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1、2022大学英语-大学英语六级考试全真模拟卷(附答案带详解)1. 问答题:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of having a sense of family responsibility. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.答案:Home should be where people feel secure and comfortable. Maintaining harmon

2、y at home is essential for the well-being of an individual, a couple and their offspring, and even the society. But many are being plagued by family discord, a problem that boils down to the lack of a sense of family responsibility.Everyone has certain roles to take on in his or her family. Parents

3、are expected to ensure their children are well-nourished and well-educated, helping them build a strong body and great character. We college students also need to take our responsibility as adult children. Being independent of our parents as early as possible lightens the financial burden on them. L

4、earning to be mature and sensible can prevent us from becoming a constant source of worry to them. Fulfilling our filial duty to the best of our abilities allows them to enjoy life in midlife years, retirement and the twilight years.In brief, a sense of responsibility among family members is a prere

5、quisite for a warm and loving family. Often far away from home, we may start by keeping in contact with our parents, as a means to meet our obligations as part of our family. 本题解析:家应该是人们感到安全和舒适的地方。在家里保持和谐对于个人、夫妻及其后代乃至整个社会的幸福至关重要。但许多人正受到家庭不和的困扰,这个问题归根结底是缺乏家庭责任感。每个人在家庭中都有自己的角色。父母应该确保他们的孩子得到良好的营养和教育,帮助

6、他们建立一个强壮的身体和伟大的品格。我们大学生也需要承担起作为成年子女的责任。尽早独立于父母可以减轻他们的经济负担。学会成熟和理智可以防止我们成为他们不断担忧的来源。尽我们最大的能力履行我们的孝道,让他们享受中年、退休和暮年的生活。简言之,家庭成员的责任感是一个温暖而充满爱的家庭的先决条件。经常远离家,我们可以从与父母保持联系开始,以此来履行作为家庭一部分的义务。2. 问答题:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of having a sense of community r

7、espousibility. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.答案:Any community is composed of individuals. Naturally, it matters a great deal to our communities that we have a sense of responsibility towards them.People living in the same area should be considered a group under an ob

8、ligation to create a comfortable living environment for the whole community. Reaching this goal requires a sense of responsibility among all residents, which encourages them to start with small steps, such as to avoid making excessive noise that disturbs their neighbors. Moreover, a sense of collect

9、ive responsibility among us students contributes to a warm and friendly atmosphere, where we respect and help each other, as well as a strong communal sense of belonging. It will ultimately be conducive to our academic and moral progress. After we graduate from college and get employed, we will find

10、 ourselves in a new community made up of colleagues. A sense of community responsibility, also known as team spirit in the workplace, will be the key to forming a united and cohesive group, where we strive towards a common objective in close cooperation with each other.In conclusion, a sense of comm

11、unity responsibility is worth fostering in that it plays a significant role in living, learning and working. 本题解析:任何社区都是由个人组成的。自然,我们对社区有责任感,这对我们的社区来说非常重要。生活在同一地区的人应被视为一个有义务为整个社区创造舒适生活环境的群体。实现这一目标需要所有居民都有责任感,这鼓励他们从小步骤开始,例如避免制造干扰邻居的过度噪音。此外,我们学生之间的集体责任感有助于营造一种温暖友好的气氛,我们相互尊重和帮助,并有强烈的社区归属感。这最终将有利于我们的学术和道

12、德进步。大学毕业后,我们会发现自己在一个由同事组成的新社区。社区责任感,也称工作场所的团队精神,将是形成一个团结一致的群体的关键,我们在那里努力实现共同目标,并相互密切合作。总之,社区责任感值得培养,因为它在生活、学习和工作中起着重要作用。3. 问答题:牡丹(peony)花色艳丽,形象高雅,象征着和平与繁荣,因而在中国被称为“花中之王”。中国许多地方都培育和种植牡丹。千百年来,创作了许多诗歌和绘画赞美牡丹。唐代时期,牡丹在皇家园林普遍种植并被誉为国花,因而特别风行。十世纪时,洛阳古城成为牡丹栽培中心,而且这一地位一直保持到今天。现在,成千上万的国内外游客蜂拥到洛阳参加一年一度的牡丹节,欣赏洛阳

13、牡丹的独特之美,同时探索九朝古都的历史。答案:The peony, boasting bright colors and an elegant appearance, is a symbol of peace and prosperity and thus recognized as king of the flowers in China. Peonies are bred and grown in many parts of the country. Over the centuries, numerous poems and paintings have been created to

14、praise the flower. Peonies were particularly popular during the Tang Dynasty, when they were extensively cultivated in the imperial gardens and praised as the national flower. In the tenth century, the ancient city of Luoyang became the center for peony cultivation, a position it still holds today.

15、Nowadays, thousands of tourists from home and abroad flock to Luoyang for the annual Peony Festival to both admire the unique beauty of the citys peonies and explore the history of the ancient capital of nine dynasties. 本题解析:暂无解析4. 问答题:海南是仅次于台湾的中国第二大岛,是位于中国最南端的省份。海南岛风景秀丽,气候宜人,阳光充足,生物多样,温泉密布,海水清澈,大部分海滩几乎全年都是游泳和日光浴的理想场所,因而被誉为中国的四季花园和度假胜地,每年都吸引了大批中外游客。海南1988年建省以来,旅游业、服务业、高新技术产业飞速发展,是中国唯一的省级经济特区。在中央政府和全国人民的大力支持下,海南将建成中国最大的自由贸易试验区。答案:Hainan Island is the second largest island in China after Taiwan Island and is the province located in the southernmost part of China. Haina



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