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1、苏州市第二十六中学八年级(上)英语导学稿课 题8A Unit 6 Welcome to the unit课型新授执笔谢俊审核谢俊学 习目 标To introduce the topic of disastersTo activate existing knowledge of the world in response to newspaper headlinesTo identify vocabulary related to the topicTo guess meaning from keywordsTo identify weather conditions and label pic

2、tures with correct words重 点难 点To introduce the topic of disastersTo identify weather conditions and label pictures with correct wordsTo identify vocabulary related to the topic学学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:写出下列词语1把拖洗干净_2输掉比赛_3杀死成千上万的人_4他的腿受了伤_5把村子冲走_6雷电_ 二、课堂反馈: 用正确的介词填空1. We will not stay here _ too long. W

3、e must go back at once.2. Last night a coach crashed _ a tree. The people _ it were badly hurt.3. Would you like to go shopping _ me?4. We didnt arrive _ the park until ten oclock.5. Zhalong is the home _ plants and animals. There are many different kinds _ birds there, too.6. I think it is importan

4、t _ us to protect the animals.三、课后拓展:完成句子1 昨天,学校足球队输了比赛。2 这次交通事故死了三个人。3 地板都湿了,谁把它拖干净?4 外面在下雨。你应该雨停了再走。苏州市第二十六中学八年级(上)英语导学稿课 题8A Unit 6 reading 课型新授执笔谢俊审核谢俊学 习目 标To infer meaning from keywords and contextTo identify specific meaning by reformulating sentences in a diaryTo sequence information to foll

5、ow the gist of a story重 点难 点To identify specific meaning by reformulating sentences in a diaryTo sequence information to follow the gist of a story订正、笔记栏 订正、笔记栏学 习 过 程一、预习检测:写出下列词语1 在购物中心_ 2 一阵轻微的震动_3 恐惧地_ 4 四处逃散_5 尽力做某事_ 6 倒下_7 平静下来_ 8 陷入困境_9 活下来_ 10赶快做某事,匆忙做某事_ 二、课堂反馈: 根据课文内容填空I was in a _ center

6、when it started. _ first, I felt a _ shaking through my body.Then I heard a big noise like _. People _ _ each other _ _.Then the real noise came and the earth started to shake. People ran _ all directions.I _ my best to _ _ to the street too. People ran _ as _ _ glass and bricks fell down. Then the

7、walls began to _ _ too. When the noise ended, I _ down and found I _ _ in the dark place. I shouted _ _, but no one came. I told myself that I must stay _.Suddenly, I heard some noise above me. I screamed. Then I heard _ shouts. People were in a great _ to _ _ the bricks and stones. At _, I saw the

8、bright _. I was _.三、课后拓展: 1当我平静下来的时候,我发现我被困在黑暗中。When I _ _, I found I _ _ _ _ _ _.2当地震开始的时候,人们四处奔逃。When the earthquake started, people _ _ _ _.3人们赶紧把砖块、石头移走。People _ _ _ _ _ move away the bricks and stones.4四周太静了。他们惊恐地彼此看着对方。It was too quiet around them. They _ _ _ _ _ _.5 他们尽力去救他,但是没成功。They _ _ _ _

9、 _ _, but failed. 苏州市第二十六中学八年级(上)英语导学稿课 题8A Unit 6 Vocabulary课型新授执笔谢俊审核谢俊学 习目 标To identify words and phrases to describe weather conditionsTo use vocabulary to give weather forecast重 点难 点To identify words and phrases to describe weather conditions 学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测: 按要求写出下列单词1. shake(名词)_ 2. live(

10、形容词)_3. me(反身代词)_ 4. loudly(形容词)_5. sun(形容词)_ 6. cloudy(名词)_7. wind(形容词)_ 8. rain(形容词)_9. storm(形容词)_ 10.foggy(名词)_11.snow(形容词)_ 12.frost(形容词)_ 二、课堂反馈: 用所给单词的正确形式填空1. The sun shines _ (bright). It is a _ (sun) day.2. It is really _ (snow) today. So I got to school quite late.3. It was _ (fog) yester

11、day. We couldnt see each other in one metre.4. It is going to be _ (wind) tonight. The wind will blow _ (strong).5. The weather will become _ (bad) on Monday than today.6. Birds can find food _ (easy) here.三、课后拓展:1在六月,这儿经常下大雨。 It often _ _ _ _ here.2今天的天气很暖和,气温在15摄氏度左右。 _ _ _ is very warm. The temperature _ _ _.3昨晚刮了一场大风。今天的温度将会有所下降。_ _, there was _ _ _. The temperature _ _ _ _ _ _ today.


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