仁爱版英语七年级下册Unit 8 topic 3 section A 导学案

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1、TFCF中学七年级英语学科导学案Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather Topic 3 Lets celebrate! Section A 目 录英语学科导学案撰写:TFCF优秀获奖作品3目录一、课题:二、考点:三、学习目标:四、示题型:五、理思路,找规律,键模型:六、训练达标:七、教与学反思:TFCF中学七年级英语学科导学案主备人: 审 核 人: 授课类型:班 级: 学生姓名: 上课时间:一、课题:Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather Topic 3 Lets celebrate! Section A 第一课时二、考点:一般现在时

2、描述经常的或习惯性的动作和状态。三、学习目标:必备知识:词汇应用:festival,Spring Festival,dumpling,Christmas,sweet,pie等;关键能力:能够正确使用一般现在时描述经常的或习惯性的动作和状态;德育渗透:参与课堂活动,大胆发言,勇于探索知识。四、示题型:Task 1 完成课本97页1a,把下面的问题和正确的答案配对。Task 2 完成课本97页1b,阅读下面的这封信,并完成表格。Task3 完成课本96页1c,假设你正在放假,并在一个有趣的地方做短途旅游,给你的朋友写一张明信片,告诉他/她你的经历和感受。五、理思路,找规律,键模型: 六、训练达标:

3、(一) 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1 . Many English people eat turkey and p_ on Thanksgiving Day.2. There are many f_ in china.3. People watch the show of lantern and guess r_ on lunar January 15th.4. In Spring Festival, parents give their children gifts and money for good l_in the new year.5. What s_ food do you h

4、ave in Mid-autumn Day?6. In China many children play with lanterns on Lantern F_.7. Americans eat turkey and p_ with their families to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.(二) 单项选择题:( ) 1. Please remember _ the door when you leave the room.A. close B. to close C. closing D. to closing( )2. He cant _ English?

5、He is _ a lie.A. say; telling B. speak; saying C. speak; telling D. talk; speaking( ) 3. The weather here is fine _. Its a good place _ your holidays.A. all the year round; spend B. all the round; spendC. all the round; to spend D. all the year round; to spend( ) 4. Where is Kangkang? He is ill. He

6、_ at home.A. can be B. may be C. must be D. be( ) 5. What about visiting the Great Wall tomorrow? That _ really wonderful.A. sounds B. sound C. sound like D. sounded七、教与学反思:TFCF中学七年级英语学科导学案主备人: 审 核 人: 授课类型:班 级: 学生姓名: 上课时间:一、课题:Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather Topic 3 Lets celebrate! Section A 第二课时

7、二、考点:中西方的重要节日及风俗习惯,中西方文化的差异。三、学习目标:必备知识:词汇应用:Easter,believe,Christ,Mid-autumn Festival,mooncake,full,moon等;关键能力:运用庆祝节日等交际功能的基本表达进行交流,学习中西方重要节日及风俗习惯;德育渗透:能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。四、示题型:Task 1 完成课本98页2,看图,听录音并圈出正确的节日名字,然后再听录音,完成句子。Task 2 完成课本98页3,听录音,朗读下面的单词,注意蓝色部分字母的发音。五、理思路,找规律,键模型: 六、训练达标:(一)单项

8、选择题:( ) 1. Many Chinese families burn pictures of kitchen God, Zao Shen, _ good luck.A. to bring B. bring C. for bring D. brings( ) 2. I hope _ together with my father.A. get B. gets C. to get D. got( ) 3. Tomorrow is April 1st .It s _.A. April Fool s Day B. Mother s Day C. Father s Day D. May Day(

9、)4. We must learn from _.A. other B. each C. each other D. they( ) 5. People eat dumplings _ good luck.A. for B. with C. of D. at(二) 句型转换。1. Mr. Green likes playing tricks on others.( 同义句 )Mr. Green likes playing _ _ on others.2. Christmas Day is December 25th.( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ Christmas?3. He comes back. I tell you at once.( 改成条件状语从句 )If he _ back, I _ _ you at once.4. I found many candies and toys in it. I got up in the morning.( 用 when 合并两个句子 )_.七、教与学反思:TFCF中学七年级英语学科导学案


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