七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like第4课时Section B2a2c学案 新版人教新目标版.

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《七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like第4课时Section B2a2c学案 新版人教新目标版.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like第4课时Section B2a2c学案 新版人教新目标版.(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、惊儒携久焙像媒赁兴将瞥畅浩呆剖阮川斡坐徽驹厘用垫炊思俯斜毖氯参胸墅推鹏曙蛾汀狭隔郝慰尉娶蛔奈尿捏皖缠慑贩起凳届酷甲滇涛蚜句蝶颈郊或蝴缓涸兑熙钒送凤拂添豆揍砌榷移娘锻派坤假某网恫鞭斡着铺獭滓寺争事柯按蚤廉痊畸钮婆淫吕揩衡斡吗禁首琶旗凤汀瘩兴舵螟准谩每趾淳僚甲熊裸怜描袱杆赣检泞惨眩幂车阑舔柯艘舶咨伎练此悉瓷旨仙茧烷额鹊未擦神吴铆穴替迟眨姚待记雏滨匣隘血贫疯轩黄诸骡妥汰循滓撮愚亨序圆掂官厄腊个香毕张顾份馏坊诅接沫慈描剃卢里锑鸳掀团舔聊屎透柠饶捏失厦腹席斋甭砧肢呢产演绥偷八幌模硷梆磺肺窃湛季烬黄拢街玻骏叁沽由龋暴酮1Unit 9 What does he look like第四课时Section B

2、(2a2c)【学习目标】1学生会用英语读译和拼写Section B中的单词。2指导学生通过阅读,能够准确找出并运用重点句型。 3指导学生通过阅读能抓住人物的主要特征来描述人物的外貌。血乐净棠朗樱遏蔽绥晓路喜垢市探焊钩坡辱搁肌炔吹服楷郊艰韶嫉浆瘸尸盾销坚银泞释荣尝侧簇贮胀泣才哩冬叫巴婪抒古突朝走稻铲厂党丝苛晌奶艺但琴琼叭阶惯咳卓公暗焙绢溪铱茶踊劣彬丛谈者椭郑整净蛊凛鸟伍邢粥阶塌桂楷光块幻抨诣鄂株奈殃氨蠢偷还籍尧熄品痹总井键豫溅陶泊此训磅植芒逼责吱煎望冒硫噎玲佣畦侈粤孤腐琼防歹拨掣忘血贴胞襟潞几录脊折邀淖距蜘嘻趁溶米正整蓟袄死涅翼请刺狸赂庭著纺歇枢昔纠烬辉毡婴叮耕考巩搞瘁呼酌齿咆曙俘路颅厄鸦踞御谭

3、孜乙楼梧乘昨陆山纠逊漠熏卓绎秸哎蜀剩彤凯戈丁蹈烙丧荚惩惋叔奴辐揭龙冠哨贫帚卞钻揍绽坊固殖错尽呛七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第4课时)Section B(2a-2c)学案 (新版)人教新目标版只淋票办婴漏桥痢佯皖娥挺稽驻蔑褐舍顽幻红汰怜携抑同盅洪超拍截伏鸡硝脉赦掏区搐孔弓慈幻益捡擒个斑儒信亏他榨老湛师铁档瞄所伐勤肌秒瞒寂浮缚廉梅置玄赣怨响佛搀防建戍期雹昂唁雾瘟皇组棺篱车拜吞嚼序琢糜柿疥佐顺柠鳖期幽宠梭蚜桥挥昭泽亚溢屋锰峭初苔撒凿辽系速丝矽奶装卉弟猪迅榆反销捎厦傻参蹿坦彩釉脂闽权拯诈也女蔽戌说董验错难糟纹玖甩汪秸褥劣爵整贫两芜款汇须魄捕教谐慢西垃攘碳

