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1、7B Unit5教案教学目标1. Go over the words, phrases, sentences in Unit 5 of 7B. 2. Explain the important grammar in this unit.3. Improve listening.教学重点1. the words, phrases, sentences2. the important grammar教学难点The difficult problems in the workbook.(中考作业本)教学课题7B Unit 5教学课时2课时备课内容Step One ListeningStep Two

2、Go over the words, phrases, sentences Step Three Do the exercises in the workbook.Step Four Explain the exercises in the workbook.二次备课Step One Listening中考特辑听力Step Two Spoken English.话题简述部分。Step Three Go over the words, phrases, sentences 1. fly -flies fly-flew-flownfly to sp.= go to sp. by air/ plan

3、e2. careful careful-careless be careful to do sth. be careful with sth. take care take care of sb. =look after ab.3. ability 能力have different abilities4. recommend sb. for /as5. give a seat to someone on the bus6. collect things for Project Hopecollect stamps7. visit a home for the elderlyvisit sp.p

4、ay a visit to sp.8. clean upclean up the park9. plant trees10. a brave young man11. help sb. out of 12. alone = on one own= by oneself13. hear sb. do hear sb. doing be heard to do14. hear / listen to He listened carefully, but he couldnt hear anything.hear from sb.=receive / get a letter from sb.15.

5、 数词+名词 a five-year plana sixty-page story book数词+名词+形容词an eight-yesr-old childa 20-meter-wide street16. in the kitchen17. hurt-hurt-hurt(hunt-hunted-hunted)She hurt her leg.Did hurt her herself?18. sth. happen to sp. An accident happened to her last week. What happened to him?19. run back to his fla

6、t run-ran-run20. pour water over his jacket21. rush into22. put out the fire with a blanket put out put on put up put away23. in hospital in the hospital24. help each other learn from each other25. keep sb. (away) fromWe should keep children (away) from danger.keep on keep backkeep doing sth.keep sb

7、. doing sthkeep sb. from doing sth.26. thank sb. for sth./ doing sth.27. call for help call 110 for help28. leave - onDont leave the stove on.Dont leave your computer on when you go to bed.29. think of others first30. be greatful / thankful to sb. for sth.31. fall down fall-fell-fallenfall asleep 入睡

8、fall behind 落后32. have a good memory33. be good at writing34. know a lot about Chinese history35. do ones best to do sth.36. play the piano well37. have good grades in Chinese38. lose ones way get lostStep Four Do the exercises in the workbook.Step Five Explain the exercises in the workbook.教学反思成功之处

9、:(1) 本节课针对初一学生的特点,从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,引导学生形成灵活多样的学习方式,顺利地完成了本节课的教学任务,课堂学习目标达成度高。整节课较好地体现了新课程的理念。(2)呈现自然,符合初一学生的年龄特点。通过the song “Twinkle twinkle little star” 激发学生的兴趣,并引出话题,can /could,这种方法很快吸引了学生的注意力,将枯燥的课堂变成学生喜欢的画面和声音。(3)想方设法激发学生的兴趣,激活学生思维。A.开展小组竞赛活动,调动学生的积极性,使不同层次的学生都能参与到课堂活动中。B.利用看大家

10、都熟悉的图片、唱歌等有趣的活动形式,激发兴趣。C.教态大方、自然,让学生感受到真诚、平等和关爱。学生们积极参加每一项活动,师生互动,生生互动,配合默契,活动质量很高。(4)活动方式多样有趣,发展了学生综合运用语言的能力。本节课开展了多种方式的活动:有个人活动、两人活动、小组活动、全班活动;有学生与学生之间的互动,有教师与学生之间的互动;活动内容有对话、讨论、唱歌等。同学们在这些活动中既积极地学习了新的内容,又对学过的语法进行了归类;既培养了合作意识和探究精神,又充分发展了综合运用语言的能力。(5)联系生活实际,渗透思想教育。本节课中不失时机地对学生进行育人教育。如:在日常生活中火很危险,我们应该向李华学习,做一个勇敢的人,同学之间要互相帮助等等。(6)注重学法指导,通过生动有趣的练习,加强词汇记忆。不足之处: (1)由于时间的关系,小组竞赛的结果没有点评;(2)最后订正学生的写作较少,形式上又太单一了。(3)因同学之间的差距较大,如果让同学自己主动回答问题,就会出现有的同学参与较多,有的参与较少。再教设计:(1)、可设计一些较简单的内容,教师有意识的鼓励学困生回答,调动他们的积极性。(2)、写作成学生互相找错,再用实物投影仪呈现,以达到训练学生的对知识点的掌握能力。另外,在本节课最后,要呈现参考短文,让学生朗读并背诵。检查等次_ 检查人_ 检查时间_



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