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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 美联英语提供:美联英语:医学英语正确用药说明导学:四药三分毒,所以大家要谨慎用药。不能长期服用一种药品,也不能过量用药,在学习医学英语时,也应该对正确用药这方面有所了解,现在就来和小编一起看看这篇医学英语双语阅读-正确用药Proper use of your medicine正确用药Take medicine only as directed, at the right time, and for the full length of your prescribed treatment. If you are using an over-the-

2、counter (nonprescription) medicine, follow the directions on the label unless otherwise directed by your doctor. If you feel that your medicine is not working for you, check with your doctor.严格按医嘱正确服药,并服完整个疗程。服用非处方药时,如无医嘱规定,应按药品标签说明服药。如感觉药品不起作用,应咨询医生。Different medicines should never be mixed in one

3、container, unless done by your pharmacist. It is best to keep your medicines tightly capped in their original containers when not in use. Do not remove the label since directions for use and other important information may appear on it.除药剂师外,他人概不得将不同药品混放在一个容器内。不用时,最好将药品放在原始包装内,盖紧。不要撕掉药瓶标签说明,因其可能含有使用

4、说明及其他重要信息。To avoid mistakes, do not take medicine in the dark. Always read the label before taking, especially noting the expiration date and any directions for use.为避免差错,勿在暗处服药。坚持在服用前先看药瓶标签,并特别注意其有效期和使用说明。For oral (by mouth) medicines口服药In general, it is best to take oral medicines with a full glas

5、s of water. However, follow your doctors directions. Some medicines should be taken with food, while others should be taken on an empty stomach.一般情况下,服用口服药时最好用开水。但应以医嘱为准。有些药品应与食物同时服用,还有些药品则应空腹服用。When taking most long-acting forms of a medicine, each dose should be swallowed whole. Do not break, crus

6、h, or chew before swallowing unless you have been specifically told that it is all right to do so.服用长效型药品时,每一剂型应整体服用,不得在吞服前弄破、压碎或咀嚼,除非医生另行交待。If you are taking liquid medicines, you should use a specially marked measuring spoon or other device to measure each dose accurately. Ask your pharmacist abou

7、t these devices. The average household teaspoon may not hold the right amount of medicine.服用液体药品时应使用专用刻度药匙或其他量具正确测量每次剂量。也可询问药剂师。普通家用茶匙可能导致药量不准。Oral medicine may come in a number of different dosage forms, such as tablets, capsules, and liquids. If you have trouble swallowing the dosage form prescrib

8、ed for you, check with your doctor. Another dosage form that you can swallow more easily may be available.口服药有多种剂型,如片剂、胶囊、液剂等。如吞服有困难,可咨询医生,医生可为你开具其他易于服用的药品剂型。Use of child-resistant caps on medicine containers is required by law. However, if you find it hard to open such caps, you may ask your pharma

9、cist for a regular, easier-to-open cap. He or she can provide you with a regular cap if you request it. However, you must make this request each time you get a prescription filled.法律要求使用防止儿童打开的瓶盖,但是,如果你觉得这种瓶盖难以打开,可以要求药剂师为你提供普通、容易打开的瓶盖。药剂师可按你要求提供。每次配药你均须如此请求。医学英语中用药说明For skin patches:皮肤膏Apply the pat

10、ch to a clean, dry skin area that has little or no hair and is free of scars, cuts, or irritation. Remove the previous patch before applying a new one.将膏药贴在没有毛发或毛发很少、无疤痕、无伤口、无发炎、干净、干燥的皮肤部位。Apply a new patch if the first one becomes loose or falls off.如所贴膏药已松开或脱落,请更换新膏药。Apply each patch to a differen

11、t area of skin to prevent skin irritation or other problems.每贴膏药应贴在不同部位,以避免刺激皮肤或导致其他问题。Do not try to trim or cut the adhesive patch to adjust the dosage. Check with your doctor if you think the medicine is not working as it should.不要因为药量大小而裁剪膏药。如药物作用不够,可咨询医生。For inhalers:吸入器Medicines that come in in

12、halers usually come with patient directions. Read the directions carefully before using the medicine. If you do not understand the directions, or if you are not sure how to use the inhaler, check with your doctor.吸入性药物通常伴有病人用药说明。用前应仔细阅读说明。如无法看懂或不敢确实如何使用,请咨询医生。Since different types of inhalers may be

13、 used in different ways, it is very important to follow carefully the directions given to you.不同的吸入器有不同的使用方法,因此,使用时务必遵照说明。For ophthalmic (eye) drops:眼药水To prevent contamination, do not let the tip of the eye drop applicator touch any surface (including the eye) and keep the container tightly closed.

14、为防止污染,切勿将点眼器碰触物体表面(包括眼睛),将盖盖紧。The bottle may not be full; this is to provide proper drop control.眼药瓶内留有一定空隙,便于滴药时控制。How to apply: First, wash your hands. Tilt your head back and, with the index finger, pull the lower eyelid away from the eye to form a pouch. Drop the medicine into the pouch and gent

15、ly close your eyes. Do not blink. Keep your eyes closed for 1 to 2 minutes.用法:先洗手。头后仰,用食指将下眼睑下拉,使成袋状。将药物滴入袋内,轻轻合上眼睛。勿眨眼。合眼12分钟。If your medicine is for glaucoma or inflammation of the eye: Follow the directions for application that are listed above. However, immediately after placing the drops in you

16、r eye, apply pressure to the inside corner of the eye with your middle finger. Continue to apply pressure for 1 to 2 minutes after the medicine has been placed in the eye. This will help prevent the medicine from being absorbed into the body and causing side effects.青光眼或炎症眼药:按药物说明使用。药物滴入眼睛后,即用中指按压眼内角12分钟,



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