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1、普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语第三册人教版Unit1 Festivals around the worldTeaching aims:1. Topic Festivals; how festivals begin; how to celebrate festivals2. Useful words and expressions:掌握:beauty, harvest, hunter, origin, bone, belief, trick, poet, arrival, gain, independence, independent, gather, award , admire energe

2、tic, Easter, clothing, custom, worldwide, fool, permission, parking, apologize, drown, sadness, remind, forgive 理解:starve, celebration, ancestor, feast, agriculture, agricultural, rooster,Christian, obvious, wipe , weep take place in memory of dress up play a trick on look forward to day and night a

3、s though have fun with turn up keep ones word hold ones breath set off remindof 3. Functional items:1)Request Could /Would you please? Could I have? Could we look at? I look forward to . May I see?2)Thanks Its very kind of youThank you very much/thanks a lot.Id love to.It was a pleasure.Dont mention

4、 it. You are most welcome.4. Structures情态动词can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, cant 等的用法。 1) can /couldJin can speak English well. (ability)Could you please show me the way to Beihai Park? (request) 2) may /mightMay we see the awards for the teams? (permission; request)She migh

5、t give you some new clothing. (possibility) 3) will /wouldThe Spring Festival is the most fun. The whole family will come for dinner. (promise; agreement)Often he would dress up like a rich man. (past habit; custom)4) shall /shouldThe harvest festival begins on Saturday. We shall be there with our f

6、riends. (promise; agreement)You should arrive at the airport two hours before he goes. (advice)5) must /cantWang Feng wins an award every year. He must be very strong (speculation)You must be joking. That cant be true.U1, Module3beauty名词 n. 1. 美,美丽,优美UHe has no real feeling for beauty. 他并非真的爱美。 2. 美

7、人;美的事物CShe is quite a beauty. 她是个真正的美人儿。 3. 【口】极好(或极坏)的人;极好(或极坏)的事物;典型的一例CThat black eye you got in the fight is a beauty! 瞧你被打得眼青鼻肿,真漂亮极啦! 4. 优点;妙处the S(+of)The beauty of it is that everyone can play. 它的妙处在于每个人都可以玩。 5. 【物】(基本粒子)美harvest名词 n. 1. 收获;收获季节CUThe farmer hired extra workers for the harves

8、t. 农场主为收割增添了雇工。 2. 收成,产量CIt happened that the harvest was bad in 1988. 碰巧一九八八年的收成很糟。 3. 结果;后果;成果SThe new medicine is the harvest of thirty years research. 这种新药是三十年研究的成果。 及物动词 vt. 1. 收割;收获Try to harvest the fruit before first frost. 尽量在初霜之前采摘水果。 2. 获得,得到不及物动词 vi. 1. 收割庄稼hunter名词 n. C1. 猎人,猎手David was

9、 a very brave young hunter. 戴维是个非常勇敢的年轻猎手。 2. 猎犬;猎马3. 追求者;搜寻者(+after/for)a hunter for fame and gain 追求名利的人 origin名词 n. 1. 起源;由来;起因CUWhat was the origin of the quarrel? 这场争吵的起因是什么? 2. 出身;门第;血统UP1His origins were humble. 他出身低微。 3. 【数】原点 bone名词 n. 1. 骨,骨头CDoris suffered a broken bone in her foot. 多丽丝的一

10、只脚骨折了。 2. 骨质U3. 骨骼;身体;尸骸PLet me rest my weary bones for a minute. 我的身体很累,让我稍稍休息一下吧。 4. 骨制品C5. 【口】骰子P belief名词 n. 1. 相信;信任,信赖US(+in)+(that)My father hadnt much belief in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine. 我父亲不太相信中医。 2. 信念,看法US+(that)My belief is that the visiting team will lose. 我看客队会输。 3. 信仰C(

11、+in)4. 信条,教义CHe explained the beliefs of Taoism to us. 他向我们讲解了道教教义。 trick名词 n. C1. 诡计;骗局;谋略;花招He got into the castle by a trick. 他耍了个花招混进了城堡。 2. 恶作剧3. 轻率愚蠢的行为That was a rotten trick! 那样做太轻率了! 4. 习惯,癖好(+of)He has a trick of repeating himself. 他有重复自己话的习惯。 5. 窍门,招数,手法Daily practice is the trick in lear

12、ning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。 6. 戏法,把戏;特技,妙计No one understood how I did the card trick. 谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的。 Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. 魔术师常常变从帽子抓出兔子的戏法。 7. (桥牌)一圈及物动词 vt. 1. 哄骗OThey tricked me into making a mistake. 他们骗我犯错。 2. 装饰,打扮(+out/up/off)Sh

13、e tricked herself up for the banquet. 她打扮整齐去赴宴会。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 哄骗2. 恶作剧;戏弄(+with)形容词 a. ZB1. 有诀窍的;特技的;魔术的trick photography 特技摄影 a trick box 魔术箱 2. 欺诈的3. (骨头等)似快要折断的,脆弱的poet名词 n. 诗人C arrival名词 n. 1. 到达;到来;达到U(+at/in)arrival at a conclusion 结论的得出 We waited for the arrival of our guests. 我们等着客人的到来。 2. 到

14、达的人(或物);新生儿CThey went out to welcome the new arrivals. 他们走出去欢迎新来的人。 gain及物动词 vt. 1. 得到;获得,赢得(战争、诉讼等)Our army gained the battle. 我们的军队赢得了那场战役。 He gained possession of more land.他拥有了更多的土地。 2. 使得到O1He had gained himself a reputation for unfairness. 他使自己得到了一个不公正的名声。 3. 增加,增添I gained five pounds in a week. 我一个星期体重增加了五磅。 4. 到达We gained our destination before dark. 我们天黑之前到达了目的地。 5. (钟、表等)快My watch gains five minutes a day. 我的表一天快五分钟。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 获利,赚钱;得益(+by/from)We all gained from the experience. 我们都从这次经验中获益。 2. 取得进展;得到改善;增进健康The singer is gaining in popularity. 这歌手越来越受到人们的欢迎。 3. (钟、表等


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