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1、2018-2019年广东省肇庆市端州区五校联考七年级(上)期末英语试卷(解析版)2018-2019学年广东省肇庆市端州区五校联考七年级(上)期末英语试卷一、听力理解(本大题分为 A、B、C、D四部分,共5小题,每小题1分,共30分)听句子(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合 题意的图画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑,每小题听一遍.1. (1 分)What does the store sell ?# / 21C.2. (1 分)What does Mike give to his teacher ?3. (1 分)What subject

2、does Sam like ?C.4. (1 分)What does the speaker see?C.5. (1 分) What does the speaker eat for breakfast?B.听对话(本题有 10小题,每小题1分,共10分)根据所听内容,回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项 涂黑.每段对话听两遍.6. (1 分)What does Bruce have?A . A volleyball .B . A basketball.C. A baseball.7. (1 分) Who has the pi ng

3、- pong bat ?A . Linda .B . John.C . Paul .& (1 分)Where is the dictionary ?A . In Lucys backpack .B . In Jims backpack .C . In Lilys backpack .9. (1 分)What does the girl see on the table ?A . Nine pears and six oranges .Nine pears and six apples.Six oran ges and nine bananas.10. (1 分)When is Jacks En

4、glish test ?On December 12ththOn November 12thC. On November 10 .11. (2 分)(1) What is the mans family name ?A . David .B. Smith .C. Gree n.(2) Who has an e- mail?A . The woman .B . The man.C. Both A and B .12 . (3 分)(1) Whats the date today?thA . March 7thB . March 8 .thC . March 9 .(2)What does Jac

5、k want to do for his mother ?A . Buy a cake.B . Buy some flowers .C . Make a dinner.(3)Where do they want to go together ?A . Jacks home .B . Lucys home .C . The supermarket .C.听独白(本题有 10小题,每小题 5分,共10分)根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个 选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.独白 听两遍.13 . (5 分)(1) Kate Smith is ourA .En

6、glish teacherB .math teacherC .Chin ese teacher(2)Every morning , KateA .plays badm inton with usB .eats fruits and vegetablesC .runs for an hour(3)Kate Smithin her classA .teaches us En glish songsB .plays games with usC .tells stories to us(4) Kate Smiths class isA .serious and boringB .in teresti

7、 ng and funC .difficult but fun(5)Kate Smith ofte nafter classA . plays volleyball with usB . talks with usC.plays badm inton (羽毛球)with us14. (5 分)(1) Gina and Lisa are.A .good friendsB .twin sistersC .high school stude nts(2)They go shopp ingA .on SaturdayB .on SundayC .on Childre ns Day(3)Gina buy

8、s.A . a pencil box and some fruitsB . a pen and some vegetablesC.a pen and some fruits(4)Lisa buys somefor her motherA .tomatoes and bananasB .oran ges and bananasC.potatoes and tomatoes(5)After they buy the things , theyA .go to a coffee shopB .go back homeC .stay at the storeD.听填信息(本题有 5小题,每小题5分,共

9、5分)15. ( 5分)你将听到的是一篇关于本学期活动的短文,请根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡,并将答案写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上短文听两遍.School ActivitiesOn September 12 thA school(1 )On (2)9 thA soccer game .On November 21 stAn (3)party .On December 21 stA(4 ).We will give the (5) tothepoor stude nts .、单项填空(本大题共 15小题,每小题1分,共15分)在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选

10、项涂黑.16. (1 分)Sally ismiddle school student . How about her brother ?-He isEnglish teacher.()A . a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an17. (1 分) Is the sweater Jacks? Yes, and the T shirt is, too ()A . yours B . hers C. his D . mine18. (1 分)-Do you like saladdinner ?No. I like hamburgers ()A . at B. with C

11、. on D. for19 . (1 分) My friend plays soccer very .()A . well B . good C . fine D . nice20 . (1 分)In the after noon we are not. Lets play soccer .That sounds good .A . busy B . free C . tidy D. useful21.( 1 分) Here arepictures . And in thepicture , you can see two dogs.()A . five ; five B . five ; f

12、ifthC . fifth ; five D . fifth ; fifth22 . (1 分) youyour help ,Lin da .Youre welcome .()A . Ask ; for B . Thank; ofC . Tha nk ; for D . Think; about23 . (1 分)Childrens Day is on1st . All of the children in China like this festival .()A . June B . July C . SeptemberD . October24 . (1 分) Smith is our

13、geography teacher . He is great fun.()A . Mrs . B . Ms . C . Mr . D . Miss25 . (1 分) is my baseball ? I cant find it any where .Oh, its under the chair .()A . Who B . What C . Where D . Why26 . (1 分) Mom , the shirt looks very n ice. Can youit for me ?-OK . How much is it ?()A . find B . need C. sel

14、l D . buy27. (1 分)I cant play baseballits very difficult for me .()A . soB. or C . but D . because28 . (1 分)What did you do yesterday ?-Ibasketball.()A . play B .playsC .playedD . playing29 . (1 分) Look!Someappleson the table.Some breadin the bag .()A. are, areB . is,are C .is, is D.are, is30 . (1 分)- ?- Yes,please. I wantsome apples .()A . What do you want B . How are youC . Can I help you D . Can you help me三、完形填空(本大题共1小题,每小题10分,共10分)31 . (10 分)Dear Mike ,Thank you (1) your email and your family photo .Here (2) my family photo . There are (3)



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