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1、一、英语句子的基本知识(一)英语句子按交际功能的分类1. 陈述句(declarative sentence)用来陈述一项事实或说话人的看法。例如:We looked upon our youth as the future of our mother-land.I havent finished my work yet.There are various kinds of jobs in the world.2. 疑问句 (interrogative sentence)疑问句提出问题,启发读者思考,文章中正确使用疑问句可以加深读者对主题的理解。疑问句可以分为一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和

2、反义疑问句。一般疑问句 (general questions)Can you finish the work in time?Have you concluded the business?特殊疑问句(wh-Questions)Where do you work?Which point of views is most valid?选择疑问句(alternative questions)Do you want coffee or tea?反义疑问句(tag-questions)He doesnt know her, does he?3. 祈使句(imperative sentence)用来表达

3、命令、请求或建议。例如:Dont be late next time!Lets not talk about it any more.John take these books to the reading-room!4. 感叹句(exclamatory sentence)用来表示强烈的情感。例如:What a long time we have been waiting!How hard they are working now!The patient went out without the doctors permission!(二)英语句子按语法结构的分类1.简单句(simple se

4、ntence)简单句只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语动词(或并列谓语动词)。例如:The whole village came out to welcome him home.The temperature and pressure are controlled and adjusted with these switches.2.并列句(compound sentence )并列句是由等立连词或分号把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起。例如:An urgent telegram was sent to her husband and she was waiting for a reply.Y

5、ou cant count on him to help; he is such a busy man.3. 复合句(complex sentence)复合句,即主从复合句,是有关联词连接主句和从句构成的。例如:Whether we go or not has not been decided.It shocked me that Peter did not tell anybody where he was.I dont doubt that he can do a good job of it.二、英语基本句型的扩展 在用英语写作时,我们可以通过句型的扩展-增加某些修饰或限定成分,加大句子

6、信息量,避免使用干巴巴的句子组织文章。适当增加某些修饰或限定成分,可以使句子结构严谨,语义连贯,表意清晰,逻辑性强。现举几例,以供参考。(1)The students work hard. The students work very hard. The students in our class work very hard. In our class the students work hard from morning till night.(2) This is for us to decide. How to use it is for us to decide. How to us

7、e it is for us, not for the computer, to decide.(3) Do not leave the building! Do not leave the building until instructed to do so.(4) Robinson will take a plane. Robinson will take a plane in spite of his dislike of flying. Robinson will take a plane, even though he dislikes flying. 句子的适当扩展,不仅可以增大句

8、子的信息量,而且可以收到一定的修饰效果。但是,句子的扩展是为了表达思想,要有目的的扩展,决不可以为了扩展而扩展,而且句子的扩展应适度,无限度地增加修饰、限定、插入成分,就会把句子写得冗长、啰嗦,破坏句子的严谨性。三、避免写不完整的句子 所谓完整的句子,一是要求结构完整,二是要求意义完整,要避免残缺句(fragment) 和溶合句(fused sentence)等。一个完整的句子是由至少包含一个主语和一个谓语的一组词构成的。这个句子不论长短只能有一个中心思想。试分析以下三个句子:(1) On the evening of Friday, the fourth of December, a wee

9、k before she left for Chicago, Mrs. Smith had an accident while she was driving home from the supermarket.(2) I was walking in the park yesterday morning, and saw a snake.(3) Ernest Hemingway was an American novelist, and he won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. 上面三个句子,第一句虽然比较长,但只有一个中心,即Mrs. Smi

10、th had an accident. 后面两个句子不符合句子只能有一个中心的写作要求,没有完整的句义。可以改为主从句或把其中一句改为修饰性短语以及同位语:Yesterday morning, while I was walking in the park, I saw a snake.Ernest Hemingway, an American novelist, won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.不完整句子还有以下情况需要避免:1. 避免残缺句(fragment) 残缺句包括从属分句和短语,它们仅仅是句子的一部分,不能独立存在。例如:Altho

11、ugh he tired.Spent too much time watching television.Selling newspaper on the crowded streets. 要想使这些从属分句和短语有意义,必须把它们附属在相应的句子中,而不能另成一句。下面是改正后的句子:Tom continued to work although he was tired.His son spent too much time watching television.We found the boys selling newspaper on the crowded streets.2. 避免

12、错误的省略。 用词简省是写出漂亮英文句子的一个窍门,但不能随意省掉一些属于固定搭配的或有助于理解句意的词。通常这些词决定着句义语法结构的完整和意义的完整,省掉就会出现句子不完整的现象,影响读者理解。常见的省略错误有:1)部分谓语的省略 错误地省略部分谓语,会使句子结构失去平衡。例如:Cheerleaders always have and always will do their best to stimulate enthusiasm at the games.改为: Cheerleaders always have done and always will do the best to s

13、timulate enthusiasm at the games.2) 介词的省略有些词需要固定的介词与之搭配使用,当它们出现在并列结构中时,除非它们所需的介词是一致的,否则介词不能省略。例如:Mr. William has confidence and ambition for his son.改为:Mr. William has confidence in and ambition for his son.3) 比较级中必要词的省略例一:I said I had more respect for him than his wife. (缺少必要的词,造成句意不清)改为:I said I h

14、ad more respect for him than his wife did.或:I said I had more respect for him than for his wife.例二:To her the silence of the desert at night was more terrifying than a wolf. (不合逻辑)改为:To her the silence of the desert at night was more terrifying than the howl of a wolf.3. 避免连写句 当两个或两个以上的独立句子被错误地用逗号隔开

15、或根本就没有标点符号相连,就形成了连写句(run-on sentence)。有的书把用逗号分割成两个完整的句子而中间又无并列连词的句子叫逗号错接句(comma splice), 而把两个独立句子间无任何标点符号的句子叫溶合句(run-on)。例如: I ran to the door my sister stormed in suddenly she burst into tears. (溶合句) She cleaned the room, he prepared the lunch. (逗号错接句)改正这种句子可采用以下四种方法,试以第一句为例:(1)中间用句号使各句子独立。 I ran to the door. My sister stormed in. Suddenly she burst into tears.(2)如果两个句子意思联系紧密,也可用分号分开,分号后用小写字母开头。I ran to the door; my sister stormed in; suddenly she burst into tears.(3) 两个句子若平等重要,也可用并列连词and, but, or, for, nor等连成并列句。 I ran to t



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