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1、英语感恩演讲稿四篇【实用】英语感恩演讲稿四篇英语感恩演讲稿 篇1the poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open a. i said: thanksgiving to the door pushed open a harmony, harmony open the door to the living. if you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.thanksgiving is a traditiona

2、l virtue of the chinese nation, build a socialist harmonious society needs. guangdong lawyer tian, in order to return the mothers kindness in telling your mother dying when she donated his kidney to restore the mothers life; xu yu return to the munity of his kindness, decided to leave after graduati

3、ng from university in the bustling city , broke into穷乡僻壤the thatched shed to seeking knowledge, a thirst for knowledge sent the children thanksgiving-fighting, thanksgiving unlimited! students, and society thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love! let us brought up th

4、eir hands and work together, everyone aspired to build a socialist harmonious society!诗人说:花朵把春天的门推开了。我说:感恩把和谐的门推开了,和谐把生活的门推开了。只要你用心去听花开的声音,生活到处都是和谐的乐章。爱,像火种点燃心灵的希望; 爱,像绿茵撑起心灵的天空。爱,是一种力量,是一种财富。我们应该从小在心中撒播爱的种子。让我们心存感谢,学会感恩。用一颗感恩的心去面对生活,面对学习,面对挫折,从而体会父母,师长,同学,朋友间无私的亲情,友谊,懂得滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”的真正内涵。感恩是中华民族的传统美德


6、同学们,有首歌叫感谢你:感谢明月照亮了夜空,感谢朝霞捧出的黎明,感谢春光融化了冰雪,感谢大地哺育了生灵,感谢母亲赐予我生命感谢收获、感谢和平、感谢这所有的一切一切。51-51免 费论文网-网-欢送您感恩无痕,感恩无限!同学们,学会感恩吧!让我们的生活永远走向关心,充满真情和爱心!让我们携起来手来,共同努力,构建一个人人向往的社会和谐社会!英语感恩演讲稿 篇2英语感恩演讲稿 篇3First of all, I would like to thank today that I can stand here to participate in the activities of all the pe

7、ople, including me. The topic of my speech today is thankful heart.Some say, forget gratitude is human nature. When we accidentally came to this world, havent had time to do anything, we have already started to enjoy the former brings us all material and spiritual achievements. Its remind every one

8、of us, to have a grateful heart.Have a heart of gratitude, more respect. Respect for life, respect for labor, respect creation. Hearts with gratitude, a generation of great men - small - deng ping said in three score and ten I am the son of the Chinese people, I deeply love my country and my people!

9、 With a grateful heart, the poet ai qing wrote in his poem: why my eyes full of tears, because I have deep love to this land. Heard of the story of a man apologized to the tree? Heard of all the running car to make way for the dogs story? The true story, touched by a love of life, moved by people re

10、spect for life. When we enjoy a clean enviro_ent every day, we would like to thank those cleaning workers; When we move to a new house, we would like to thank those construction workers; When we travel, would like to thank the driver. Understand thank you, you will be looked upon with equal every li

11、fe, to treat everyone around us, an ordinary ordinary labor, respect each also respect yourself more.Have a heart of gratitude, more can realize his duty. In modern society, everyone has their own duties, their value. When one of Chinas top ten XX touched xu benyu screen, goodness of human nature wa

12、s lit again, this was originally the college students into graduate school, but they threw into the mountains from the bustling city. This extraordinary feat hurt everyones eyes, each person heart is also lit up a smoldering fire. And let him to make a choice of the reason is simple: with a grateful

13、 heart. Xu benyu with his gratitude for the mountains children paved the road to a love, lit the poverty and hope, pleted his duty, realize the value of his life.Thank day litres of sunset, thank happy pain, thanks to the earth, the sky thank heaven all the stars, thanks to life, thanks to get and l

14、ose everything, and nothing had lost everything, let me in the season of the grass sprout out of the earth came up the beauty of life!Finally, lets get together again to listen to this song grateful heart : Thanksgiving heart, thank you, with my life, let me have the courage to do myself, Thanksgivi

15、ng heart, thank fate, flowers bloom, I cherish.英语感恩演讲稿 篇4Nearly 150 years ago, in one of the darkest years of our nations history, President Abraham Lincoln set aside the last Thursday in November as a day of Thanksgiving. America was split by Civil War. But Lincoln said in his first Thanksgiving de

16、cree that difficult times made it even more appropriate for our blessings to be (and I e), gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American people.At home, we face an economic crisis of historic proportions. More and more Americans are worried about losing a job or making their mortgage payment. Workers are wondering if next months paycheck will pay next months bills. Retiree


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