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1、二、重要内容:第 教学周/第 节(第 次课) 第 页教学目的eaching Objectives:1)oave th class andl te usagef simlepst past pect.) to ae th csslanthekey wors and expressons3) t havet cl dsuss hfis colegeda.教学重点和难点TeachnFcu1) e firs colege day.2) The ay f tlng story Posie DiffiutieCopehni of e tex 教学措施和手段Teahig tchiquesT intrate

2、sevraldffent tachingmtos nd hniques: ecitation;eplaaion; illstration;eciation an dicussn.教 学 基 本 内容备 注Unit Half aDy Cltur tipSchoolsSages ofeucatinAmsPla SchoolNrsery ScholPrecho cationor 25ea-oldhildrenmostly play, wihsomeearly learnig.Infant ShlJniorSchoolPrmary ducainfr5/61/13hildrnlarn some bsis

3、l in eadin, wrting, rithmeic, art, etc.omenv Scooor Gamar ScolSecondr euatinfo 12131/18Studnt stdy a wide range f ubjects in at, scincesand ecnical ar.Colege or UnivertyFurherHihredcati for 1+Stntssy or degres/plmasn specialzed adeicaas.2tructureTh x can be cvenietly dvideno ree partsIn te frst prt

4、(ar1-7), w learn bute bys isivings aut chol.He foun itad to b a from homendom,and tought school waspunisment. The ond prt (pr.-16) ibes howthe b fetbut l. Hefoudt life t schol wsrich colrful in manyay, lthoghi loeqed disciln anhadwk In th last par of the txt (720), the boy wake ot ofhescol to find t

5、ht e se world hdchangdeondmeasur nd that he ad rownitoan ol an.Genral Aalysslot:littl boys first timet go oshol Sttin: on the wao cho atsco ot way home Protagoists:“I”the boyithe toryThme of hstyh foloin ae few possibe undersandigs f the mesg thstry convs hich n do you agee with?rgue with yor gru pa

6、trs ime nd tde ait or no ma.Li s a ed. The isnothi ermanent i lie but hage. Edtocan neerkee up wt chn in scty.Life otand time is precio if is adream.Donttakenything seriouslimegs byquickly anmn thing canake place in ourlifetim Bfoe yu knowit, ane societyis born.Sybolism is usd inthe stoy oplay tethe

7、e: ie is lik a dy of a ild, bite, rich, colorflandshot, whic is a proes growin up,exloinnd aciring.3 Vcbary1 alongsideepBside, nx t在旁边,沿着;和相比 Beside/Ansie hi, my troues othing.和她的相比,我的苦恼算不了什么。2 cluc vt. thold t.or s ighly,e. because o arefrightened, pain, or dono ant to ossomethng om fll to te grod,

8、 cching hs tac macluthig a abystol anedery ns purseSynoyms:hold, seie, rip, gap, gra, snahcutat:o try hrd to hod sth., ephenyoure n a dangeous it rowning an willclutch at astrw. (t r hrd to id sgn hpeo a slutn, venwhn thy are notlikly ist na dfficulto agerossiuation) yny:catchat3 cnvice vt. to make

9、b. felcertain tat sth. is treI cold conice hm of his mitake Hoan I onvinc yu of my sincrity? I maned to convincethmtha t torws tru. a coincn arumen concng evince 作状语的covne ev =ful o cnviction left he oom, coninced/bliving haa war ould come. 她确信一场争执即将发生,便离开了房间。4 vast:a.extrmel lar;peadig gret istaehi

10、nahsa stland nd rchresources. 中国地大物博。Th as pis fiscounr srad f hndesofmiles.Theroup of actrs wa ougt fromNewYorktoLoon a vast epense.yonyms:huge, immense, enomous,ginic,massi, int,coloal, mammt,trmendou,tiani5 hsitate to slow toct bcaus on fees uncertain or unilling who esitaes i lost 当断不断,必受其患。 I c

11、hse ratrt heate my opiion thano srt t rodl. 我喜欢把我的意见讲的模糊某些,而不肯直截了当的把她讲出来。hitate to do 踌躇不决做某事Hehstatet bk law 她怕违背法律。 hesitte aou/a/i/vr (dig) st 对踌躇不决ne hestaed about hhoice betwen the two uivetes.这两所大学简拿不定主意究竟挑哪一所。Hes stillhitating aout joinin th eedio.6ing t: 1) o hold tghl;o elease oes grip on抓紧,紧握Thelittl hil clngo his mothr for omot.me of te ictis ofth fire climbot of te buildig, ln thewinow edge for a minuteor o then ppedotherdeat a hndrd feet elow.2) refue to et go 坚守,坚持Se clung to the hopeta he wasill aliv.Why do ve tcling t theold cusm? 墨守成规Col



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