【精校版】人教版必修2同步检测:unit 5 music 第4学时含答案

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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)英语必修1(人教版)第四学时Grammar一、单项填空1After Jack had sent some emails, he_working on his project. Ahad startedBhas startedCstarted Dstarts 答案:C2The book,the cover _is broken,is not mine. Aof it BforCwhose Dof which答案:D3This is the last time _ I shall give you a lesson.Awhen Bthat Cwhich Din whic

2、h答案:B4 His glasses,_he was like a blind man,fell to the ground and broke.Awith which BwhichCthrough which Dwithout which答案:D5He is my son,_a better son does not exist. Abut Bthan whoCagainst whom Dthan whom答案:D6He made another wonderful discovery,_of importance to science. Awhich I think isBwhich I

3、think it isCwhich I think itDI think is答案:A7Mother bought me 3 books on English study,the second _ I really liked. Aof that Bof whichC that Dwhich答案:B8_is known to us all is that the old scientist,for _life was hard in the past,still works very hard in his eighties. AAs; whom BWhich; whoseCWhat; who

4、m DIt; whose答案:C9There are more than 50 students in each class,_are girls.Ahalf of them Bhalf of whichChalf of whomDand half of whom答案:C10Recently my father bought a Chinese painting,_was very reasonable.Athe price of whose Bwhich priceCthe price of which Dit price答案:C二、用“介词关系代词”填空1He is the man_I w

5、ent to the cinema.答案:with whom2That is the man _I talked last night.答案:with whom3This is the film _I am interested.答案:in which4In our class there are 56 students,80 percent _ are from the north.答案:of whom5This is a nice house,in front _there is a tall tree.答案:of which6I like Hong Kong,_I often go sh

6、opping crazily.答案:in which7This is the girl _they like to play jokes.答案:on whom8The spy_ they are watching is from America.答案:over whom91912 is the year_Nieer was born.答案:in which10Kunming is the city _they are working.答案:in which三、语法填空Being a famous singer 1._musician may be2._ _ dream of many peop

7、le.Becoming a member of a band may help you realize the dream.But how can people form a band? Most musicians often meet and form a band for they are congenial(意气相投的) with each other.High school students may also form a band to practise music together or sometimes play3._ _the street to passersby to

8、earn some extra money,4._is also a chance 5._(realize) their dreams of becoming famous.6._,there was a band which started in quite a 7._(difference) way.The musicians of 8._the band was formed played jokes on each other and played music,loosely based on the Beatles.Their exciting performances were c

9、opied by other groups and were fiercely supported by their fans.That band was The Monkees.After a year or 9._,The Monkees became more serious about their work,10._(play) their own instruments and writing their own music.Though it broke up in 1970,it reunited in the mid1980s and is still popular today.答案:1or2.the3.in4.which5.to realize6However7.different8.whom9.so10playing



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