仁爱英语八年级下Unit8Topic2sectionB (2)

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1、仁爱英语八年级下Unit 8 Topic2Different jobs require different uniforms教学设计和平实验初级中学 郑燕灵教材内容分析:本话题主要围绕有关服装方面进行展开。由谈论服装,引出有关服装的单词,及个别句型。通过谈论制服的作用,让学生从中了解并热爱自己的校服,要求领悟不同场合不同的穿衣风格。并要求学生掌握含有特殊疑问词的宾语从句,以及 its +adj+ to do / that clause 的用法。学情分析:教学的对象是初二的学生,他们经过一年多的英语学习,有了一定的英语基础和听说能力,正逐渐向阅读,写作过渡。同时,经过一年多的新课程理念的熏陶及实

2、践,有了初步的自主,合作,探究,实验的能力。但是个别学生学习习惯还不够好,作业比较拖拉,上课注意力容易分散,不能做到认真听讲。加之需要记忆的单词,词组等逐步在加大,导致部分学生对英语的兴趣逐步淡化,班级中形成了较严重的两极分化的情况,部分学生对教师布置的任务难以完成。因此,教师在教学中要以人为本,加强对良好学习习惯的培养,并实施分层教学,分别要求,分档推进的方法,面向全体学生,让学生多参与课堂,发挥其主观能动性,增强其对英语学习的兴趣及自信心,使每位学生学有所获。Topic 2 Different jobs require different uniforms.Section B一、课型:听说

3、课二、课时:12课时。三、目标要求1. Go on learning the patterns “Its + adj. + that ” and “It is + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth.”It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion.Its impolite for the man to wear jeans to go to the formal party.2. Go on learning object clauses:Can you tell me what I should w

4、ear here?Could you tell me where the special shoes are?3. Talk about suggestions of dressing on different occasions:You should wear a business suit.You have to change your leather shoes.You should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in Japan.You should wear your sports shoes.People shou

5、ld dress correctly.四、教学重难点:“Its+adj.+that ” and “Its+adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.”:句型的区分与运用。 五、教学过程Step 1 Review1. Check the homework.2. Revise why the students and the police should wear uniforms when they are at school or at work. 3. Revise the object clause and the sentence structure: “Its + adj. +

6、that ” and “It is + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth.”Step 2 Presentation1. Show some very interesting pictures to the students, talk about the pictures like this: (1) (2) (3)Picture (1):T: What is the boy wearing? Ss: He is wearing a cap.T: Is it polite for a student to wear a cap in class?Ss: No, it i

7、snt. Its impolite for a student to wear a cap in class.T: What should he do?Ss: I think he should take off his cap in class.Write down the underlined sentences on the blackboard. Then talk about the other picture or other occasions like that. At last, conclude that: Its important to wear suitable cl

8、othes on every occasion, people should dress correctly.Step 3 Consolidation1. Listen, read and say (1a) 1) Show the pictures in 1a, make sure they know who are in the dialogues and where they happen. Learn the new words first: gatekeeper, customer, attendant. 2) Listen to the dialogues and find out

9、the answers to the questions:What should they do?Dialogue 1:Dialogue 2:Dialogue 3:Dialogue 4: 3) Listen to the tape and read with the tape.2. Work alone (1b) Read 1a again and complete the passage. Finish 1b.3. Show some very interesting pictures to the students, talk about the pictures like this: (

10、1) (2) (3)Picture 1:T: What”s the monkey doing”Ss: Its performing ballet. T: What do you think of it?Ss: Its very funny. T: Yes, Its funny that a monkey performs ballet. Or Its funny (for a monkey) to perform ballet. Compare the differences between the two sentences to discover the usage of the stru

11、ctures: “Its + adj. + that ” and “It is + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth.” Step 4 Practice1. Part 2Look at the pictures and information in Part 3, Using “Its + adj. + that ” or “It is + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth” to make sentences. Finish Part 2.2. Exercise in class.( ) 1.Its dangerous for you _ th

12、at tall tree. A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed ( ) 2._ is important for children to get a good education. A. This B. That C. What D. It3. It is important that we listen carefully to the teacher in class.(改为同义句) Its important _ _ _ listen carefully to the teacher in class.4. Black clothes

13、are suitable for a fat person. (改为同义句) _ suitable _ a fat person wears black clothes.3. Part 3Listen and choose the kinds of clothes that are mentioned in the conversations. Finish Part 3Step 5 Summary and Homework1 Learn the new words, phrases and sentence structures by heart.2 Finish some exercises in Section B3 Preview Section C



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