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1、2022年考博英语-通用考博英语考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.It is a collection of photos.B.It is an introduction to music.C.It is about the city of Bruges.D.It is a book of European history.问题2选项A.When writing about Belgiums coastal regions.B.W

2、hen taking pictures for a concert catalogue.C.When vacationing in an Italian coastal city.D.When painting the concert hall of Bruges.问题3选项A.The rich heritage of Europe will be lost completely.B.The seawater of Europe will be seriously polluted.C.The entire European coastline will be submerged.D.The

3、major European scenic spots will disappear.问题4选项A.Tourists use wooden paths to reach their hotels in the morning.B.It attracts large numbers of tourists from home and abroad.C.People cannot get around without using boats.D.Its waterways are being increasingly polluted.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A【解析】Con

4、versation TwoW: Mr. De Keyzer, Im a great lover of your book Moments Before the Flood. Can you tell us how you first became interested in this subject matter?M: In 2006, 6 when the concert hall of the city of Bruges asked me to take some pictures for a catalogue for a new concert season around the t

5、heme of water, I found myself working along the Belgian coastline. As there had been numerous alarming articles in the press about a climate catastrophe waiting to happen, I started looking at the sea and the beach very differently, a place where I spent so many perfect days as a child. This fear of

6、 a looming danger became 5 the subject of a large-scale photo project.W: 5 You wrote in the book, “I dont want to photograph the disaster; I want to photograph the disaster waiting to happen.” Can you talk a bit about that?M: 7 It is clear now that its a matter of time before the entire European coa

7、stline disappears under water. The same goes for numerous big cities around the world. My idea was to photograph this beautiful and very unique coastline, rich in history, before its too lateas a last witness.W: Can you talk a bit about how history plays a role in this project?M: Sure. The project i

8、s also about the history of Europe looking at the sea and wondering when the next enemy would appear. In the images, you see all kinds of possible defense constructions to hold back the Romans, Germans, Vikings, and now nature as enemy number one. For example, there is the image of the bridge into t

9、he sea taken at the Normandy D-Day landing site. Also, Venice, the city eternally threatened by the sea, 8 where every morning wooden pathways have to be set up to allow tourists to reach their hotels.W: Thank you, Mr. De Keyzer. It was a pleasure to have you with us today.5. What does the man say a

10、bout the book Moments Before the Flood?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于洪水来临前这本书,男士说了什么?录音开头,男士提到他受邀为新一季音乐会拍摄以水为主题的照片时恰巧在海边工作,因有感于如此美丽的海滩日后有可能因气候灾难而消失于水下,便将这种对潜在危险的恐惧作为一个大型摄影项目的主题。根据关键信息the subject of a large-scale photo project(一个大型摄影项目的主题)可知,男士认为Moments Before the Flood是一本照片集,因此A选项正确。B选项“它是一本介绍音乐的书”和C选项“它是一本关于布鲁

11、日市的书”只是利用个别词来设置干扰,与题干不相干,因此排除;D选项“一本讲述欧洲历史的书”,录音最后虽然提及欧洲的历史,但欧洲历史只是其中的一部分内容,并不是完全讲述欧洲历史,因此D选项表述不准确。6. When did the man get his idea for the work?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问男士是什么时候想到开始这个工作的?录音开头,女士便询问男士一开始是怎样对这一主题感兴趣的。男士回答当时布鲁日市的音乐厅要求他为新一季音乐会拍摄一系列以水为主题的照片,B选项“那时为音乐会拍摄一系列照片”是对录音原文的概括,因此正确。A选项“写关于比利时沿海地区的文章”,录音只是

12、提及男士受邀为音乐会拍摄照片时,他正好在比利时沿海地区工作,因此A选项不正确;C选项“那时在意大利沿海城市度假”在录音中并没有提及;D选项“那时为布鲁日音乐厅绘画”主要错在painting一词,与原文表述的take some pictures不符,因此可排除。7. What will happen when the climate catastrophe occurs?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问当气候灾难发生时,会发生什么? 录音开头,女士请男士就书中的一句话进行解释:“我不想拍摄日后的灾难情景,我只想在灾难来临前拍下最后的美好”。男士回答道,现在很清楚的是,整个欧洲海岸线消失在水下只是

13、个时间问题。C选项中的be submerged是录音中disappears under water的同义替换,因此C选项“整个欧洲海岸将会被淹没”正确。A选项“欧洲丰富的文化遗产将会完全失去”;B选项“欧洲的海水将会被严重污染”和D选项“主要的欧洲景点将会消失”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此可排除。8. What does the man say about Venice?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于威尼斯,男士说了什么?男士最后提及,威尼斯这个城市一直都被海水威胁着,每天早上游客都要踏着搭建好的木板小道到达自己的旅店。A选项“早上游客们通过木制的小路到达旅馆”与录音原文表述相符,因此正

14、确。B选项“吸引了大批来自国内外的游客”;C选项“人们没有船就不能四处走动”和D选项“水道日益受到污染”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此可排除。2. 单选题When one of my roommates broke his leg during a basketball game, the doctor at the clinic said that he couldnt cure it, so we had to take him to the hospital five kilometers from here.问题1选项A.broke his leg duringB.at the clin

15、icC.couldnt cure itD.the hospital five kilometers from here.E.没有问题【答案】A【解析】介词误用。During改成in。during表示“在期间“,其强调动作的延续性,但broke his leg是发生在某一特定时点的并无时间上持续性的动作。3. 单选题The human criterion for perfect vision is 20/20 for reading the standard lines on a Snellen eye chart without a hitch. The score is determined by how well you read lines of letters of different sizes from 20 feet away. But being able to read the bottom line on the eye chart does not mean approximate perfection as far as other species are concerned. Most birds would consider us very visually handicapped.



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