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1、必修五 Module One一、基本单词1语言学家 2语言学 3口音4显然的,显而易见的 5高速公路6地铁 7手电筒,火把 8令人困惑的,难懂的 9 比较 10省略11种类 12使不同,有区别 13 移民,定居者14讲话,评论 15变化(n.) 16 卫星17不断地,持续地 18 轻打,轻掸 19开关20 结构,体系 21迅速地 22声明(n.)23(广播,电视节目的)期,版 24逗人喜爱的25陈述,提出(观点、计划等) 26 努力,尝试27 简化(vt.) 28组合;结合(n.) 29与众不同的 30 批评 31标准的32 参考;查阅(n.)二、词汇拓展1. refer -_(n.)提到;涉

2、及 2. announce - _(n.)公告;布告3.steadily - _(adj.) 稳步的;持续的4.variety - _(adj.)各种各样的;各种各样的5.same -_(近义词) -_(反义词)三、重点短语1有相同之处: 2有影响,是不相同3四处走动 4与相似5做某事有困难 6 引起,导致7同意,支持 8称为9幸亏,多亏 10排队11 用学校的地址 12一按开关13 变为其中的一部分;融入 14去度假15相处;进展 16 按重要性17你进展的怎么样18 关怀备至;过分关心某人 19 两三个;几个20(逐渐)消失 21书面英语22毕业于. 四、重点词语讲解1. confusin

3、g adj. 难懂的,令人困惑的,令人混淆的 e.g. a very confusing experience 让人莫名其妙的经历【拓展】confuse vt使迷惑;(将.)混淆;使难于理解 confuse A with/ and B : 把A和B混淆 confused adj. 迷惑的;混乱的;难懂的 be confused by sth 被搞糊涂了 get / become confused : 困惑;不知所措 confusion u.n. 混乱;困惑 in confusion : 困惑地2.remark n. & v. drop/make a remark : 评论 opening re

4、marks:开场白 polite remarks : 客套话 remark on / upon: 就 发表意见3.announcement n. 宣布;公布;声明 make an announcement : 宣布 place/post/put an announcement on a bulletin board: 在广告栏宣告(布) an announcement about/ of sth. : 有关某事的宣告【拓展】announce sb. :向某人宣布 announce to sb. that :向某人宣布 Its announced that .:据称.4. pres

5、ent : n.礼物,现在 at present:目前,现在 for the present(moment):就目前来说adj. 出席的,到场的(后置定语)e.g.the comrades present adj. 目前的,现在的(前置定语)e.g. the present situation v. 显现,描述,赠送 present sth. to sb. =present sb. with sth. : 向某人展示/赠送/表达某物5. attempt vt & n 试图,尝试 attempt sth. : 尝试某事 at ones first attempt : 第一次尝试尝试(试图)做某事

6、:attempt to do/doing sth. =make an attempt to do sth.=make an attempt at doing sthmake an attempt on/ upon sb : 企图谋杀某人6. have a lot/much/a great deal in common with .: 与.有很多共同之处 have not much/nothing/little in common with.: 与.没多少/没有共同之处 in common with sb./ sth. : 与.一样 for the common good : 为了公共利益 ou

7、t of the common :非同寻常;不平凡7. make a difference: 有影响;使不相同;起重要作用【相关搭配】make a difference between:区别对待. make a difference to:对有影响/起作用 tell the difference between:辨别(区别)的不同 make a world of difference: 有天壤之别8. get around =get about (vi.)各处旅游(走动) get around / round sb. :(用讨好卖乖的手段)说服某人同意 get around / round s

8、th. : 成功地对付;解决;克服 get around / round to (doing) sth. : 抽出时间来做某事 get around = spread (vi.) : (消息;谣言等)传开9. be obvious to sb. : 对某人来说很清楚 It is obvious that. :显然.e.g. It was obvious to everyone that he was lying. 每个人都明白他在撒谎。10.fill up (sth.)with : 使充满;装满 e.g. The room was soon filled up with students. 房

9、间里很快挤满了学生【相关搭配】 fill in for sb. :临时替代某人fill in / out :填写11. queue up for sth. : 排队等候12. a variety of +名词的复数:各种各样的 a variety of + 名词的单数:一种/ 某种.e.g. There are a variety of flowers in the garden.花园里有各种各样的花。He didnt attend the meeting for a variety of reason.由于某种原因他没有参加会议。13. differ vi (from) 不同,相异=be d

10、ifferent from (with) (在意见方面)发生分歧= disagree withe.g. My answer differs from yours.我的答案与你的不同。I differ with you on this matter.关于此事,我和你的意见不同。14. 干某事有困难(麻烦):have difficulty (in) doing sth.= have trouble(in) doing sth. have difficulty with sth.= have trouble with sth.相关练习1.- Dont blame him. -Im only _ Mr

11、. Tigers instructions.a. giving out b. carrying out c. keeping up d. going up2. Most of the seafood _ in the restaurant comes from Xiamen. How about _?a. that sells; the others b. sold; the rest c. that is selling; some other one d. to sell; these3. _ the plan has been made, lets get down to _ it ou

12、t.a. Now that; carry b. Since; carrying c. Because; carry d. So; carrying4.If we want to reach our goal and truly make _, we must know what we can do and try our best to do well.a. difference b. an offer c. a construction d. a result5. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.a. bringing up b. referring to c. looking for d. trying on6. The classroom is big enough _, but well have to move if we have more students.a. for the moment . on the moment c. in a moment d. fro


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