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1、Task_1_111_42,45,46,51,55 An Uncertain FutureFrom the moment the Chinese set foot on American soil, their dreams have been American dreams, they scrambled for gold in the dirt of California. They aspired to own their own land and business, and fought to have their children educated in American schoo

2、ls alongside other American children. Like most immigrant groups, they came here fleeing war and famine, persecution and poverty. And like the descendants of other immigrant groups, their children have come to call the United States home.The American of today would not be the same American without t

3、he achievements of its ethnic Chinese. Generation after generation, they worked to build the American nation to its present level of greatness. Some fought in the Civil War and built the railroad that welded the country together. Their early struggles for justice created new foundations of law later

4、 used by the civil rights movement. They built Americans earliest rockets and helped win the cold war .In Silicon Valley and elsewhere, their contributions helped establish and maintain U.S. supremacy in the 不确定的未来从中国人踏上美国国土的那一刻起,他们的梦想就变成了美国梦。他们在加利福尼亚的尘土中争夺金子,他们渴望拥有自己的土地与事业,渴望通过战斗,使自己的孩子与美国小孩一样,在学校里

5、受教育。美国华裔们与大部分移民一样,来这儿是为了逃离战争与饥荒,远离迫害与贫穷。又与其他移民的后裔一般,他们的子孙开始称美国为“祖国”。 如果美国除去华裔们为其取得的成就,那它将不会成为今日之美国。一代又一代的华裔子孙,为将美国建设成当的空前盛况而奋斗。他们为内战而搏,建造的铁路使整个国家融为一体。华裔们早期的正义之战,为随后的民权运动奠定了新的法律基础。他们为美国制成了首个火箭并帮助其赢得了冷战。在硅谷和其他地方,他们的贡献使美国在信息时代建立并保持其优势地位。今天这些华裔分散在每个我们可想象的行业中:有投资者,教师,作者,医生,工程师,律师,首席执行官,社会工作者,会计,建筑师,警察,消防

6、员,演员和宇航员。 可悲的是,尽管这么长时间的贡献,许多华裔在美国仍然被当成外国人。大部分新移民者将会遭遇这样的嘲笑:“从哪儿来回哪儿去吧!”就像有人说的,美国华裔们就像客人一样呆在其他人屋子里,不能将脚放在桌子上,不能得到真正的放松。中式口音与文化传统可能会消失,但我们的皮肤颜色与眼睛形状却无法改变。42号这些特性让一些人理所当然地将美国华人视为异类,自然也就称不上是纯正的美国人了。美国大众媒体把美国华人模式化,把他们描绘成与生俱来就与美国人不同,无法改变。因而美国华人的美国化被这种轻而易举但带有欺骗性的模式化蒙上了阴影。推荐精选information age. Today, they ar

7、e dispersed in every profession imaginable as inventors, teachers, authors, doctors, engineers, lawyers, CEOs, social workers, accountants, architects, police chiefs, firefighters, actors, and astronauts.But sadly, despite this long legacy of contribution, many Chinese Americans continue to be regar

8、ded as foreigners. “Go back where you came from” is taunt most new immigrants have faced at some point. As one put it, “Asian Americans feel like were a guest in someone elses house, that we can never really relax and put our feet up on the table.” Accents and cultural traditions may disappear ,but

9、skin tone and the shape of ones eyes do not.These features have eased the way for some to regard ethnic Chinese people as exotic and differentcertainly not “real” Americans. Thus the Americanization of Chinese Americans has been overshadowed by the convenient but dishonest stereotypes in the mass ma

10、rket, which portray them as innately and irreversibly different from their fellow Americans.用人类的观点来看,什么是造成这种不和的因素呢?一个在加利福尼亚洲,西柯汶纳的本地委员会成员,有人在电话里对他说:“哇,你完全就像一个真正的美国人,一点儿都没有中式口音。”医学电视剧中美籍华人医生不多,事实上,美国每六个医生中就有一个是亚裔美国人。1999年6月,刘云平出生于俄亥俄州,在加利福尼亚读大学,在华盛顿邮报上介绍了他做美国空军上尉时的一个小故事:“你是中国空军吗?”旁边一位穿着得体的女士问道。这个问题让我

11、一时说不出话来。要知道我们是在一个颁奖晚宴上,而我正骄傲地穿着美国空军的蓝色制服,佩戴着上尉军衔以及各种勋章和奖牌。因此她的问题使我有些恼怒,也让我意识到就算美国空军的蓝色制服也不足以彻底改变她最初的想法,即亚洲上的黄种人从某些方面来说不算是美国人。推荐精选What, in human terms, is the impact of such divisiveness? Its a native-born Californian, a West Covina city council member, being told over the phone, “Funny, you dont sou

12、nd like a Wong. You sound so American.” Its the virtual absence of Chinese American doctors on medical TV dramas, when in actuality one in every six medical doctors in the United States is Asian American.In June 1999, Ted lieu, a United States Air Force captain who grew up in Ohio and attended colle

13、ge in California, wrote the following for the Washington Post:“Are you in the Chinese Air Force?” the elegantly dressed lady sitting next to me asked. For a moment I was proudly wearing my blue United States Air Force uniform, complete with captains bars, military insignia, and medals. Her question

14、jarred me and made me realize that even Air Force blue was not enough to reserve her initial presumption that people with yellow skin and Asian features are somehow not Americans. I wish this was just an isolated incident. Unfortunately, too many people today still view Asian Americans as foreigners

15、 in America 45号我希望这只是个独立的小插曲。但遗憾的是,时至今日美国仍然有很多人将美国华裔视作在美国的外国人身为美国空军的一名长官,有一天我或许会被要求将生命献给我的国家。如果有人依然对我所说的“我的国家”代表着什么抱有疑问的话,那将是我的耻辱。只需对每个中国出身的美国名人有浅薄的了解,你就会发现,不管他们取得了多么卓越的成就,对美国社会有着多大的贡献,事实上他们每个人的身份或多或少都受到过质疑。宗毓华是美国历史上第二个网络晚间新闻播报的女性联合主持,她在那样一种不受欢迎的新闻编辑室的氛围里挺了过来。作为极少数的女性之一已经够糟了,然而她说:“早期在哥伦比亚广播系统时,71年到7

16、6年,我被称作黄色新闻佬有些话语已经明显涉及了种族问题。”但是到了后期,1990年,有一个叫做克里夫金凯德的华盛顿广播主持人直接称她为“宗国佬”。推荐精选 As an officer in the United States Air Force, one day I may be called to give my life to my country. It would be a shame if some people still question what I mean when I say ”my country ”.Scratch the surface of every American celebrity of Chinese he



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