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1、实用的英文自我介绍集锦八篇 英文自我介绍 篇 yame i XX, gradted fr HubeiUnversity o conom (advertsng ofesional graphic dig, adveisg bas). Unrgrdae pelity:ivey and herful,eay-gong,soofiialy. Amiab an eafapproa eausefths caracter, I hv many oe: playng voleyball,jogging, eang,surfi te Inernet.Stiihonesel y mt, bra-mined tar

2、d ohers. In he feld f a yers ofschoing,and etme hava stong character, thichracter mde melern and verome soe dffities in life, and formed a roous, earest, psitv attitud, asoa awrd frm th schol,adsuccessfully becoe a party member. I al activl prtcpateicool activtisan ocialpractie, do notlet any oe can

3、 eerseer own opprtnis, anainor i acountingmjor. Threason lve,eause I lve life very muc. lefro the daily rogres f twonrul Als hope to se this opportnit tob ab to fnd a stage o how ther strength. Understdn need not fr,eiee rht her 英文自我介绍篇2 It s y plesur toeet yo a ee tapl frhe poitio of oig de cl(ssit

4、an)。 oet m el yu a ite t abou yself.i a rom jangx province . there e fu mbers n famiy,mpaent,my ede sistean a ays aeergeti ad nthusiastic psonthatavemany os ,i am fond oall indofoutdor actiitiessuchasplayn tnis, don some hsialpt ad on. (youan alo say i am nted io ing th is also my aourite aciviy)thi

5、yeari wllgratuaefrom tian jin orein suyings university, ih majrnforeign tade(or intrnationa trade)。 irelllike hs ndutvey i amo uynugh to e emloyed by ur compny,i wil u what haveern tgherwit m ergy int yjb an makeeontibtioto you ompanthanky vey muc! 英文自我介绍 篇3 My ame s ian.I am stuatNO.1sondary vocata

6、alchool.My rofinal i Engsh! isa is mEnlsh teacherHe nlsh s vrgood,I ikeher very mc! There are 3 prfssonals ngin my sho ,an thereis a very biglia , comput o,danc-roo ,ang ig heate in i .y hoo s hebet scondaryvcaial shcool f huad choo!so,weloe t my shoo! 英文自我介绍 篇 尊敬的老师,晚上好!我很高兴能来这里参加面试。现在让我给一个简短的自我介绍。

7、 我是 *,出生在* 。我是一个老师的信息科学与工程学院,山东科技大学。我在99年进入这所大学,主修计算机科学与技术。20X年毕业后,我成为了一名研究生,主修计算机软件与理论,由* *教授指导。我receivd硕士学位,在202年成为一名教师。 因为我是一个研究生,我对科学研究很感兴趣。在过去的几年里,我发表了十多篇论文关于高性能计算,佩特里网的理论和应用,算法设计与分析。此外,我参加了两个项目的研究由国家自然科学基金资助。与此同时,我承担很多的教学工作量,每年00多期。 然而,随着时间的进行,我学习和经历的越多,清楚我意识到我真的需要进一步研究。因此,我开始准备去年医生的入学考试。由于我的努

8、力,我通过了第一个考试。如果我有机会进一步学习,我将努力工作来丰富我的知识,使自己成为一名优秀的教师。 好吧,就这样。谢谢你们! 英文自我介绍篇5 My name iL Hqing I am ocalprson ho is 1ears ld I am fro chogqig and I amofteopiontht my hometwia beauifulcity.Moer,I wold like t saysoethngabout my family. I haemther , fathr,d my eldr sithe,ylevery uh, knw pets hae omuchhs an

9、d drams or me。o I mu study wellIhave te confieeecase Ive suchiliy!I amid-heated,tient, otingand creativ. m aar wrkingsuet espeall doheting I am interetdn. I ill ry y estto rsv any prbmo matter ho ifcul t.lays bliev tht will easily lag bhindnless he keps n lanig.n sae tie, like ed ooks, fing n the In

10、tere, lstto musicle, classic,or liht sic,bse ty can mk e feel elxd. Nobodcouldkeep workgefficint,theefor roramuemnt amust In additon, insst o ome pysicl trainingsch as runnin, nd horizonalbar as well. y doi thi, I an lwas sty lth.Thnk u or givn me uc a valuaeopornity! 英文自我介绍 篇6 elf Itrducto M nae sL

11、ipeipi. Iwas born in Beiing n99and noI as 13 years od Thee arefiv pep imy familynow:my gndparetmy father, my moter,an I lovethe meer ofmyfamy ermuch. I wasthe onychil An when ssll I sually laywith myfieds in the par. amavryasy-n ma.o,I ha lotof friends I lve Englis, beca it oneof themot famous lagua

12、ges in the word Inthe futue, I ave agoo dream, my dreams a gn toAmeria for futeducatio dig myselftcomuncatino, n orer toma edre cometrue, ll try y best! elieve throuhm ardworking, I amsur he God will povide tter cances formobui upm fuure caeer and persnl cracters. Tht all, thanks 英文自我介绍 篇7 Good mornng.I am gladto be h frthisnteiew. irst let meintroducmyself y am s*,2. I co fom *,hcpital *ovic. grauatedfrm the* eparmnto *



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