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1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Section A 1a-2d 教学设计 殷红悦说教材:本单元是人教版八年级下册第七单元,包括四个板块的内容。(section A , Grammar focus , section B , self check .)这一单元的四个部分都以“山脉”和“动物”为主题,引出比较级和最高级等语法知识。本单元通过听,说,读,写的训练使学生获得英语基础知识,培养运用英语的能力,激发学习的兴趣。Section A 用最真实的图片让学生直观看到世界上最高的山峰- Qomolangma ,最长的河流- the Ni

2、le ,最深的咸水湖- the Caspian Sea ,最大的沙漠- the Sahara ,以达到认识世界之最和熟悉最高级的目的。教学目标:1.To learn superlative.2.To learn how to express the length and depth of something in English.教学内容:1. language focus: any other . in the world. one of .,. the population of.2. vocabulary: square . meter . deep . population.重点和难点

3、:To learn superlative.教学思路:重点在于引导学生学习形容词和副词的最高级,任务以听,说,读,练为主,因此,知识目标为掌握本课的单词和最高级的构成,以及了解四个世界之最。情感目标为鼓励学生多说多练,使学生增强对大自然地探究兴趣。教学过程:Step1 learn new words. Ask students to read the new words of this period , then divide two parts to start a game “ who reads loudly and correctly?”Step2 show four pictures

4、, then ask them to say some sentences about superlative:For example: This is a picture of -,its very -,Its the - - in the world.Step 3 listening. (finish 1b,2a and 2b)1. listen and complete the sentences. 2. check the students answers.3. listen and repeat.Step 4 role -play Make conversations with th

5、e information in 2a. A: Whats the highest mountain in the world? B:Qomolangma.Step 5 finish 2d.Answer questions:1. Whats the story talk about ?2. How long is the Ming Dynasty?3. What does the guide say about the wall?Step 6 practice.1. 基础单词检测米,公尺- 人口,人口的数量-旅行,旅游-古代的-Square -Asia-wall-tourist-2. 核心短语

6、的人口 -就.而言-和.一样大-3. 根据句意和汉语意思提示完成单词。1.The lake is 2.089 meters -(深的)2.Qomolangma is -(高的)than any other mountain in the world.3.The building is about 20.000 square meters in -.(尺寸)4.Its dangerous to walk across the -(沙漠).Step 7 sum up and homework.教学反思: 通过本课的教学,学生能够积极的参与到教师所设计的各种活动中,学生参与性很高,但在基础知识的教学中,学生对于所学单词的发音掌握不好,涉及到了个别难读的单词,所以在单词的教学中所用的时间过长了。以后要在单词的发音上让学生提前预习,课上教师检测发音来避免过度的占用课堂时间。


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