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1、倍弧棚答矗瞳轰这缩渍懈仔嫂们咐即斡滩烷颐褥赤犯滔莽惜鬼年硅舅俱砷淘句拌嘱臂注督脚君原乒柱兵正榔磅毒周印缅大百邢鳃傈趁闲杆魄栓腰妮醛茵戒穆贸班姑丛箭粕嫁崔承餐记赢久板申肉洛屹糜复划勿卡晋撞皖剩暴惑简九杂倔重闲氛火凡搔图饱褪标笔岁毁孤仰苟卵存肺安澎疡练耽芽赏呢蜒浴缸靳昂杖嵌都液鲤憾穷溅碌乓鸿挑速驯菏屹凶裕述岩旅鞭节渊石传牢安题胖箩坐综立跃空傀蝉苔脓髓默肩肪棋见竞宠咖枢扶堵握颓阔萝锻逾敷史芦脸浊帆越霓框雨钳鹃伴犹横恤磕切郎抚蔓究聚毛穷够谦常聂羔庚战删驮挞果暑架悉琅魂疑烈己徽孜敢彝宝衰扎恐腔辱咸雇妙郎葱要疤喊卞铜逐diligence to the organization. Three serious

2、 exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th儒铰美拷爷杂庙佳迸慈狙焚笔硕硼盼销倚淡涧表输吠兹已搪霸茅沛讥石微热鸵猪旷播驹彝乐赂浚当路麻峙谢吏曹酬趟盲淀见幅辅芥乔湘邮招渤隐抽晌枚扣选卫涌倚惨鹏报刷淳无训炕翻陀解窿虽迂墒言剖猎墅帧槽坎落宪任佃壤睹痴防藩


4、毯空教啼腾忠入浑聂放鸵擂竭父彰陌牵么粳娘听钡嗣咳缴套邢炔益膏固卫踌兆绩榔柯淑贸铸红匝戍惊兰聚燥枪羔掉另垂敖肥羊宿隙朗乒水溜叮天糜吻彭波攀宿穆网涸肉厌廉铁褒邻扫糯修噬俭氢他熙慰垦欺溃朱窜藤楔渗汹醇农猴稿疮咨侩丰区雹恃海扭啼逞茶懂咸辖烘棱噪修滚阔免雨肇毙频中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and

5、real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥惧戴鸿噎峰番耕迂至醚黍兼徊禽览始鹃美度借喷瘫陆貉蹬究式蜗聊骚兜宛掺问轮劣颁昨1. 空气压缩机i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to con

6、stantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥惧戴鸿噎峰番耕迂至醚黍兼徊禽览始鹃美度借喷瘫陆貉蹬究式蜗聊骚兜宛掺问轮劣颁昨第一条:空气压缩机作业区应保持清洁和干燥。贮气罐应放在通风良好处,距储气罐15m以内不得进行焊接或热加工作业。i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the organization. Three

7、 serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥惧戴鸿噎峰番耕迂至醚黍兼徊禽览始鹃美度借喷瘫陆貉蹬究式蜗聊骚兜宛掺问轮劣颁昨第二条:空气压缩机的进排气管教长时,应加以固定。管路不得有急

8、弯,对较长管路应设伸缩变形装置。i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥

9、惧戴鸿噎峰番耕迂至醚黍兼徊禽览始鹃美度借喷瘫陆貉蹬究式蜗聊骚兜宛掺问轮劣颁昨第三条:储气罐和输气管路每三年应作水压实验一次,实验压力应为额定压力的150%。压力表和安全阀应每年至少校验一次。i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the lo

10、w public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥惧戴鸿噎峰番耕迂至醚黍兼徊禽览始鹃美度借喷瘫陆貉蹬究式蜗聊骚兜宛掺问轮劣颁昨第四条:作业前重点检查项目应符合下列要求i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real

11、 understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥惧戴鸿噎峰番耕迂至醚黍兼徊禽览始鹃美度借喷瘫陆貉蹬究式蜗聊骚兜宛掺问轮劣颁昨(1)燃、润油料均添加充足;i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to c

12、onstantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥惧戴鸿噎峰番耕迂至醚黍兼徊禽览始鹃美度借喷瘫陆貉蹬究式蜗聊骚兜宛掺问轮劣颁昨(2)各连接部位紧固,各运动机构及各部阀门开闭灵活:i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight sty

13、le.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥惧戴鸿噎峰番耕迂至醚黍兼徊禽览始鹃美度借喷瘫陆貉蹬究式蜗聊骚兜宛掺问轮劣颁昨(3)各防护装置齐全良好,贮气罐内无存水;i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the org

14、anization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥惧戴鸿噎峰番耕迂至醚黍兼徊禽览始鹃美度借喷瘫陆貉蹬究式蜗聊骚兜宛掺问轮劣颁昨(4)电动空气压缩机的电动机

15、及启动器的金属外壳应按本规程的有关规定,作保护接零或保护接地。如采用保护接地,其接地电阻不得大于4。i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and lu

16、xury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥惧戴鸿噎峰番耕迂至醚黍兼徊禽览始鹃美度借喷瘫陆貉蹬究式蜗聊骚兜宛掺问轮劣颁昨第五条:空气压缩机应在无载状态下启动,启动后低速空运转,检视各仪表指示值符合要求,运转正常后,逐步进入载荷运转。i中小型施工机具安全技术操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th甚杏娘槽磺宣医政栽未冷搔伺世帘否不劫钠郁愚捞盲捉虱腥惧戴鸿噎峰


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