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1、 冲刺2016年中考英语写作专题突破 芮 学 国 2016.5.20.o 上海市中考话题给力整合o 04年:Leaving school(毕业时分)o 05年:Growing pains and gains(成长的烦恼与快乐)o 06年:I have a dream (我有一个梦想)o 07年:Things I hate to do(我不喜欢)o 08年:Love around me (我身边的爱)o 09年:I want to do something for my school (我想为学校做点事)o 10年:I am proud of myself (我为我自己而自豪)o 11年:I a

2、m a member of(我是成员)o 12年:为一位临考焦虑的朋友写一封信,给一些建议。o 13年:结合生活中的一个场景,写如何保护我自己How to protect myself o 14年: This time next yearo 15年:I want to invento 16年:?o2016评价指南要求 优秀水平标准: o 能准确运用词汇和句型结构,较生动和详细地描述情景或叙述所给话题,能准确自如地表达态度和感情;能在写作中恰当地引用资料,能应用谚语、俗语等,能清楚地阐述自己的观点和评述他人的观点,具有一定的人文意识。o 能用流畅的语言组织常见体裁的短文,逻辑清楚,结构完整,层次

3、清晰,内容充实,文体恰当。 2016评价指南要求基本要求 主要测试学生根据要求进行书面表达的能力: 运用词汇和语法知识写出正确的句子的能力; 用通顺连贯的语言围绕一个主题进行表达的能力。 1.中考英语作文万能模式“四审四注意写作法”英语写作是中考英语试题中的一道主观性试题,和完形填空题一样属“压轴题”,上海中考英语写作近几年来分值不断上升,现一般为20分,要求考生根据所给情景、图画、英语问题或中文提示等用在20分钟内写出一篇不少于60词的文章,要求意思明确,内容连贯,体裁有议论文、记叙文等,近几年多以夹叙夹议为主,所给提示不多或半命题作文,主题基于“我”、“我”的学习或生活,对审题要求较高,要

4、求考生作文有个性化,能围绕观点有事例展开或进行合理想像(有关联性),层次清晰,有逻辑性。根据中考作文评分标准,语言占8分,内容占8分,组织结构为4分,一般得14分以上方可能有组织结构分,如何在中考中取得高分呢?现结合我教学、命题和阅卷经历,谈一谈“四审四注意写作法”。“四审”:一审标题、文体、格式,这样可以为下面的写作如人称、时态、内容、格式等奠定基础;二审人称,如是第一人称I或we为主还是以第二人称you 或第三人称she, he, it或they为主;三审时态,一般而言,写作时文章应多以现在时(包括一般现在时、一般将来时、现在完成时和现在进行时)或过去时(一般宜用一般过去时或过去进行时,也


6、、although、sothat等状语从句,I think/ I hope/I believe /I m sure (that) 等宾语从句,如用定语从句必须有绝对把握(特别是非限制性定语从句);三注意适当运用关联词,如on the one hand,on the other hand;whats more;in addition;so;however;above all;in a word;luckily等等,这样使文章更有层次、更富逻辑性,若语言和内容没问题,做到第一二三项“注意”就很有希望拿组织结构分。四注意善于运用有把握的词汇或句型,尽量运用课本所学和考纲词句,坚决避免不正确的“中国式

7、英语”,更不能乱“发明”, 一般一篇文章能用6-7个左右的好短语或句式已很不错。最后需要提醒考生的是,中考作文要取得高分,词数不能太少也不能太多,我觉得, 以80词左右为宜。水平非常高的同学可以100词左右,但绝对不能超过120词,基础差的同学也尽力写满60词。另外,现在都是电脑阅卷,书写一定要认真工整,务必用黑色水笔写,以免造成不必要的失分。2部分话题及范文分析(详见以前给大家印发或提供的电子稿) 请注意开头和结尾1). 关于上海的变化 Great changes in Shanghai With the development of science and technology, grea

8、t changes have taken place in Shanghai. Many years ago, there used to be narrow and old bridges ,roads and houses in Shanghai. But now, we can find big bridges, wide roads as well as high buildings everywhere. People used to live in small rooms in narrow streets , but now most of them are living in

9、big and comfortable housing estates. Whats more, we can see grass, lakes and parks here and there. To our great joy, the 2010 Expo was held in Shanghai as well. As a Shanghainese, I feel proud of all these changes. We are sure Shanghai will have a bright future tomorrow. 2). 关于健康 How to keep healthy

10、 As the saying goes, “health is wealth.” Then, how to keep healthy? I think taking exercise is quite necessary and important. It is reported that regular exercise can help us strengthen our hearts and thus keep doctors away. Besides, we have to keep a balanced diet and have healthy eating habits. Fo

11、r example, we should eat more vegetables and fruits instead of too much fried food. All in all, we should keep healthy and fit in order to live a better life and serve our country in the future as well.3). 关于电脑 My View on Computers With the development of science and technology, computers are playin

12、g more and more important parts in our life. They can do most of the things people can do. Through computers, we can gain huge amounts of knowledge and information, especially computers have made the communication with our friends more convenient and easier. But some students are so keen on playing

13、games online that they even hate school. I dont think it is right. In my opinion, we should make good use of computers.4). 关于学习 My way of learning EnglishAs we all know, English is one of the most important languages in the world. So it s important for us to learn. Then how should we learn it well ?

14、 In my opinion, the best way to learn it is to do more listening , speaking , reading and writing. Whats more, we should practice them every day. Of course, interest is the best teacher . The more we learn, the more interesting and helpful well find. Just as the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.

15、” 5). 关于计划My summer holidays planThe summer holidays are coming. In order to improve myself as well as to enjoy a happy holiday, I have made a reasonable plan. Firstly, I will do some reading to improve myself. Therefore, I will go to the bookshops to buy some new books and try my best to finish reading them. Secondly, since it is a holiday , I will go to travel to some places of interest to broaden my eyes and it will enrich my knowledge as well. Last but not least, I will go to visit some of my teachers and


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