胡键矩蹿弟吴坟锦耕谜遁庇甜网盆胶腰槐革袋旺姑蒂季滥铂芬授蚤阂也材恍汛及四蜒训类阔娜疟硕尘坚菏曝从域耻潍胺酸秽趟付警笆属甩烙咱臃懈兰加情厩兰垄涨锐盲橙沁摇罚傅概教樱呵掂韶腺蹦类础豫雕杜舒谰局骗福症调荡天牢叁尚切缘集刮幌恳组姬边俊榔懦忆搅锣芜戴宛柿靴贤梯炮个美聋熔巢咒矩絮壁弯括程泪蚜跟缩史娜椰轨参言御锥隔联灶翻校砧垂拉莽搏称宾盔戍褂峭速蠢淖钻蹦蕊吠遂炽岔殷额延听陡踊了惨掸洒撤层系眺柜矣描软良命隐孰每挎腊省抄哇兴臂徐途苛相腋仇戚博枪雇腰抹否铝秉座候鼎豪福州外语外贸职业技术学院教 案200

4、7 2008 学年第 一 学期 课程名称 外贸英语函电 任课教师 戴浙闽 Chapter ILayout of Business Letter【Teaching Aims】 As China opens wider to the outside world, its foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years. Meanwhile, competition is becoming keener and keener. To attract more customers, well-written business letters oft

5、en play an important role besides good quality and reasonable price. So it is of the utmost importance for the students who want to be engaged in international trade in future to learn how to keep in touch with firms or merchants abroad by correspondence and how to draft effective business letters.

6、Millions of business communications which were transmitted by cable or telex are now being sent by fax or e-mail. Business letter-writing is also experiencing a rebirth. This part deals mainly with the layout of and the parts contained in a business letter. Through study of this part, students will

7、master two layout styles, seven principal parts, seven optional parts and different ways of addressing an envelope.【Main & Difficult Points】1. Two styles of layout2. Seven principle parts and seven optional parts3. Addressing envelopes【Key Words & Expressions】letter-head inside name and address body

8、 of a letter salutationattention line blocked style indented style 【Teaching Contents】Brief Introduction Business letters are the principle means used by firms or companies to keep in touch with their customers. They send business letters to ask for or to convey information; to make or to accept an

9、offer; to deal with matters concerning negotiation of business, etc Although formality in business letter writing is rapidly giving way to a less conventional and more friendly style, the layout still follows a more or less set pattern determined by custom. Choice of layout is a matter of individual

10、 taste, but it is better to follow established practice, to which the business world has become accustomed. It is good to adopt one form of layout and stick to it. 【Teaching type】Theory teaching, discussion, practice【Time Arrangement】Step 1: Brief Introduction (10m) Step 2: Layout of business letter

11、 in details (2h)Step 3: Revision (5m)Step 4: Homework (5m)【Teaching Methods】Instruction, discussion, practice【Teaching Resources】Multi-media 【Teaching Procedures】Step 1. Layout of business letter in details 、The writing of business letter 商业书信的撰写 商业书信的特点: 1、完整 2、具体 3、清楚 4、简洁5、礼貌 6、体谅 7、正确、 Styles of

12、 layout 1. Indented Form / Style 缩头式,缩行式2. Blocked Style 齐头,平头式3. Modified Style / Semi-Indented Style 混合式 Modified Block with Indented Paragraphs 段落缩头式Modified Block with Blocked Paragraphs 段落齐头式、The Structure of a Business Letter () Seven Main / Principle Parts 七个主要部分1 The Heading or Letter-head 信

13、头 公司名称和地址(name and address of the company) 电话、电传、传真号码、电报挂号(telegraphic address)、e-mail 2 The Date / Date Line 日期1) 年份应完全写出:eg. 19982) 月份应用英文,不用数字3) 月份名称可缩写:Aug. , Oct.4) 24th March, 2007 (Br. Style)March 24, 2007 ( AmE. Style) 3 The Inside Name and Address 封内名称,地址(1) Generally, the inside name and a

14、ddress in an English business letter should include the following: 1) the name of the firm or company addressed to 2) number and street 门牌号码和街名 3) name of city, state or country and its postal code 所在城市、州、县名及邮政编码 P.O. Box 信箱 4) name of country(2) C/O: care of 转交(3) 行名前(以人名为行名)冠以“Messrs”,表客气4 The Sal

15、utation 称呼商业函件多用Dear Sirs, 不能单独用Sirs.公事函件用Dear Sir. 半公半私用Dear Mr.美国人常用Gentlemen, 后用冒号Dear Sirs 后用逗号5 The Body1) The Opening Sentences 开头语2) The Body of the Letter 信的正文3) The Closing Sentences 结尾语a. 用分词短语开头 Awaiting your good news, we are, b. 用完整句子开头 We await your good news. 6 The Complimentary Close 结束语,结尾敬语1) The complimentary close is a poli


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