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1、七年级上册英语unit6单元基础知识测试题一、词汇梳理A .写出下列单词的相应形式。1. birthday (复数)2. strawberry (复数)3. good (副词)4. health (形容词)5. eat (第三人称单数形式)6. tomato (复数)7. want (第三人称单数形式)7.child(复数)B .根据汉语提示写单词。1.香蕉2.汉堡包3.冰激凌4.沙拉5.梨6.牛奶7.面包8.那么9.鸡蛋10 .胡萝卜11.大米12 .鸡肉13.早饭14.午饭15.明星16.正餐17.星期18.食 物19.当然20 .蔬菜21.水果22.正确的23.苹果24.习惯25.真正地

2、 26.问题27.想要 28.变成二、短语梳理1下周 2.考虑3怎么样 4.向某人询问有关 4. 饮食习惯三、句子梳理1. 你喜欢香蕉吗? ?2. 咱们考虑一下(吃什么)食物吧。Letsthe food.3. 那么我们就吃草莓和苹果吧! lets eat and !3. 她喜欢西红柿吗? she ?5. 你早餐吃什么? do youbreakfast?6. 我可不想变胖。I fat.7. 你喜欢什么水果? do you like?8戴维问排球明星辛迪 史密斯关于她的饮食习惯herDavid the volleyball, Cindy Smith9. 我认为它是健康的。I.10. 最后一个问题,

3、你晚餐后吃冰激凌吗?One last . you eat四、考点一、词汇运用。A) 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成下列单词。1. Eating vegetables is a good (习惯).2. He always has a (梨)after lunch.3. I have m and some bread for breakfast.4. - Can I ask you a q , Eric?-Sure.5. -Do you know Yi Jia nlia n?-Yes, he is a basketball s .B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。6. Do your ( f

4、riend )like vegetables?7. Here are three (tomato) for you.8. Do you like (strawberry )?9. What he (have) for breakfast?10. My cousins want (play ) basketball二、单项选择。()1. -Is your n ame Ala n?-Yes. thats .A. fine B. easy C. right D. good2. -Does your sister eat ?-Y es, she doesA. well B. n ice C. fine

5、 D. goodlun ch?How;/()3. does your father have-Chicke n and tomatoes.A. What; for B. What;/ C How; for D .()4. -Does your En glish teacher sing very-Y es. she does.A.good B. n ice C. great D. well()5. -I like oranges, ?-I like banan as.A. what about yours B. what about youC. how are youD.are these b

6、ananas三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1. -我可以问你一些问题吗?-当然可以。-Can I you some ?2请考虑一下我们学校。Please our school.3. 他真的很胖。Hes very .4. 我姐姐想成为一名老师。My sistera teacher.5我爷爷的饮食习惯很好。My grandfather sare good.四、按要求完成下列各题。1. Shedoesn have any pears (改为肯定向)Shepears.2. Does she like ice- cream?(作否定回答) ,she .3. I don eatoranges e

7、very day (用 Sandra代替 I 改写句子)Sandraoranges every day.4. He has eggs and sala.d (变为否定句)Heeggs salad.5 They like bananas (对画线部分提问)they ?五、情景交际。根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余A: Hello, Jenny. Do you like fruit?B:1A: What fruit do you like?B: I like pin eapples. 2A: I like pin eapples, too. 3B: I like car

8、rots. Do you like them?A: No, I donte the taste (味道)of carrots.B: But theyre healthy.A: 4. I tlry(试)eating some next timeB: Well, Im hungry now. Id like to buy some hot dogs (热狗)A: Oh, no .5A. What about you?BThey reot good for your healthC. Yes, I do.D. Y es, you are right.E. What vegetables do you

9、 like?F. I like ice-cream.G. Do you like it?参考答案6.tomatoes、A) l.birthdays 2.strawberries 3.well 4.healthy 5.eats7.wa nts8.childre n二、1.1.next week 2.think about 3.What/How about 4.ask sb about 5. eating habit三、1.Do you like bananas? 2.think about 3.Then ,strawberries, apples4. Does, like tomatoes 5.

10、What, have for 6.don wtant to be 7.What fruit8. asks, star ,about eating habits 9.think it s heal1th0y.question, Do ,ice-cream after dinner考点V八、一、A )1.habit 2.pear 3.milk 4.question 5.starB)6.friends 7.tomatoes 8.strawberries 9.does, have 10.to play二、1-5 CAADB三、1.ask ,questions 2.think about ,sure 3.really,fat 4.wants to be 5.eating habits四、1.has some 2.No,doesn t 3.doesnt eat 4.doesnt have ,on 5.What do, like五、1-5 CAEDB



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