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1、Unit 2 第3课时Learning about Language.单项填空从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。1One of the main themes of the summit meeting was “sustainable development, or the question _ we can continue developing the world without damaging the environment.Awhat Bhow Cwhy Dthat答案:B此题题意:峰会的议题之一是“可持续开展,即我们如何在不破坏环境的前提下使世界持续开展

2、的问题。此题考查同位语从句。在同位语从句中,主要成分完整,不需要连接代词引导,排除what. 含义和“方式有关,采用连接副词how.2We all know the truth_there are air, water and sunlight there are living things.Awhere Bwherever Cthat Dthat wherever答案:D此题题意:这个道理,大家是懂的。空气、水和阳光存在的地方就有生物存在。此题是一个含有两个从句的主从复合句。wherever引导的让步状语从句wherever there are air, water and sunlight

3、与there are living things构成的主从复合句,具体说明了the truth的内容,作了the truth的同位语,需要连词that来引导。3Mr. Frank asked me a question _ I could go with him to_ he called the Treasure House the next week.Athat; which Bwhether; that Cwhether; what Dthat; where答案:C此题题意:弗兰基先生询问我一个问题:我能否在下周和他一起去那个被他称作是宝库的地方。第一空考查同位语从句的用法,从句主要成分

4、完整,含义和“是否有关,选用whether.第二空考查宾语从句的用法,在从句中,动词call后缺少宾语,选用what,表示“的事物。4. (原创)There dwells in me a strange feeling_all is not right.Athat Bwhich Cof which Dwhat答案:A此题题意:我总有一个奇怪的感觉,就是并非一切都是合情合理的。that引导同位语从句具体说明了a feeling的内容。5(原创)At two oclock Gatsby put on his bathingsuit and left word with the secretary

5、_ if any one phoned word was to be brought to him at the pool.Awho Bas Cwhich Dthat答案:D此题题意:下午两点钟盖茨比穿上游泳衣,留了话给秘书,如果有人打 来,就到游泳池来给他送个信。that引导同位语从句,具体说明word的内容。6(原创)Do you have any idea _teenagers are more likely to watch programs that have teenagers as the main characters?Ahow Bwhether Cthat Dwhy答案:D此

6、题题意:你知道为什么青少年更喜欢看以青少年担任主角的节目吗?名词 idea后接同位语从句,在同位语从句中,主要成分完整,需要连接副词引导。含义和“原因有关,采用why.7(原创)Is there any chance _you can go to the post office and mail the letter for me?Athat Bwhich Cuntil Dif答案:A此题题意:你有没有可能去一趟邮局为我寄这封信?that引导同位语从句,具体解释和说明chance的内容。that只具有连接功能,不担任句子成分。8(原创)The story goes _ some time ag

7、o, a man punished his 3yearold daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper.Awhen Bwhere Cwhat Dthat答案:D此题题意:故事发生在不久以前,一个男人因为他3岁的女儿浪费了一卷金质包装纸而责备她。that引导同位语从句, 说明了a story的具体内容。注意:the story goes| so the story goes 表示“据说,传闻,谣传。9(原创)There is no doubt on our present knowledge _the people in Tibet w

8、ill create an even more beautiful environment and an even better life for themselves in the course of their future development.Awhich Bthat Cwhat Dwhether答案:B此题题意:现在我们可以毫无疑问地认为,人民在未来的开展中将创造更加优美的环境,迎来更加美好的生活。此题考查分割式同位语从句的用法。There is no doubt that. 为固定结构,表示“对没有疑心,疑虑 。10(原创)We received information _you

9、 had arrived.Awhich Bthat Cwhen Das答案:B此题题意:我们得到了你已抵达的消息。 此题考查了同位语从句的用法。that引导同位语从句具体说明了名词information的具体内容。.完形填空阅读下面文章,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D中)选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。On the first day of my school life in the USA, I showed a great interest in my marketing class. My teacher, Mrs. Tolman, suggested I_1_a natio

10、nal marketing club called DECA attracting many students with talent and interest in_2_. So I did.The first_3_was to raise money for marketing competitions later in the year by selling candles. Mrs. Tolman said the competition was due in a week and that 40 percent of the_4_would go into my personal a

11、ccount.At the beginning, I tried to sell some candles to my host mom. She said that if I could_5_confidence and do a wonderful sales presentation, she would certainly buy some. I started my_6_with a firm handshake. Then I introduced all the different kinds of candles and the special sales I could of

12、fer and_7_her that our candles were the best choice for gifts and home decorations. Finally she bought three candles.Grealy_8_I decided to sell my candles around the neighborhood.On Saturday morning, with great courage, I knocked at the door of my first potential_9_. “Im a student at Skyline High Sc

13、hool and we are_10_money for DECA, Im trying to sell.“Not today, sorry,that man interrupted me and_11_the door.Embarrassed, I walked away and encouraged myself the_12_thing that might happen was being refused like that again. I couldnt even count how many times I was_13_with reasons like“Not today,“

14、I dont have any_14_money right nowor“I just bought some_1516_, a woman kindly bought nearly $60 worth of candles. I couldnt even hide my_17_and said“Thank you very muchto her with a bow.After a_18_hard work, I turned in my $408 worth of sales of candles, which gave me $163 in my own account. I was_19_to find out I was the second highest seller in all classes.It was my first time working as a sales person. This experience let me know that_20_diff



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