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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! My hobby用英语写出你的兴趣,爱好,应包括你的兴趣爱好是什么,你为什么喜欢这个爱好?你从什么时候开始对这个爱好产生兴趣的?你一段时间内要花多少时间在这个爱好上?你能够从这个爱好上学习得好什么?问题答案提示解释你的爱好是什么?My hobby is爱好兴趣:hoppyhoppy你收集一些东西吗?I have a collection of/I like collecting用have a collection of/ like collectinghave a collection of=collect sth.:收集; 例如I have a

2、 collection of stamps. / I like collect stamps. 你为什么喜欢它呢?Because its 因为:Because回答为什么的句子用Because什么使你对它感兴趣呢?Because 可以是多种理由你一周或一个月在这个爱好上花多长?I spend in doing it / on it.花费时间:spendSpend time in doing sth. 或spend time on sth. 例如 I spend an hour in collect ing stamps./ I spend an hour on collection.你能够从这个

3、爱好上学习或得到什么?It can not only make us,but also help us to .不仅而且:not onlybut alsonot onlybut also连接两个句子:swimming can not only make us strong and healthy,but also help us to keep in good shape.你还有其他的哪些爱好?举例说明I enjoy ,such as 例如:such assuch as 前面要加逗号,其后只能举一个例子你除了是一个你也是一个?I am a as well as a也,同,和:as well a

4、sas well as 连接并列的成分My friends hobby假如你是以用英语写出你朋友的兴趣,爱好,应包括他(她)是谁?什么性别?兴趣爱好是什么,他(她)为什么喜欢这个爱好?你从什么时候开始对这个爱好产生兴趣的?他(她)一段时间内要花多少时间在这个爱好上?他(她)还有其它的哪些爱好?问题答案提示解释你朋友的名子是?My friends name is.某人的名子:ones nameones name 是单数谓语用is你朋友是男孩还是女孩?She /He is a girl/boy.人称代词she/he她/他的爱好是什么?His/Her hobby is .爱好兴趣:hobby hob

5、by 是可数名词她/他为什么喜欢它呢?Because its 因为:Because回答为什么的句子用Because什么使她/他对它感兴趣呢?His/Her father taught him to play when he was only five years old.可以是多种理由所以,她/他现在擅长它吗?As a result , She /He is good at it. 所以,因此:as a result擅长:be good at as a result 常用于引导一个句子她/他一周或一个月在这个爱好上花多长?She /He spends in doing it / on it.

6、她/他还有其他的哪些爱好?举例说明She /He enjoys , such as 例如:such assuch as,其后以同类事物或人中的几个为例且前面要加逗号她/他除了是一个也是一个?She /He is a as well as a也,同,和:as well asas well as 连接并列的成分;例如:She has played in the school team as well as in the national competion. 翻译 我朋友的爱好我朋友叫汤姆,My friends name is Tom. 他是个男孩。Hes a boy. 他喜欢下棋(play ch

7、ess).He likes playing chess. 当他只有五岁的时候,他的爸爸就教他下棋了,His father taught him to play when he was only five years old,所以,and as a result,现在他非常擅长它了。he is very good at it now.他已经参加过学校和国际象棋比赛。He has played in the school team as well as in the national competitions. 但是汤姆不仅仅是个棋手。他喜欢户外运动,例如在乡村散步或爬山My friends ho

8、bby2模块My best friend以用英语写出关于友谊的文章,应包括你最好的朋友是谁?你们的友谊是如何开始的?你为什么对这个朋友如此看重?你们在一起做什么很愉快?你们的友谊在继续着还是结束了?会改变吗?问题答案提示解释你最好的朋友是谁?. is my best friend.最好的:best你们是在哪里认识的?I met in primar school.遇到:meet这里要用一般过去时态你们的友谊是如何开始的?At frist we were just friends at school,but we were grew older,we started doing other thi

9、ngs together.刚开始:at frist开始做某事:start doing句子表达要用一般过去时态你为什么对这个朋友如此看重?We were like 像:be likeWe were like brothers( sisters).你们在一起做什么很愉快?We spend time at the weekend/after school. 在周末:at the weekend放学:after school你们现在常见面吗?为什么?Then we,and we didnt see each other very often.后来:Then不同的:different互相:each ot

10、herWe went to different junior school.如果很久没有见面,后来又是怎样遇见的?But someday when I ,I found she/he,too.So we tarted together ;但是:But当时候:when一起:togetherWhen I joined a new football club,I found Peter in the club,too你们现在还是好朋友吗?In fact,we built ship,because we knew each other so well.实际上:in fact建立:builtWe bui

11、lt a great goal-scoring partnership.你们的友谊会改变吗?I think wellin the future.在将来:in the future在将来,用一般将来时态My friend假如你是莉莉,以用英语介绍你的朋友露西,你们是初中认识的并且已经有几年了。在学校,开始你们只是朋友。但是随着年龄的增长,你们发现有许多共同点。你们都喜欢下课后一起玩。你们就像姐妹一样。但是,现在你们是年轻人,似乎都变化了。你们对友谊不再有相同的看法。你很怀念以前的友谊。你该怎么办?或许你该交新的朋友,或许你应该尽量挽回你们的友谊。问题答案提示解释你是谁?Im Lily.你的朋友是

12、谁?Lucy is my friend.你们认识多久了,在哪里认识的?Lucy and I have been for years since we were at primar school.长达:for自从:sinceFor 后要跟一段时间,since 后跟时间点你们的友谊是如何开始的?At frist we were just friends at school,but we were grew older,we had many things in common.刚开始:at frist开始做某事:start doing句子表达要用一般过去时态你们的关系好到哪种程度?We were l

13、ike sisters.像:be likeWe were like sisters(brothers).你们喜欢什么时候在一起玩?We would like to spend time after school. 放学:after schoolWould like to do sth. 喜欢做某事你们现在为什么没有以前感情好了?But now that we are teenagers,we seem to be changing,we dont have the opinion about friendship any more.似乎:seem to be不再: not any moreWe

14、 seem to be changing.We dont have the same opinion any more.你想继续你们的友谊吗?I want to stay friends with Lucy.和保持友谊:stay friends with想要做某事:want to do sth.你想继续你们的友谊,你该怎么办?Maybe I shoud try to get our friend ship back again.或许:MaybeMaybe 通常位于句首如果不能继续你们的友谊你该怎么办?Maybe I should make new friends.应该:shouldI should make new friends. 翻译下列短文:我最好的朋友 我在中学遇到了皮特。我们发现我们是同桌。起初,我们仅仅在学校是朋友,但是随着我们长大,我们开始一起做其他的事情。在周末,我们喜欢在彼此家里一起度过,而且我们的父母带我们一起去度假。我们就像亲兄弟一样。 后来, 我们去了不同的高中(junior)就没有经常见面了。但是,一天晚上当我加入一个新的足球俱乐部时,我发现皮特也在俱乐部里。因此,我们开始一周两次在一起练习 ,后来 在一个队里踢球。事实上,我们建立了非常好的搭档关系,大概因为我们很了解对方



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