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1、乳品论文:乳品消费水平对策【中文摘要】随着经济社会的发展,中国居民生活水平也逐渐提 高,膳食营养结构也得到改善,营养价值极高的乳品也渐渐成为居民 餐桌上必不可少的食物之一。乳品消费的持续上升带动中国乳业的长 足发展,然而,进入持续快速发展轨道的中国乳业,与世界发达国家相 比仍有一段距离。要想中国乳业实现跨越发展,从而拉动国民经济的 发展,就必须积极提高居民乳品消费水平,以消费带动生产。因此,研 究如何提高中国居民乳品消费水平成为一个重要课题。城镇居民乳品消费水平踌躇不前,农村市场开拓不力,加上近年来的乳品安全事故, 成为中国乳业发展的瓶颈。本文在参考众多国内外学者的相关研究的 基础上,结合经济

2、学的相关理论,分析了近几年中国乳品消费总水平 及人均消费水平,更深入地了解了当前中国居民乳品消费现状。分析 得知,中国的二元结构特征和区域经济发展不平衡使得城镇和农村的 乳品消费水平表现出差异,2000年至2009年,中国城镇人均乳品消费 水平明显高于农村,但农村乳品消费的增长速度却高于城镇,城乡之 间的差距逐渐缩小;近年来城镇居民对鲜乳品和酸奶的消费需求逐渐 增加,而对奶粉的需求则呈下降趋势;通过对不同收入阶层城镇居民 的乳品消费水平进行比较发现,中等收入户的人均消费水平最接近全 国城镇居民家庭人均消费水平。在对比分析的基础上 ,文章运用定性 和定量相结合的分析方法,分析居民乳品消费的影响因

3、素,并选取收 入水平、滞后一期消费量、乳品价格指数、肉禽及其制品价格指数和 蛋类价格指数五个主要因素进行岭回归估计。 本文采用双对数模型对 时间序列数据进行回归估计,分别得到城镇和农村居民乳品消费的需 求弹性、收入弹性、消费习惯影响弹性和交叉价格弹性。最后结合制 约中国居民乳品消费的因素分析,提出提高消费水平的政策措施,主 要以政府、乳品加工企业、行业协会和消费者四大主体的行动来改善 当前乳品消费现状,不断努力提高中国的乳品消费水平。【英文摘要】 With the rapid developme nt of the economy in China, the residents livings

4、tandards is improving gradually,and the food nutrition structure is improved. The dairy with high nutritional value gradually become essential. Dairy con sumptio n ris ing promotes the rapid developme nt of dairy industry in China. However, the dairy industry in China, entering the sustained and rap

5、id development track, still have a long distanee to the developed countries. In order to realize the dairy in dustry leap ing developme nt in China, and boost ing the n ati onal econo mic developme nt, it is n ecessary to raise reside nts dairy con sumpti on level actively to promot ing the producti

6、 on. Therefore, it is urge nt to in crease the dairy consumption level of rural and urban residents.Theurban dairycon sumpti on level is falteri ng, plus poor rural market developme nt and the dairy accide nts, which has become the binding constraint of Chinese dairy industry. On the basis of study

7、of the scholars at home and abroad, this paper an alyzesChina s dairy consumption, combined with the theory of econo mics, which help us further un dersta nding of the curre nt status. China s dual structure and unbalaneed regional economic development makesurban and rural show differencesindairy co

8、n sumpti on level. From 2000 to 2009, per capita dairy consumption in urban was significantly higher than in rural areas, but the gap betwee n urba n and rural areas has bee n gradually n arrow ing. The figures show that urba n reside nts in crease the dema nd for fresh milk and yogurt con sumpti on

9、, while dema nd for milk powder is decli ning. Compared with that dairy con sumptio n among differe nt in come groups of urba n reside nts, we found the level of middle-i ncome households is closest to the n ati onal per capita con sumpti on level of urba n households.Based on the comparative analys

10、isabove, the paperan alyzes factors of the reside nts dairy con sumpti on comprehe nsively, and selects some factors to estimate the con sumptio n elasticity, appl ying the comb in ati on of qualitative and qua ntitative methods. in the an alysis ofin flue ntialDairy con sumpti on factors, the article uses doublelogarithmic model with the ridge regressi on estimates to research the elasticity of urban and rural residents respectively, which refers to the in come elasticity, the impact


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