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1、撰写人:_日期:_推荐英语比赛演讲稿 英语比赛演讲稿1 尊敬的各位老师、同学们: 大家早上好! 我的名字叫xx,今年12岁了。这一次,我获得了“全国中小学生英语口语大赛”一等奖,感到非常辛运,在这里,我要感谢我的父母,是他们给我创造了安静的环境让我更好的练习口语;感谢我所在的三义里小学,是这所学校给我了这次参赛的机会;感谢我的班主任程老师,是她精心指导我怎样说英语;感谢我们办的全班同学,是他们一直在支持我,鼓励我。谢谢你们! 我从英语是全班最差的同学,变成了一个获得过“全国中小学生英语口语大赛”一等奖的英语小天才,我无数次的不想再坚持练下去,我用自己与同学们玩的时间,在练字。我是多么希望像别的

2、同学一样,快活的玩着。我就像一个还没有完全学会走路的小孩,一路走的磕磕绊绊,可是,我用自己的毅力克服了自己,慢慢的我去认真地走好每一步,最终我是成功的,我是快乐的! 此时此刻我捧着手中的奖,心里感慨万千。虽然并不多,但我想这每一个奖的背后都是各位同学日夜苦战,用自己的勤奋努力和老师家长们的付出换来的。我不想说我们累,更不想说我们苦。因为我们是青春、潇洒的9后,风雨过后我们依然会展露笑容,今日的累是为了我们明日的辉煌,为了我们肩上那不可推卸的历史重任。我相信我们会做的更好。 不过,获得了奖并不意味着就达到了我们的目标而可以停滞不前。在人生旅途中,获奖只是一种助推器,而不是最根本的动力器。我们要如

3、何前进?答案就掌握在我们自己的手中。所以,奖并不是我们最终的目标,而是我们前进路途中的一股动力。我们应正确看待这种奖励和荣誉。不能因为一时取得好的成绩而骄傲,也不能因为成绩一时不理想而气馁。学习就如逆水行舟,不进则退。只有不断地努力,不骄不躁,认真对待学习,不轻言放弃,看淡得失。以一颗平常心,踏实勤奋。才能取得更优异的成绩,才能创造更美好的未来。当然,没有获得奖的同学更不能放弃。要努力起来,哪怕最终没有成功,最起码自己努力了,也无愧于心。 作为一名学生,面对获奖,我除了些许的紧张和好奇,更多的是一份坦然,我们相信努力就会成功。在此,我也想送上我衷心的祝福,希望你们能放飞自己的理想,创出更美的辉

4、煌。谢谢大家!谢谢大家! 英语比赛演讲稿2 Iy18 eaf l,there a en many thins ivertyday aethebest pao thm. can never forgette dayswenItpped ito my uiveity. Iwas mpesed by t gaeniecapus, it thusistcstudents a especialyits leariatmospher. Iat ncefellin love ithit. etharu miltar trinin, I get absuey absrbednmy tui. Thecasss

5、ivenby teacrsa excllnt.They povie u ith informtn otoly rm ur textbooks bu frommany othr soures well h asily aouemyisaab esireto take in as muc as I can. Franspeaing,tfirt hd some diityfollowig theteachrs.oer, througmy on effortsntanks to m tachersuiace, I made rmable proress. Now Iebnefit a lotromle

6、ctures andmany otheracamic eports. Larnin ia ong proess; Ill keepepoing inth trasue hse of kowlede terich myselfis summrIgt outof the voy toerand enre the eal wrld. pblihin hse ofere me a atim jb complatin and rvision At th beg was belied by my oleaues. Bu te wer reall upried when tanslate ven Engli

7、sh ticles er5,000 wos on only on y. Gadally, the egn to look atme itrsectfl eys. In her inionIturneo o b a useul and trsworhy colea. I lso aize tht onytse w bing apnesr tes a be trly happy. Soften takeart i actitis cocenin pi wlare.I one wentto a bae muntnvillage ith my ssmatsWe taughthe kids tere h

8、oculd no affordschol. Whshowing themhw broa ad hw civlized the oter worldis, Iwas eply toucd by ther eagness to ear, teir hoetyan heir uri. I couldtcntrol y tears on t daywhn we le The preiousexrience th thepoorkid ade wa of the rpsibility h solsof u,utueteache. Besdes sdy an sociapraie, tere are et

9、rtainmns as wel I do body buildin everyda,hping to kee healthy and enetc. Wel riea pay and put ito n sar tim. Caus ife is theos splnd ti. t difntpeople hav diferentcoices. Te majorityof students erish hirbeautiul seaon and cheristhe hope tt one dtheyl ecom otstanding Bt ther ae indeed soe sdetsi und

10、erignrance. he gaher ogethr or atn,drnkn or plin crds. Thyre uy n acing f grlfiendr a boyried. They forgtcomletel abutheiissiona colgestudetand the hp oftheir motherland. Fily, Io hoeryby can try their besttbecoea wrhy ctizen f theoutry. Io ope eerydy canem he bckbone u nti nmae great conruons o soe

11、ty! 英语比赛演讲稿3 et me begi my schwth repay o scenesfmiliato os, if otall,o hosersnteetoda “Mu, Im sorry,bt I e 3,0 yn f m uito ths yr.” “um, it is my fends irthdy omrrow,Imust bu hera prese.” “M,this acket was out of shion log ago, wouldo o a favor ” ake Take Take.Th linshibweea mothranda child lwas ee

12、so fll such a ptterI nw mymothe is way hee forme, rovidng m with eethinIneed; from ood clthn, from tuition poet moey. I neve hoght ti aboutl d ntil one a she aid, “Will there bea ti ht yulsay you hae tanenou frome”Li achild dlessl sking,w huans, thruhout hstory,have been ntinaly emngwhat e desirerom natu. Wenjoy the coort and beaut f our fritue, yet we nevroth to th ut the seru soil eoson use b deforsatn. We e it orgranted hatwe mustwarm oselsin intertimes, yetwe seldm raize th burg awaof eious aualesouces.We ppreite allthe rospeityfro hedevelope o modern indstry,



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