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1、综合检测(一)Module 1Europe(满分:120分;时间100分钟).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1(2013陕西高考)Marco Polo is said to have sailed on_Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in_thirteenth century.Athe;aBa;不填C不填;the Dthe;the2Shanghai,Chinas biggest and the most dynamic city,which _ in the Yangtze River Delta,is playing a leading r

2、ole in the countrys economy.Ais situated BsituatedChas situated Dis situating3The first place to visit for foreign friends is the Great Wall,which is the _ of China and one of the seven wonders in the world.Asymbol BsignCsignal Dmark4As is known _ us all,the 2012 Olympic Games were held in London,wh

3、ich is famous _ the Big Ben.Ato;forBfor;asCas;toDfor;for5(2013宁夏高一调研)What does the UFO look like?The wings of it are _ of its body.Amore than the length twiceBtwice more than the lengthCmore than twice the lengthDmore twice than the length6(2013邢台高一期中)Out of the crowded bus _,who was dressed in a bl

4、ack suit,waving to a woman.Aa tall man stepped Bstepped a tall man Cdid a tall man step Da tall man did step 7Miss Li is kind and patient,but she _ the students.Ahas no controls of Bhas control overChas no control of Dhas no control over8Although the children _ in age _ seven to thirteen, they have

5、a lot in common. Aexpand;from Bdiffer;betweenCrange;from Dtell;between9The dictionary as well as the grammar books that _ bookmarks in them _ Jane.Ahas;belong to Bhave;belongs toChave;is belonged to Dhas;are belonged to10After he left college,he was employed in an international company and _ there e

6、ver since.Aworked Bhas workedChad worked Dwas working11In 2012 the Chinese people were always in high spirits,for pieces of exciting news came to China _.Astep by step Bone by oneClittle by little Done after another12In the spoken English of some areas in the US,the“r” sounds at the end of the words

7、_.Aare dropped BdropCare being dropped Dhave dropped13Chen Fang,as well as his two colleagues,_ for a trip to Tibet in a month.Agoes BgoCis going Dare going14One third of the deer _ by the wolves last night.Awas eaten Bis eatenCwere eaten Dare eaten15(2012江苏高考) There is little doubt in your mind tha

8、t he is innocent,_?Ais there Bisnt thereCis he Disnt he .完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Whenever we hear about “the homeless,”most of us think of the Developing World.But the _16_ is that homelessness is everywhere.For example,how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a _17_ count

9、ry like Germany?Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making _18_ for the homeless of Berlin,Germanys capital.They first _19_ one long hot summer when most Germans were _20_ on holiday.Kurt and his wife stayed at home,made sandwiches,_21_ a table in the street and gave food to the ho

10、meless.The Mullers soon realised that food and clothing werent _22_.“What these people also need is warmth and _23_,”says Rita.The Mullers didnt _24_ to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime.Rita _25_ there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home

11、 was always _26_ to anyone who couldnt face another night on the street.The couple were soon _27_ all their time and money,so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to _28_ donations.Today,over thirty companies _29_ donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to _30_ them to the h

12、omeless.The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer _31_ new shoes.Kurt and Rita receive no _32_ for their hard work.“We feel like parents,”says Rita,“and parents shouldnt _33_ money for helping their children.The love we get on the streets is our salary.”Though Rita admits she often

13、gets _34_,she says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a _35_ in the world.16A.resultBtruthCreason Didea17A.traditional BdevelopingCtypical Dwealthy18A.preparations BhousesCmeals Dsuggestions19A.began BmetCcalled Dleft20A.asleep BaloneCacross D. away21A.broug

14、ht up Bset upCput aside Dgave away22A.enough BnecessaryChelpful Dexpensive23A.fame BfreedomCcourage Dcaring24A.hesitate BagreeCpretend Dintend25A.made sense B found outCmade sure Dworked out26A.open BcrowdedCnoisy Dnear27A.costing BwastingCtaking Dspending28A.pay for Bask forClook into Dcarry out29Aaaapletely BcalmlyCregularly Droughly30A.advertise BsellCdeliver Dlend31A.donates BproducesCdesigns Dcollects32A.permission Bpayment Cdirection Dsupport33A.borrow BraiseCsave Dexpect34A.s



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