【英语】大纲版第2册 课课练Unit8:reading

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1、课课练Unit8:Reading课前预习:无师自通.汉英翻译1.记住,牢记_ 2.处理、对付_3.保持平静_ 4.首先,最重要的是_5.受到伤害_ 6.临近,即将到来_7.使某人处于恢复状态_ 8.使平直_9.滚动_ 10.成功地干某事_ 答案:1.keep in mind 2.do with/deal with 3.stay calm 4.first of all 5.get hurt 6.on the way 7.put sb. in recovery position 8.keep.straight 9.roll over 10.manage to do.单词拼写1.In the str

2、eet I saw a car knocked the old man over,bleeding and _(尖叫).2.The police searched for the only _(证人) to the accident in the society.3.Every minute _(重要) in the examination.4.He always stays _(镇静) in an emergency.5.In an accident,if we were to_ (发慌),we would not be able to help.6.The teacher_ (推荐) th

3、at we had better use this method to solve the problem.7.I asked him many times for the advice on study,but he had no_ (回应).8.We found a man lying on the road but _(清醒);he is all right.9.If a baby is choked,you should pat him _(轻轻地) on the back.10.If a person is bleeding,we should cover the _(伤口) wit

4、h a clean piece of cloth and press on it.答案:1.screaming 2.witness 3.counts 4.calm 5.panic 6.recommended 7.response8.conscious 9.slightly 10.wound/cut 课堂巩固:一点即通.根据课文内容填空 recommend;the letters DR ABC;stands for;make sure;no longer dangerous;is for;do a lot of good;simply asking “Are you all right?”;is

5、 for;that a persons airway is open;is for;that the person can breathe;try to start his or her breathing;mouth-to-mouth method;is for;circulating;cover the wound with a clean piece of cloth and press on the wound to stop the bleedingWhat should we do before giving first aid?Some hospitals _ we use _

6、to remember what to do in an emergency.D_danger.We should first of all _ that the accident scene is .R_response.We can _ by _.A_airway.We must make sure _.B_breathing.We should check _,if not,we must _ using_.C_circulation.Make sure that the persons blood is _.If he is bleeding,we should _.句型转换1.A:I

7、 didnt know more about giving first aid,so I couldnt help them.B:If I _ more about giving first aid,I _ them.2.A:Seconds count in an emergency.B:_ is _ is an emergency in time.3.A:What you should remember,above all,when dealing with an emergency is that you should stay calm.B:The most important thin

8、g to_when dealing with an emergency is _ stay calm. 4.A:By staying calm we will be able to think about what to do and make better decisions.B:_ by staying calm _ be able to think about what to do and make better decisions.5.A:He hurt himself very badly when he was trying to save a girl. B:He _ badly

9、 _ to save a girl.答案:1.had known;could have helped 2.What;important 3.keep in mind;to 4.Only;will we 5.got/was;hurt trying 课后检测:融会贯通.单项选择1.Sorry to give you so much trouble.No trouble_ .Dont mention it.A.in all B.at all C.after all D.at least答案:B提示:at all用于否定句中意为“根本不,一点儿也不”。2.His little brother is a

10、lways _.No one likes him.A.in the way B.on the way C.by the way D.in this way答案:A提示:in the way意为“妨碍别人,挡在道上”。3.All the leading newspapers _ SARS,the terrible disease spreading all around the world.A.reported B.printed C.announced D.published答案:A 提示:报纸当然是“报道”一些消息等。4.We havent heard from Susan a long t

11、ime.What do you suppose _ to her?A.was happening B.has happenedC.to happen D.having happening答案:B提示:do you suppose是插入语,可以不去考虑,即为what has happened to her结构。5.A fire _ in their workshop and now the workshop _ fire.A.happened;is over B.took place;is inC.broke out;is on D.was breaking out;was on答案:C提示:火

12、灾的发生用break out,be on fire是“着火”的状态。6.They would hold a party every weekend,_ any one of them was out on business.A.since B.unless C.except D.when答案:B提示:句意为:除非他们中有人因公外出,否则每个周末都举行晚会。7.I dont know this area quite well,so I suggest we _ this path.A.had better go B.should goC.stick to D.will follow答案:C提示:suggest后用虚拟语气。go along/down this path;stick to意为“不要离开,一直走”。8.He was standing by a gas stove,and his nightdress _ fire.A.took B.started C.set D.caught答案:D 提示:catch fire意为“失火”。9.No matter how she explained she couldnt _ the childs understanding.A.reach B.make C.receive



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