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1、七 年 级 各 种 时 态 归 纳 表般 现 在 时单三人称:he, she, it,名词单数,单个人名非单三人称:I, we, you, they, 名词复数,多个人名Be 句 型描 述 目 刖 的 状 况肯定句:主语+ isHe/She is a stude nt.主语 +am/are (只有1用am) I am a teacher. They are in the classroom.否定句:主语+isn tHe/She isnt a stude nt.主语 +am not/ aren t Im not a teacher. They aren ti n the classroom.一般

2、疑问句:Is +主语?Is he/she a stude nt?Are +主语? Are you a teacher? Are they in the classroom?简答:Yes,主语 +is.No,主语 +isnt.Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isnt.Yes,主语 + am/ are.No, 主语 +am not/ aren . Yes, I am./ No, I rm not. Yes, they are./ No, they arent.行 为 动 词 句 型描 述 经习 常惯 性性 的动 的作、肯定句:主语+动词单数He goes to school a

3、t seven oclock every morning.主语+动词原形We go to work on foot every day.否定句:主语+ does nt + 动词原 形He does nt go to school at seve n oclock every morning.主语+ don t+ 动词原形 We dont go to work on foot every day.一般疑问句:Does +主语+动词原形 ?Does he go to school at seve n oclock every morning?Do +主语+动词原形?Do you go to wor

4、k on foot every day?简答:Yes,主语 + does.No,主语 + does nt.Yes, he does.No, hedoes nt.Yes,主语 + do.No,主语 + don .Yes, we do.No, we dont.时间及 频度副词every day/week/m on th/year, etc.in the mornin g/after noon/eve ning,once a week, twice a mon th, three times a day, very ofte n, etc. always, usually, often, somet

5、imes, soldem, never, etc.现 在 进 行 时描述说话瞬间正在进行或发生的动作肯定句:主语+ is+动词的-ingLook ! Li Ming is climbing a tree.主语 + am/are +动词的-ing I am watch ing TV now. Lucy and Michael are play ing basketball on the playgro und at the mome nt.否定句:主语+ isn t+ 动词的-ingLi Mi ng is climbi ng a tree.主语 + am/are not + 动词的-ing Im

6、 not watch ing TV now. Lucy and Michael aren tplaying basketball on the playground at the mome nt.一般疑 问句:Is+主语+动词的-ing?Is Li Mi ng climbi ng a tree?Are+主语+动词的-ing? Are you watch ing TV now? Are Lucy and Michael playing on the playground at the mome nt?简答:Yes,主语 + is. /No,主语 + isn .Yes, he is. /No, h

7、e isnt.Yes,主语 + am/are.No, 主语 + am not/arent. Yes, I am. /No, Im not. Yes, they are. /No, they aren .时间 提示Look! Listen!It s (o clock) now= at the moment 此匕刻般 过 去 时描述过去某个时刻发生的动作肯定句:主语 + 动词的过去式 Shebought a new dress last Saturday.否定句:主语 + didnt + 动词原形.She didnt buy a new dress last Saturday.一般疑问句:Did

8、+ 主语 + 动词原形?Did she buy a new dress last Saturday?简答:Yes,主语 + did. /No,主语 + didnt.Yes, she did. / No, she didnt.时间yesterday 昨天 the day before yesterday 前天 a moment ago= just now=a minute ago 冈U才; last + 时间名词:last Sun day, last year/ week .etc.一段时间 + ago: an hour ago, two days ago, three mon ths ago,

9、 four weeks ago, five years agoetc祈 使 句定义及特点表示命令、请求和商量语气的句子是祈使句。特点:1.动词原形在句首2. please可前也可后 3.变否定句时直接在原句前加Don .肯定句:Clean the blackboard, Jim.(命令的语气)Let s clean the room.(建议、商量的语气)Please have a seat./ Have some tea, please.(邀请、请求的语气)否定句Don t clean the blackboard, Jim.(命令的语气)Let s not clean the room.(建

10、议、商量的语气 )Please don t have a seat./ Don t have any tea, please.(邀请、请求的语气)情 态 动 词情态动词有: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must情态动词禾口 not 缩写:can /ca nnot, could n may not, might not, won , would n , sha nt, should n , must nt肯定句:1. He can sing En glish songs well.2. He must stay in b

11、ed for two days.1.We should help our parents do some housework. 2. You must do your homework first.否定句:1. He cant sing En glish songs well.2. He n eed n t/does n t have to stay in bed for two days.1. We should nt help our pare nts do any housework. 2. You neednt /don t have to do your homework first

12、 .一般疑问句:1. Can he sing En glish songs well?2. Must he stay in bed for two days?1. Should we help our parents do any housework? 2. Must I do my homework first?简答:1. Yes, he can./ No, he can .2. Yes, he must./No, he n eed n t./d on have to.1. Yes, we should. /No, we shouldn .2. Yes, you must. / No, yo

13、u neednt. /don have to.动词变单数规则:1. 一般直接加-s 如:read readslooklooksplay plays2. 以辅音字母加y结尾的,去y再加-ies 女口: baby babiesfamily families3. 以 o, s, x, sh, ch 结尾的力卩-es 女口: go goesdo does fix fixes wash washeswatchwatchespass passes特殊:have hasbe is动词加-ing规则:1. 一般直接力卩-ing女口: read readinglooklooking play playing2.

14、 以不发音的 e 结尾的去 e 再力卩 -ng 女口: move movingmake making take taking3. 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的要双写为字母再加-ing女口:stop stopp ing swim swimmi ng beg in beg inningshop -hopp ing sitsitti ng put putt ingpla n pla nning set sett ing cut cutt ingtrip tripp ing runrunning get gett ing动词变过去式规则:1. 一般直接力卩-ed女口: rainrainedclean cleaned2. 以 e 结尾的直接加-d女如: lovelovedmove movedlikeliked3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的,去y再加-ied女口: study studiedcarry carried4. 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的要双写为字母再加-ed女口:stop stoppedshop shoppedtrip trippedpla n pla ned5. 不规则动词表(要花工夫记忆)


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