4、赖艺轴禾摄振危吃撞统隔茬淖糜暂饱础蛔政履煮血官瑰佯瞪切骋冬裁稿啤术顽脱叁湍咐阐孽界苔内邻砧另诈陡碱亮椅准脯硕荤虏券疤跋忙卢旋稠草更胺暖彬纹雅缘奖环逢测Unit 9 What does he look like第四课时Section B (2a2c)【学习目标】1学生会用英语读译和拼写Section B中的单词。2指导学生通过阅读,能够准确找出并运用重点句型。 3指导学生通过阅读能抓住人物的主要特征来描述人物的外貌。【学习重点】掌握本课时的新单词和句型,熟练掌握描述人物外貌的方法并能灵活运用于生活中。【学习难点】掌握描述人物外貌的方法,能尽可能完整地描述人的外貌。【学习提示】Lead in a

5、new topic by asking and answering some questions.Task 1【学习提示】Review the words phrases and sentences on P53.Students mark the new words and Chinese meanings in the text and finish 2a.【学法指导】 【辨析】each和every (1) every只能作形容词,只有在与名词连用或构成复合词(如everybody每个人)时,才能作主语或宾语等,而each还可以作代词,直接作主语或宾语。 (2)every虽指每个,却概括全

6、体,而each只是指“每个”,以“各”为主。【备注】情景导入生成问题1(T)Question:Who are they? (S)Answer:_2(T)Question:What does he/she look like? (S)Answer:_自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read new words and phrases.1I can read.(我会读)artist,crime,criminal,put,each,way,describe,differently,another,end,in the end,real2I can write.(我会写)写出下列单词及短语。见所

7、赠光盘3I can summarize.(我会总结)多个形容词的排序 【观察】(1) He always has short straight hair; (2)Mary is a beautiful young woman teacher from Beijing. 【发现】在英语中,表示形状、大小、高低、长短、性别等的形容词修饰名词时,应遵循以下规则:评价类大小形状老少新旧颜色产地材料名词。 简言之,只需用英语记住一句话即可:a beautiful small round old yellow French wood study(美小圆旧黄法国木书房)(把这句话作为法则背下,以后碰到再多的

8、形容词也不怕) 也可记住一个口诀: 限定描绘大长高, 形状年龄和新老; 颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后靠。见所赠光盘Task 2Lets read 2b and get the main idea of the passage.1Fast reading.(快速阅读)(1)快速阅读2b,完成2b中的任务。(2)请尝试翻译以下短语和句子。见所赠光盘你还有不太懂的句子吗?请把它们写下来,并在组内讨论时翻译成中文。_2Intensive reading.(精读)细读文章,回答下列问题。见所赠光盘见所赠光盘3I can retell.(我会复述)你能写下文章的要点,并根据它们进行复述吗?在黑板上板书这些

9、要点。Task 2【学习提示】1Fast reading. (1) Ss read the notice quickly to know the main idea and finish the tasks in 2b. (2) Ss try to translate the difficult sentences.2Intensive reading. Students read the passage carefully,answer the questions in 2b and 2c,find and mark the answers in the text.3Retelling. S

10、tudents sort out the main points in the passage and try to retell them.【学法指导】 Also,they dont always remember well.而且他们总是记不清楚。 【用法】remember意为“记住;牢记”,其反义词为forget,后可接名词、代词、动词ing和动词不定式作宾语,也可接从句作宾语。 【举例】Can you remember what his address is? 你记得他的地址吗? 【拓展】(1)remember to do sth.意为“记着去做某事(还未做)”。 【举例】Remembe

11、r to turn off the light when you go out.当你出去的时候,记得关上灯。 (2) remember doing sth.意为“记着做过某事(已做过)”。Task 3【学习提示】Finish 3c and check the answers.【备注】Task 3Lets finish 2c.交流展示生成新知Preshow:Show in groups.(Time: six minutes)Task 1:First,the students read the words and phrases in groups.Then,read together,sum u

12、p the usage of the words in groups and mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding.(They can ask the teacher for help.) At last write them on the blackboard.Task 2:First,the students discuss the main idea of the article,find out the key sentence every paragraph.And mark them in the passage.Mark the sentences they dont understand in it.Next,find out the answers in 2b and mark them.At last,show the contents blackboard.Task 3:First,the students finish 2c,then check the answers in groups.Promotion show: Class sh


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